Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 5: Planting Frames (1)

"You ... Ruan Mengmeng, who is your dead girl, who will allow you to lock the room door!"

Qin Fang had just lost his temper in the corridor, and turned around at this time to see Ruan Mengmeng locked the door.

Ruan Mengmeng ignored her, and locked the door, she put the key in her bag, took Qin Fang as air, and went to her room.

Seeing such Ruan Mengmeng, Qin Fang was shaking with anger.

Ruan Shishi and Ruan Mengmeng, these little bitches, will always ignore her.

This has been the case since eleven years ago.

At the beginning, she managed to transform into a small third, and married into Ruan's family, thinking that she would be able to do well in Ruan's family.

Who knows, the two daughters left by Ruan Zhaotian's ex-wife didn't even show her any respect.

Even though Ruan Zhaotian was fancy, she really hurt her daughter. Her father was not partial, and she couldn't take these two dead girls.

At that time, Ruan Shishi was just a teenage girl, Ruan Mengmeng was even younger, not even ten years old.

As a result, an IQ is so high that it becomes A-state.

He returned from an overseas MBA degree in his teens and became Ruan's. He only took a few years to become CEO.

The other, although not as clever as her sister, was born with strength. Even if she could not speak herself, pushing it a little could make her bones fall apart.

These two sisters, in these eleven years, were almost a thorn in Qin Fang's heart.

Until this year, she had thought that she could no longer be pregnant, and she suddenly became pregnant unexpectedly.

And Ruan Shishi's biggest eye nail, she died in a car accident.

Qin Fang was at Ruan's house and turned over.

"Ruan Mengmeng, please stand still for me!"

Qin Fang always wanted to clean up Ruan Mengmeng, relying on her belly, and boldly reached out to drag her.

"Let go!" Ruan Mengmeng didn't want to care about this woman at all. "I want to go back to the room, you don't let go, don't blame me!"

"Okay, do you want to hit me? Come on, follow this hit, hit my belly!" Qin Fang stood up for more than eight months, and approached Ruan Mengmeng.

"Nervous ..." Ruan Mengmeng didn't bother to care about her, and walked around by bypassing her.

"Jiaojiao, block the way! If she doesn't hit me today, I would never return to the room!" , How much strength will be.

She kept her daughter Ruan Jiaojiao behind, and she stood in front of her with her stomach up.

The mother and daughter were stuck in the corridor, and the road back to Ruan Mengmeng's house was blocked.

Mom's mental retardation!

Ruan Mengmeng really wanted to roll the pair of mentally retarded mother and daughter together and throw them downstairs.

But no, she knows that if she really hits the mother and daughter, she will be in a treacherous scheme.

Ruan Mengmeng meditated three times in her heart, ‘The world is so beautiful, but I ’m so irritable, so bad, bad…’

Then take a deep breath and turn to the stairs.

She couldn't stay at home for the time being, so she went to Mu Jingxing next door.

"Ruan Mengmeng, what are you counseling! You are not polite to me, why don't you do it?" Qin Fang's smug laugh came from behind him.

Ruan Mengmeng turned a deaf ear and went on.

The laughter behind him didn't stop, but Qin Fang followed up, and said sarcastically and ironically behind her.


Taking a deep breath, Ruan Mengmeng clenched his fists and went downstairs.

Just stepped on the next step and was suddenly pushed behind--

Qin Fang was irritated by Ruan Mengmeng's indifferent attitude. When she saw that she and Ruan Jiaojiao were the only one on the second floor, she turned her head to her.

Who knows ...

"What are you doing?" Ruan Mengmeng didn't move at all, turned to her side, and frowned at her.

"You ... how do you ..."

Qin Fang was startled, but did not expect that she had made all her efforts and could not push her.

At such a short distance, being stared at by Ruan Mengmeng's cold eyes, Qin Fang retreated subconsciously.

Who knows, this retreat, but stepped into the air.

"Ah-" Qin Fang's face turned transient, and she could not call for help, and her body had fallen down towards the stairs.

"Be careful ..." Ruan Mengmeng reached out subconsciously.

In panic, Qin Fang instinctively grabbed Ruan Mengmeng's hand.

She was bulky, and Ruan Mengmeng was crooked by the rescuer's center of gravity, and could no longer stand ...

"Guru Guru ... Bang--"

After a few loud sounds, the whole villa was quiet.

It wasn't until two seconds later that Ruan Jiaojiao, who was standing on the stairs, reacted.

"Ah-ambulance, call an ambulance, my sister pushed my mother downstairs!"