Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 573: Ruan Meng Meng is too small

Chapter 573: Abandoned Ruan Meng Meng

Old Lady Ruan was afraid of Ruan Jiaojiao's worries, and she added: "If not, you can tell Li Ershao and let Li Ershao clean up her for you! Even if the dead girl has more strength, Li Ershao sends some You can also teach her, Jiao Jiao, you can rest assured. "

Ruan Jiaojiao said timidly, but she didn't dare to answer too clearly.

The whole family thought that she was going on a vacation with Li Ershao, and by the way she had a big breast and returned.

She told her family that Li Ershao liked it, so she made her bigger to please him.

But actually ...

Think of a WeChat that has been unresponsive since it was breast augmented.

Ruan Jiaojiao's heart grew heavier.

She couldn't help turning her eyes to the direction of Ruan Mengmeng's room-Ruan Mengmeng's boyfriend, the surname was actually handsome.

Ruan Jiaojiao and Mrs. Ruan have different ideas.

She remembered that during the school election, Yujun Yuyi was accompanied by the chairman.

I also remember the luxury cars he drove--

Ruan Jiaojiao has an intuition that this man may not be really poor. Maybe he is the kind of invisible rich man who doesn't show up.

A ambition to win, can not help but emerge from Ruan Jiaojiao's heart.

Ruan Jiaojiao raised her ‘big watermelon’ in front of her chest and raised her lips—she decided that a second child is not yet insured, and she has to find more protection for herself.

It's better to be near the water platform, so start with this Yuejun Yu!


Ruan Mengmeng, who was brought back to the room by Li Junyu, muttered, closed the door and locked.

Then let Li Junyu sit down.

The girl sat on the little sofa opposite him and said righteously: "You ... Li Junyu ... Honestly answer me ... Do you think I have a small chest?"

The tyrant who was pressed down and questioned by Ruan Mengmeng raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why do you ask ...?"

He was very clear just now next door.

He likes her, and he likes Ruan Mengmeng no matter what size he is.

It wasn't her. He wasn't interested in anyone, any figure.

Thinking of this, the man's eyes fell down and fell on the girl's pretty rounded curve.

The eyes lightened slightly.

Ruan Mengmeng narrowed his eyes: "Don't leave the subject first ... tell me if you think you have a small chest!"

The girl's attitude was resolute and a little unhappy.

Li Jun Yu coldly said: "I don't know."

"What, you don't know? !!!" Ruan Mengmeng almost jumped up.

"Um." Li Junyu nodded, with a serious face: "Otherwise you take off your coat, let me see ..."

Talking, the man had stood up and walked to the girl.

He leaned down, resting his hands on the sofa backs on the left and right sides of Ruan Mengmeng, and the tall figure covered her.

"Or ... I rub it myself to see if it fits, huh?"

The last ending, still picking up, with magnetic temptation.

Ruan Mengmeng stayed for three seconds, and then suddenly came over—

"You ... Li Junyu, you stinky gangster, you're open again!"

What asceticism is high, and shit's asceticism is high. Li Junyu, who was unsmiling when he met for the first time, wrote that his face must not be entered.

Ruan Mengmeng got up on the sofa and wrapped around Li Junyu's neck, he was about to throw him down.

But this posture of "throwing arms and giving arms" happened to be embraced by the man.

Li Junyu's big palm rested on the little girl's buttocks, turned around and hugged her to bed.

"Even if it's a rogue, it's only for you ... I don't give it a try, how do I know if I will be disgusted?"

[Second more, the next chapter before 21: 30 ~ Yes, the original tyrant is dead, now this is someone posing as]

(End of this chapter)