Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 70: Gossip with Male God

Ruan Mengmeng stood in the hallway, leaned against the wall, and found her cell phone from her pocket.

Oh, there was no one in the corridor during the class. She happened to be playing games outside and was happy.

Who knows, as soon as I touched my phone, I heard footsteps.

When he looked up, he saw Li Junche's tall and thin figure coming out from the front door of the classroom.

He leaned over his head, and the eyes of the two just crossed in the air.

Ruan Mengmeng narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Junche with a look of caution.

And Li Junche, if nothing happened, walked to her, leaned against the wall, and put his hand in the pocket of school pants, his expression was loose.

"Why did you come out?" Gao Hanqiu's attitude of speaking just now was obviously partial to Li Junche.

She didn't believe that Gao Hanqiu was willing to let Li Junche, a talented student who could skip the grade, punish him.

Li Junche didn't answer, glanced at her, and took out a lollipop from his pants pocket, took off the sugar coating, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The sweet smell instantly fills the entire taste buds.

Just then, Ruan Mengmeng heard a comfortable sigh.

The depressed low gasp was like the gasp A breath from the depths of the throat when doing something.

Ruan Mengmeng was stunned.

Turning his head, he stared at Li Junche who was enjoying the lollipop.

The beautiful young man's fair complexion had a reddish appearance as before in the classroom.


Just in the classroom, it wasn't her dazzling eyes that she read correctly!

"What to see ..." At this moment, Li Junche turned over her head and handed her a cool look, "Don't be affectionate, I'm not here to accompany you, I just come out to eat sugar."

He loves sweets, and when he wants to eat but can't, he will be as hard to control as he has committed a heart addiction.

Even the body has uncomfortable reactions.

Unfortunately, at school, even if he is Yuejun Che and Li Junche, he doesn't want to let people know that as a boy, he is addicted to sugar.

If you want to maintain the high coldness, you cannot eat sweets as you like.

"You mean ... you were in there just now, that way, that way ..."

Ruan Mengmeng felt so ashamed of Li Junche's crimson complexion and saying to herself, "I want it, I'm so uncomfortable."

"Actually just ... a sugar addict?"

"Just know, don't tell anyone." Li Junche's cold eyes glanced, hiding a warning.

As soon as the voice fell, the bell was ringing just after class.

Li Junche took the opportunity to bite the lollipop, pulled out the small plastic stick, and stuffed it into the hands of Ruan Mengmeng, who had not returned to the world, with the sugar coating on it.

Then he took a step away.

As soon as his front foot left, Gao Hanqiu rushed out of the classroom immediately.

Gao Hanqiu was worried about Yuejun Che, afraid that the child would be distorted by Ruan Mengmeng.

Who knows, when he walked outside, there was only the back of Yuejun Che going away.

And, the girl who was stupid standing in the same place, holding the mobile phone in one hand and the lollipop paper and the small stick that she had eaten in one hand.

"Ruan Mengmeng--"

Gao Hanqiu shouted angrily, "I let you stand, I didn't let you play games and eat sugar!"


Ruan Mengmeng transferred to class three (1) on the first day, and spread the rumor that the class teacher Lao Gao was so angry that he almost committed hypertension and spread it throughout the school.

But even more exaggerated than this news, it was the scandal between her and Zhixue male **** Yuejun Che.

It is said that ...

Yuejun Che, who never eats sweets, went to the school canteen to buy a lot of sweets in order to get close to Ruan Mengmeng.

Just put it on Ruan Mengmeng's desk and let her enjoy it.

It is said that ...

The male **** not only bought sweets in the canteen, but also went to the school cafeteria to order an afternoon dessert for the entire semester.

Zhixue is a private middle school. Lunch can be arranged at will as long as the students have money.

The male **** set a lunchtime dessert for the entire semester, that is to say, in the next semester, he will probably have Ruan Mengmeng for lunch.

As long as this is in mind, other girls in high school are jealous of Ruan Mengmeng's jealousy.

The younger brother is also very cute, OK?

What's more, the male **** is so handsome and handsome!

However, after Li Junche ’s day of ‘destruction’, Ruan Mengmeng, who finally came home, had to face new problems.

At this moment, in front of her, Ling Bei is announcing Li Junyu's new decision.

"The young master temporarily went abroad for a week. Before leaving, he specifically instructed the young lady to study well. So starting today, you will increase your make-up time every night to four hours."

Immediately after Ling Bei's voice fell, Ruan Mengmeng saw Teacher Cao standing behind him, her low shoulders shaking.