Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 779: Tyrant sends Lady Ruan to the police sta

Chapter 779: Tyrant Sends Old Ruan To The Police Station

Ruan Mengmeng shook her head: "I have no opinion."

Apart from her anxiety, she was not dissatisfied with the police officer's actions.

But compared with Ruan Mengmeng's indifferent, the old lady's face changed in an instant.


Mrs. Ruan said several ‘I ’s in a row, but she could n’t say anything for a long time.

She has opinions, she has great opinions!

Mrs. Ruan only felt that she had smashed her foot with a stone, and it was heavy and severe.

Why was she stupid enough to get the police involved?

Now the police are going to see the old man. Can Ruan Mengmeng go in and see the old man? What's the difference?

No, of course there are differences, and the differences can be significant.

The police went in a hundred times more trouble than Ruan Mengmeng went in.

To deal with Ruan Mengmeng, she can also suppress with grandma's generation.

What can she do against the police?

If the old man doesn't remember his old feelings, he will sue the police, then ... what will she do then? ?

The old lady's face changed a few times. In the end, there was no other way but to suddenly snoring and pull the policeman's hand: "No, you are not allowed in ... I don't agree ..."

The police officer's face changed and felt strange.

It was they who called him to the police. Now he has to deal with it impartially. How can they oppose them?

The police officer was a little upset, and Shen Sheng asked, "Old lady, why don't you agree?"

"I ... I ..." With a guilty look, Mrs. Ruan shuttled between Ruan Mengmeng and the police.

Suddenly, her hazy eyes lit up and thought of a way.

"How do I know if you colluded with her? Her boyfriend has money and can buy a hospital, maybe he can buy a policeman!"

"Yes, that's it. I don't believe you won't let you in ... I have to go in and verify myself. I don't believe anyone else! Hurry up, I don't want to talk to you!

Hey, this old lady ...

The police were almost unhappy with her words.

Noisy, she was playing their police as monkeys, wasting police resources!

The police officer's face was dark, and he was about to be severely criticized. A low, cold voice passed from outside the crowd.

"It doesn't matter, since the old lady doesn't want to talk to the police officer here, then go back to the police station and say ..."

With the sound of this extremely cold voice, the tall and long figure of the man appeared in the crowd.

Li Junyu stepped quickly from the crowd, and Ling Nan, a tall man, opened the way for him.

There were two police officers behind him. The expressions of the two police officers were extremely serious. After seeing Mrs. Ruan sharply, she wanted to lock her up.

Mrs. Ruan didn't know the danger was coming.

She saw Yuejun Yu appear, and although she was afraid, she still spoke stubbornly: "This is our Nguyen family thing, and it is not your turn to get an outsider to intervene-Mr. Yue, I usually treat you well, you ca n’t just because of yourself It ’s Mengmeng ’s boyfriend who has the power and power to bully me on an old lady with conscience! ”

Li Junyu's lips cornered coldly, and did not return to the old lady Ruan at all.

He went directly to Ruan Mengmeng, and took the girl to her arms, whispering: "Just now I have a clue over the hospital. I'm contacting the police to investigate, so I didn't receive your call. How? Wasn't it hurt by your grandma? "

Since the girl was abducted last time, Li Junyu has been a little overly nervous about her.

"No ..." The girl shook her head, all a bit nervous and couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)