Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 781: Arouse anger

Chapter 781: Arousing Indignation

"She said you were neurotic!"

Ruan Xueqin's voice did not fall, and the aunt who was standing aside could not help answering Ruan Mengmeng.

Immediately afterwards, several passers-by stood up.

"Yes, the little girl is right. You and your mother are unreasonable. Isn't it a neurosis?"

"That is, such a vicious old lady in your family has been taken away by the comrades of the police ... The police of the other people have said that the surveillance has been taken, and you are so embarrassed to call the thief here!"

"Huh, you all treat others as fools, thinking that the world is your own smart! I think you are about the same as your old lady, and it ’s not much better ... why your father is not in the ICU ward, and is still arguing! "

Onlooking at the crowd, you said nothing to me, Ruan Xueqin said that there was no room for complacency.

She had never lost such a face in front of so many people.

Seeing that more and more people gathered to hear the noise, Ruan Xueqin couldn't care about accounting with Ruan Mengmeng, her head was covered with a face, and the crowd was crowded out.

When she saw her aunt being taken away, Ruan Mengmeng looked gratefully at the enthusiasts who spoke for herself.

A farce ended in the crusade of the crowd.

It was not lively and the crowd dispersed.

Li Junyu patted Ruan Mengmeng: "Let's go, let's go and see your grandpa ..."

He had heard from Master Lingnan that Master Lao asked. At this moment, Li Junyu was just as curious as Ruan Mengmeng.

The old man who just woke up indicated what he wanted to see them for.


Ruan Mengmeng followed Li Junyu's disinfection and cleaning, put on isolation clothes, and approached the sterile ward.

When they saw the old man, the old man's condition was beyond their expectation.

The old man just woke up, but he was not weak, and the doctor said he recovered well.

However, compared to his physical condition, the slump shown by Father Ruan mentally is amazing.

The old man has always been an optimistic and positive person.

In Ruan Mengmeng's childhood memories, her grandpa was tenacious, and often tiring outside for family and life and work.

He often eats and sleeps in the company and doesn't have much time to go home, but every time he comes back to see them, he behaves abnormally.

But no matter how toiled, Grandpa never showed fatigue, he was always trembling, as if he was inexhaustible, he was a tireless pillar.

Later, even if his father and sister asked him to take over the company, he let him retire and healed.

When he was in the worst health a few years ago, he said that he had a particularly painful treatment and had many injections and many medicines. Grandpa had never despaired.

Although his eyes were cloudy because of his old age, his eyes were bright and savvy. Those eyes were full of enthusiasm and hope for life.

Unlike now, dim, as if despairing of the world.

When Ruan Mengmeng saw such an old man, she even breathed lighter.

She approached step by step, went to the bed, and called gently: "Grandpa ..."

The old man who just woke up and still needs a ventilator to recover, didn't sleep at this moment.

He was lying flat on the bed, his face up, his eyes staring at the ceiling with empty eyes-without closing his eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking.

But those eyes, which used to look particularly energetic, were dark at this time, as if covered with a layer of invisible gray mist, and no more glory.

(End of this chapter)