Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 810: Successful divorce

Chapter 810: Successful Divorce

Ten minutes later, Ruan Mengmeng called and left the corridor.

Ruan Jiaojiao's sneaky figure came out from the corner.

She looked at Ruan Mengmeng's direction of departure, exposing her eyes.

Ruan Mengmeng ... You dare to point your finger at Xiaoyu ...

You insidious and cunning woman, I must tell you to grandma and dad!


Christmas Eve, December 24.

For many, it was a fun and lively night.

But for the Ruan family, it is doomed to be a sleepless night.

After a long day, Mr. Ruan and Mrs. Ruan met and negotiated.

Mrs. Ruan finally agreed to sign a divorce after Mr. Ruan promised to give her an additional 2% share in addition to the half of her net worth that should have been given to her.

In the ward, Ruan Mengmeng saw her grandpa.

"Grandpa, you have to give so many shares to get divorced, don't you regret it?"

Nguyen's was worked out by her grandfather, and was handed over to her father.

Her dad has a 31% stake in Ruan's and grandpa has 20%.

Now, after the divorce agreement is signed, her grandfather has only 8% of the shares left for retirement, and the remaining 12% are all grandma.

"No regrets. Grandpa is a half-footed man who has stepped into the coffin. What is the use of that money? Unfortunately, my family is cute. My grandfather said that I would give you 20% of the shares, but now only 8% ... "

"Grandpa, don't say that, I don't care about this ..."

She wanted her grandfather to live a hundred years, never to leave, and she never needed those legacy.

The old man sighed: "Stupid boy, where is the longevity of this world. Grandpa has decided to move to the nursing home after the divorce formalities with your grandma."

"What, you don't talk to Grandma Yu ..."

Ruan Mengmeng was surprised.

She thought that her grandfather would get divorced despite all possible obstacles, first because she hated her grandmother, and second because she wanted to make up for her regrets and reunite with grandma Yu.

The old man shook his head and waved his hand: "How could it be with her again ... impossible, impossible ..."

After bringing so much damage to Qin Yue, what other face does he have in front of her?

Except for the trustee taking care of Qin Yue and sending her some chai oil and salt, he is no longer qualified to appear in front of her.

When he didn't know the truth of the year, he dared to meet Qin Yue.

But when he knew everything, he never dared again ...

He, why?

"Grandpa, in fact, you were also in the dark. If you tell your grandmother Yu clearly, you ..."

"No, stupid boy, you don't understand ... your grandmother hated it, but I hated it too! I said Ai Qinyue, in fact, when I found out she was married, I didn't even dare to ask Just ask! I'm just because of my inferiority and I'm not confident about myself ... "

"I was afraid of being hurt, so I chose to run away ... I am not qualified to say that I love her ..."

Father Ruan's words are really esoteric.

At this time, Ruan Mengmeng, who does not know much about love, is hard to understand the truth.

Her relationship with Li Junyu was almost perfect.

Even if it was the "in secret love", "in the middle of it" and "cold war" in the middle, in the face of real twists and turns, it was just a trifle.

She didn't understand what Grandpa said, why she didn't dare to see Grandma Yu after she finally ended a relationship.


When the years go by, after time has been polished, look back ...

Mengmeng would really understand what Grandpa Ruan said to her this evening, what it meant.

(End of this chapter)