Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 956: Who is her biological father

Chapter 956: Who Is Her Biological Father

"Have you finished your assessment? How did you do?"

Coming together in the morning, Ruan Mengmeng bought a newspaper and returned to sit at the table in the ward to evaluate the score.

Chen Qingzhi came in from outside, holding a bill of payment in his hand, and came up nervously.

"Hmm ... I haven't finished the evaluation yet ..." Ruan Mengmeng shook his head and felt that he was about to faint.

She had just counted the score, and her head was dizzy.

She knew that it was the old problem of "fainting calculation"-just like in the examination room that day, even if she tried hard, "fainting calculation" would still be "fainting calculation".

"Why so slow, you've been thinking for a long time ..." Chen Qingzhi put up the newspaper impatiently.

"Forget it, don't judge the score first, let's move to another place and hurry. Lingnan doesn't know how to do it, but actually paid a few days' deposit. Now the ward's deposit has been used up, and one day is owed Missed. "

"Yes, this kind of VIP ward also costs 10,000 yuan a day, and it ca n’t afford it ... The nurses seem to be afraid that we ran away. They have been urged twice today. low."

Then, Chen Qingzhi put the payment slip in his hand and put it in front of Ruan Mengmeng.

Her graceful and gentle voice followed: "Well, mother is out of money now, Meng Meng ... you go and pay."

Chen Qingzhi was netted out of the house, and all her accounts were frozen.

When Li left, even the jewelry was pulled down.

"Well, I know ..." Ruan Mengmeng pinched the payment slip without talking.

Her own account is actually running out of money.

I used to invest a lot of money in investigating my sister's affairs, but later I did 'that thing' and it cost a lot.

Later, she was so busy studying and falling in love that she didn't go to make money for a long time.

In this blink of an eye, more than 12,000 yuan remained in her private account.

After paying 10,000 yuan, there are only more than 2,000 left.

"Mom, after the 10,000 yuan is handed over, let's leave the hospital today and live in another place."

The VIP ward of the hospital that Li's looking for cannot afford to live at all.

It's 10,000 yuan a day to live here, and their current situation cannot afford to live at all.

"Change ... change place to live? Why change place to live?" Chen Qing's face froze, and those bright eyes flashed a little unwillingly.

Although the service attitude of this hospital is not very good, at least the window is clear and the care is quite comfortable.

Everything is close to a five-star hotel.

Moreover, if they leave like this and wait for Ruan Mengmeng's college entrance examination results, how will Ling Nan find them?

She is still waiting for Ling Nan to give her that one million 'bonus'.

"Mom, I only have 12,000 yuan in my account ... If you pay this 10,000 yuan, there will be only 2,000 yuan. We ... can't afford it ..."

Although she didn't want to disappoint her mother, Ruan Mengmeng said it.

This is reality, and they have to face it.

"What? You ... you only have 12,000 yuan! You, you have been with Li Junyu for so long, you actually made so much money!"

Chen Qingzhi seemed to be unwilling to believe, covering his mouth and marveling.

And when Ruan Mengmeng heard the words 'Li Junyu', even though he deliberately ignored them, those aquatic eyes still couldn't help shaking.

"Mom ... this is our business. It has nothing to do with that person."

"It doesn't matter ... we will fall to the ground today and blame him ... Ruan Mengmeng, you have finished the test now, just go to him again. Yes, go to him, aren't you strong? Just while he's not paying attention to blocking his car on the way to work, otherwise you ... "

"Mom, stop talking."

Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help but plug Chen Qingzhi's mouth with another topic.

"If you have to say it, you might as well tell me, who is my biological father?"

[Next chapter before 22:50]

(End of this chapter)