Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 996: Distressed this little girl

Chapter 996: Distressed This Little Girl

Flying Sniper!

It is the legendary flying sniper!

An unexpected gunshot in the air, Bang—

Headshot each other perfectly.

The last opponent also fell down, and the word 'Victory' appeared on the screen of the game. Ruan Mengmeng's small face had always been flat before finally showing a slight smile.

She calmly exited the game, switched to the QQ interface, and found an acquaintance QQ who had issued a bill to herself.

Open the dialog box, Ruan Mengmeng enters a paragraph and sends it to--

[The last number is also available. Each of the three numbers is 2,000, for a total of 6000 yuan, or according to the old rules of 37 points, just hit my account. 】

According to the rules, the other party came to the boss who placed the order and offered 30% of the charge.

She is responsible for the effort and takes 70%.

70% of 6,000 yuan is ... that is ...

The girl was silent and sad, her eyes inexplicably dizzy, she quickly stopped her mental arithmetic, took off her headphones, and breathed.

"Little ... little girl ... don't you mind? You don't look so good, don't you stay up all night and feel uncomfortable?"

Just then, a voice of concern suddenly came from behind him.

Ruan Mengmeng, who had just taken off the headset, turned around, only to discover that the uncle, the boss of the Internet cafe, was standing behind himself with a bowl of instant noodles.

I don't know how long I have stood ...

"Boss, you ..."

"Oh, I'm here to send you instant noodles. I don't think you've had dinner all night. You must be hungry. Come on ... come on ...

Ruan Mengmeng didn't call instant noodles clearly, but the well-bearded bearded boss just couldn't stand it.

He placed the instant noodles in front of Ruan Mengmeng and urged her.

In the eyes, all was distressed.

He knew that there must be some reason why such a delicate, pink and tender girl would not go home every night and play games all night and all night.

I just stood behind her and saw that she was chatting with someone. It turned out that the girl was soaking in the Internet cafe every night, all to make money for the sake of playing!

Alas, today's children are not easy.

Don't look at the little girl's actions in the game every second, extremely powerful.

But she worked hard all night long for two weeks and only made thousands of dollars.

This money may be easier than some office workers outside.

But the boss looked in his eyes and knew that the little girl could earn so much because of her powerful operation.

One is that all the hard money is earned.

Fighting day and night, all that consumes is his own health.

"Thank you, boss, remember to deduct this money from my card. Don't eat it like I did last time."

Ruan Mengmeng was really hungry, thanked the boss, and ate it politely.

When she was at Ruan's house, although she was always bullied by Qin Fang secretly, Ruan Zhaotian was there, and she was never shorter than her in eating and drinking.

She went to Liyuan and was even more particular about eating.

Exquisite and luxurious, all the dishes are carefully prepared by Michelin-level masters.

Instant noodles ...

It was a bit embarrassing to say.

If she hadn't come to an Internet cafe, she had lived for twenty years and had never eaten such a thing.

"Eat slowly, don't worry, if you are hungry, and ..." The bearded boss saw the girl eating very fast and thought she was hungry.

Ruan Mengmeng, while drinking the soup, took the time to look up and said, "Thank you boss, this bowl is enough. I just want to hurry up, and I want to hurry up and take a few more orders."

Since the boss has been standing behind her waiting, the content of her QQ chat with others just now must have been seen by the boss.

Anyway, she is not an e-sports star, and playing on behalf of is not uncommon, so it does not matter to the boss.

Ruan Mengmeng did n’t mention it, her boss frowned when she mentioned it.

[Before 22:40 in the next chapter, the game part was difficult to write. It was not necessary and I didn't want to write it, so don't talk about my hydrology. I do n’t write games for hydrology ~]

(End of this chapter)