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Chapter 754: Magic Gate Event


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"I believe in your son," Tang Tang said, "I've considered it. How can I contact you?"

"I will come every day until you agree or disagree," said the mysterious woman.

"If I refuse, will you be disappointed? Will you use strong?" Tang Tang asked suddenly.

"Disappointment is okay, it is not necessary to use strong, you do not cooperate, I will not use you to catch you back." The mysterious woman shook her head.

"Okay, then you come tomorrow, I will give you a reply!" Tang Tang said.

"Then it's settled." The mysterious woman finished, and left with a scent of incense.

At her speed, in fact, at the auction, I am afraid that no one can chase her without using miles, and she may not want to reveal her identity by using that thing.

Tong Tangtang sighed sighingly as she looked at the disappearance of the mysterious woman. She found that she would often feel involuntary. She now understands Xiao Chen very well, but in fact she should always understand it. Those words that she said to Xiao Chen before were just afraid that Xiao Chen would worry about her.

She and Xiao Chen are also a couple who came from the common adversity. How could it be said that they broke up? It's just that some things can't be changed by personal ability ...

I shook my head. Now that a decision has been made, Tang Tang intends to go out and get something to eat, because he is in a bad mood and has not eaten for a day.

"Sister Tang Tang, why didn't I see you all day, why did you go?" Yue Shaoqun was surprised when he saw Tang Tang coming out: "Do you think my dress looks good? Do you like Xiao Chen's old meeting?"

"Sick!" Tang Tang glanced at him, throwing out two words instead of continuing to talk to each other, but walked to the villa kitchen. Although the Xiao family has a restaurant, each villa has a separate kitchenette, which is placed in the refrigerator Some fast food.

Xun Yue Shaoqun didn't mind it, and continued to humming the small song, trying a dress: "You are my little skirt, it looks so nice on the group ..."

Tang Tangtang just took a sip of milk and sprayed it out ...

The king Wang Tieqiu tangled Wang Run and Wang Botian together and held a family meeting of the Wang family.

"Tell me, did Xiao Chen ’s little king eight calves really run away?" Wang Tieqiu lived for several days without seeing Xiao Chen at all, so it is basically certain that Xiao Chen was no longer at Xiao's house.

"Father, I think this must be the case. Since we are still here, it's a bit ugly, let's go back!" Wang Benran said, "Besides, it's not convenient to handle family business here!

"No phone? No one? No video?" Wang Tieqiu glared at Wang and ran, and said angrily, "Boom, what do you say?"

"I said ... Grandpa, it doesn't make sense here now, we are here, then the boss of Xiao Chen will definitely not return, it is better that we go back first and wait for him to come back!" Wang Qiantian suggested.

"Yes, the idea of ​​fried heaven is good! Let's come when he comes, let's go when he's gone!" Wang Tieqiu nodded with satisfaction: "Running, you learn a little, why is it so awkward for a grown-up to be a little bit lost ? Your son is better than you! "

"I ... Go ..." Wang Benpao almost burst into tears. Is there a difference between what I said and what he said? It's just saying differently.

既然 "That being the case, let's leave soon and then return to Heaven!" Wang Tieqiu gave a final voice.

Here, Xiao Chen finished his meal and handed out the iron from the outer world to Xu Yinde. After going through the formalities, it was time to leave.

Xiao Chen is not in the research base. He is not as annoying as Song Bilian. He ’s okay when he ’s ‘Dream is sailing ☆ drunk and happy’. He returned to Tianfang Province by car the next morning. Go back and hand in the task.

出 When getting out of Tianfang Provincial Highway, Xiao Chen, a commercial car in front, looked familiar, and looked carefully at the car number. I wipe it. Isn't this Wang Tieqiu's car? Are they back?

Xiao Chen was startled, but think about his car is mysterious investigation bureau, and he looks like Yang Jiannan, Wang Tieqiu should not recognize it.

"Brother Yang, isn't that the car of the Wang family?" Xia Xibin, who drove the car, recognized it, but thought that Wang Chake was still in the car, so he said nothing more.

"Well, it's from the Wang family." Xiao Chen was still very happy, and Wang Tieqiu finally left, otherwise it would be annoying to worry about Grandpa all day long at home: "Don't worry about them."

"Okay." Xia Xibin nodded and drove directly to the Mystery Investigation Bureau.

Last night, Xia Zhijiu had learned the news of Xiao Chen's successful completion of the task, and also knew that Song Bilian intervened in the personnel arrangement of the research base, but the latter was irrelevant to him.

In the conference room, Xia committed to look at Ling Tianxia proudly and sighed: "We are all here, now is the world of young people! I remember that every time we went to the auction to buy things, it was not so smooth. Either they were collectively rejected by the identity of the Mystery Investigation Bureau, or they were robbed by the underworld, or they did not compete with others! And Deputy Director Yang not only had a reasonable price, but also arrived at the research base safely. What is this? That kind of ability? I think such talents should talk about promotion. We old people must not hinder the development of young people! "

Although he said with a sigh, it didn't look like unhappiness, but a smile on his face.

But Song Bilian's face is extremely ugly. His ranking is just before Yang Jiannan, and Yang Jiannan goes further. Isn't that about him? But Xia Zhan dedicated himself to this damaging statement and could not refute it. He could only laugh and said, "Young people should practice more!"

"Well, let's not talk about this anymore." Ling Tianxia said: "I just received the above notice. I was going to retire this year, but it delayed my retirement indefinitely, waiting for a new appointment letter."

He said, Ling Tianxia handed a document to the people present. Xia Zhili's face changed. He was working for the position of Executive Deputy Director of the Mystery Investigation Bureau. Now a paper document has shattered his dream.

Although he didn't understand what the above meant, this document could not be faked. After Xia committed to reading it, he gave it to Song Bilian.

Song Bilian is very happy. He has always been afraid of Xia Zhishou. If Xia Zhishou really becomes high, he will be miserable. However, Ling Tianxia ’s indefinite delay in retirement means that Xia Zhishui has no chance. The reason is that What, the result is good anyway.

The document was passed around for a while, but Xiao Chen didn't care. In fact, his impression of Ling Tianxia was pretty good. This person was at least fair, and he was in charge of the overall situation.

"Next, talk about Deputy Commissioner Yang. Deputy Commissioner Yang has established great achievements this time. It is logical that he should be promoted, but because of some things, everyone was unwilling to announce it. This can only be regarded as Deputy Commissioner Yang's. The first achievement. "Ling Tian waved his hand, and the matter was settled as follows:" The following is an important thing to know, everyone knows that in the outer martial arts, there has been planning for the magic gate event and running for the magic gate Lord, we must follow up on this matter! "

After hearing the words, everyone looked stunned, including Song Bilian. After all, the Mystery Investigation Bureau's control over the foreign martial arts is very weak. Although there is a group A to check and balance, in fact, the group A cooperates with the foreign martial arts guild, which basically plays a regulating role. Group B has such strong control over the ordinary family and the true martial family.

I was already very weak. If the martial arts in the foreign martial arts were united again, the mystery investigation bureau would not be able to intervene at all, and it would be difficult for even the foreign martial arts association to intervene in the magic gates any more.

"Everyone knows our current situation. If all the magic gates in the foreign martial arts unite and heed the orders of the magic gate masters, it will inevitably have a great impact on our management. Even my group A cannot It's very unfavorable for us to get involved in the foreign martial arts! "Ling Tianxia said.

"Deputy Director Ling, I don't think it's necessary to be so worried. Let's not talk about whether these magic gates can be united. Even if they are united, do you think they will really obey the command of the magic gate master?" Xiao Chen He said, "Why listen to him? I feel that this is just a name, and when it comes to interests, it will still do its own thing."

"Deputy Director Yang, your remarks are bad!" Song Bilian did not miss any opportunity to make Xiao Chen shamelessly: "Although they may have different faces and hearts inside, they will be unified when they are outside! You too Needless to say, there are also several factions in our mysterious investigation bureau, but when we are external, are we not the same? "

Xiao Chen slightly surprised ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I did not expect Song Bilian's head was quite good. Although the martial arts and the mystery investigation bureau were different, Xiao Chen did not continue to refute.

"Yes, Deputy Director Song said it makes sense, we must take precautions." Ling Tianxia nodded.

"Okay, then how can we prevent it?" Xia Zhiji said, "Can we stop it? We say that every time, the magic gate event will not be held? Do you think this is possible?"

"This is of course impossible." Ling Tianxia suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and said with a bitter smile: "So we have to think of a way together."

"The deputy director Song just said so rightly, I let him say it." Xia Zhi closed his eyes and kicked the trouble directly to Song Bilian. Didn't he say the most? Then keep talking.

"Deputy Director Song, do you have a good idea?" Ling Tianxia said: "If this matter is handled well, it will be a great achievement. I don't think I agree with my retirement above because of this matter, right? , I really can't retire here. "

After listening to Song Bilian, his heart moved slightly, and he said, "This is a great achievement, it's an opportunity! Deputy Director Yang is a young man, and he has strong ability. May I let him handle it? No matter what method is used, as long as it destroys this magic gate event, I am willing to step back and let him rank before me! "

(To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. )