High Magic Earth

Chapter 1527: This is also a hidden occupation

Lorna was shocked, and opened her eyes instinctively.

Then at the next moment, she saw the ghost's expression again and closed her eyes again.

It was indeed a ghost, really.

The ghost knew that this group of guys hadn't disappeared yet. Lorna didn't know how long she closed her eyes, and the chariot demon didn't know how long she continued to run forward. Obviously, there were not only a small number of them. . Instead, it has more than doubled.

Opening her eyes a little, Lorna saw the strange dead people floating around her, and the nearest one was almost so close to her face.

Although this group of things does not seem to be autonomous, and occasionally seems to twitch twice under conditioned reflexes, and can't see their existence at all, it is still very strange.

Human beings are taken for granted as visual animals. Even the direct impact on vision does not require the impact of the soul.

Horror films are the most obvious evidence.

So even if the group of dead people in front of them did nothing, neither rushed up like a zombie, nor turned into a variety of grotesques that are contrary to common sense and genetically unacceptable, they are not even monsters, but die as human beings. The state after that.

But from a distance, it still gives the living human a sense of indescribable inaccessibility.

This is probably the cause of the genes.

It's like facing a spider that is very small, or other weird insects. They are far from the danger of tigers or even the size of wild boars, but they still give people a more terrifying discomfort than when they face tigers.

This is a difference from the species.

This exclusion is written in the genes, just like now.


Sadako chuckled and said in a rather interesting way, "It's just a group of dead people... they're not even ghosts."

Lorna decided not to speak.

Of course, you won't open your eyes.

But Sadako apparently didn't intend to shut up easily, still chattering.

"That's not okay, the master will take you to many places next, and may not encounter large-scale deaths, but may also encounter war."

"The core of the war is nothing more than death."

"Your journey can be a bit worrying."

Sadako's relationship with Lorna is a bit strange.

At least in Lona's opinion.

As the few creatures in the Red Castle that can communicate, Sadako and Lorna have the most conversations. Whether they are Fu Jiang or Athena, they do not communicate much with each other.

It is not to say that there is nothing at all, but in most cases it is just routine.

If you want to have a deep girlfriend night talk like a good girlfriend, that's definitely impossible.

This makes Lorna feel that Sadako is actually quite pitiful. No one usually communicates. After she comes by herself, she has someone to talk to.

Although they often quarrel, the relationship between the two should be good.

Lorna inherited her father's hard-line pie, but that is the future. She is still young and hard-line pie, just saying that she likes to do things alone does not mean being indifferent and proud.

Magneto treats humans like ants, but in the face of fellow mutants, as long as he is not stupid enough to be saved, he will be very kind.

Moreover, Lorna is not contaminated with those bad tempers of the future, probably in the middle of a level of arrogance and arrogance.

She is essentially a good person, and naturally feels that she has a good relationship with Sadako.

But of course, that was just what she felt.

She probably didn't know that as an old monster who didn't know how long she lived, Sadako was already used to the feeling of loneliness.

Someone can communicate very well, but the world of being alone is not unacceptable. In the eyes of Sadako, Lona’s position in her eyes is still far from it.

Unlike Athena, who is born a **** and has a proud god.

Although Sadako is not a god, she is also not a human being. The peculiarities of spooky ghosts and the long memory and experience brought to her have made her more like a **** than a god.

Psychologically speaking.

She also treats humans as ants.

If it wasn’t Yi Yi’s order, Lorna was probably a ant in her eyes. . A ants with greater potential.

Facing the chatter of Sadako, Lorna obviously couldn't bear it either.

"This is not the same thing at all."

She couldn't help complaining.

"Dead people on the battlefield will not move, but will also float around, even if they are mutants, no one has such strange disgusting ability."

It seems that Lorna is quite big about all these complaints in front of her.

Sadako still chuckled, and then didn't speak.

Lorna pouted and decided to end the topic. After all, discussing them among a group of dead people was creepy enough.

"You call him master?"

Lorna noticed another important point.

The so-called master in the mouth of Sadako is naturally the owner of the castle who has only been exposed once, the wizard.

At the beginning, Lorna was still on guard. After all, the other party brought her directly, apparently directed at her.

Although she doesn't know the reason, she is a mutant and may also be a mutant with strong potential, which is enough to explain everything.

Lorna doesn't believe in any other world's gossip, she just thinks it may be a remote island in a certain area, but the owner here has magic. .

How the island is hidden from discovery is naturally because of magic.

This guy must be trying to seize himself to do experiments, and like everyone else, trying to study the secrets of mutants. . This is not surprising. Not all the evil wizards in the story are like this.

Lorna occasionally wondered how she should resist. . Only the conclusions made her desperate. After a few days of panic, Lorna suddenly felt that the other party seemed to have forgotten herself.

In other words, there is no intention to take care of yourself.

Not to mention doing experiments on yourself, it seems that even your own existence is neglected, and the most thorough disregard.

This made Lorna inevitably rise to death while she was relieved. . Ah no, curious, she was curious what kind of wizard the owner of the castle was.

And this kind of curiosity as Lorna gradually understands the Red Castle, and gradually believes that it may really have become more intense after being on Earth.

Unfortunately, Yi Chou only appeared once, and there was no information about him at all.

No matter who you ask, even the most stupid and strange yellow villains can't ask any information. Of course, Lorna can't understand the language of the little yellow guy.

Suddenly she heard Sadako mentioning Yi Chou, Lorna would naturally be curious.

In particular, Sadako seems to refer to Yi Chao as the master. The previous relationship between these guys is naturally the goal of Lorna's curiosity. After all, is gossip a woman's nature.

Even mutants are inevitable.

"What's so strange about this."

The speed of the chariot demon seems to be gradually decreasing, and Sadako still speaks in a non-hurried tone.

"In Japanese culture, the owner is a very common name, and the maid, the servant, or the courtier can call the owner the master."

"I think I...should be a role like a family official."

Sadako seemed to be thinking.

"Okay, you can open your eyes."


Lorna opened her eyes and scolded, but did not close her again.

The chariot demon has stopped, and the terror corpses surrounding it are changing. Although they are still there, they are decreasing rapidly with the naked eye.

In just a few minutes when Lorna opened her eyes and observed them, they had almost disappeared, disappearing without a trace, and even half of them remained.

At the same time, Sadako took out the white porcelain bottle again and turned it in his hand.

The picture is very unmagical, but very fairy.

Although Bai Guiji is not close to Xian Xia, and Yi Huo has never been in contact with Xian Xia Wu Xia, but how to say, Bai Gui Ji is also a member of a ghostly ghost, barely a mountain demon.

Yi Xiao has not been in contact before, but as an alternative existence from the side of magic and technology, it is not surprising that he has his own unique style of painting.

Except that Fujiang Athena and Zhenzi still retain their unique styles, most of Bai Guiji's styles have moved closer to real monsters and ghosts.

And the more famous the ghosts are, the more realistic the style is, which has nothing to do with strength.

Similar to the cannon fodder, the strength is close to zero, and the popularity is not high, but because of the ghost of the unique style of painting, even the silver tongue of Yi Chou can’t force it to be turned into a magic side. The presence.

It can be regarded as a magical creature in essence, but the style of painting. . Still can only retain the original appearance.

For example, if you move instantaneously, you can change it to Yihuo. Either it will be a phantom phantom, or it will be black and fast to implement the whole body. The next moment will be a real instant movement.

But in the ghostly style, eh. . It turned into a ray of smoke.

Lorna, who had not been to school or had any literary literacy, could not appreciate it naturally, and she was barely able to understand and understand the meaning of her official on the spot through the evil supplement of knowledge during this time.

But this does not prevent Lorna from feeling that the scene in front of her is magical.

If you put aside the ugly appearance of this thing and the previous bad experience.

The chariot demon parked in a short forest, which is close to the outer edge of the forest, only a few meters away from the edge of the entire forest.

Standing on the spot, you can find the mark of the carriageway outside the forest and look forward along the carriageway. . A towering city appeared in the eyes of the two.

King's Landing.

Sadako's terrible teleportation technology sent the two to central Westeros. Although it was better than teleporting directly to Esos to see the werewolves and vampires, the road was not short.

Fortunately, although riding a car and horse demon is a very bad experience, but its speed is really fast, and it abruptly shortened the distance of half a month to less than an hour. . It's still very practical.

If you can completely ignore the strange things it attracts like Sadako, there can be no shortcomings.

. . probably.

"Is this our destination..."

Lorna walked out of the forest, and then looked at the towering city tower in front of her, near the avenue, you can already see sporadic businessmen or travelers walking nearby, they are very far apart, and the number is not much, probably it is Because it has entered winter.

But even if there are only a few people, it can be seen from their linen robes and leisurely pack horses carrying luggage and goods that this is indeed a completely different world from the earth.

At least in time, there is a big mistake.

Sadako also came out of the forest.

Like Lorna, this is also the first time she has seen Junlin. After all, she and Yi Xuan have known each other after the ink world.

There are at least two worlds apart from Westeros.

Occasionally I will hear Yi Biao recalling and discussing the Song of Ice and Fire. Although I had some psychological expectations for Jun Lin, this was the first time I saw the real thing.

"It seems better than in the movie..."

Sadako muttered in a low voice.

"what did you say?"

Lorna didn't hear it clearly, but she didn't get tangled with this sentence. After asking casually, she quickly asked again with great interest.

"Are we going into the city?"

"if not."

Sadako feels that Lorna’s wisdom is declining. An old city should not be worth the excitement of Lorna. Although she has no money to travel and see the castles of Western European countries, it is just a castle.

It may be that I haven't seen anyone else for a long time.

Sadako made a summary, and like Lorna, did not pay too much attention to these useless problems.

The two soon came to the gate.


Far away, it seems that the strange combination of Sadako and Lorna was found not far from the city, and soon one of the golden robes guarding the gate scolded.

At the same time, other soldiers were also vigilant.

The gate guard is actually a hidden occupation, and it can be compared with the management staff such as the librarian warehouse administrator and the museum administrator.

Because how many guards are involved in things that are enough to change the world, or even the entire history.

It’s the same in any world.

In fact, the golden robe that can guard the gates is not some stupid thing to be excluded. On the contrary, the stupid can not hold this position, and only some smart guys will be sent here.

This is not a good job.

Admittedly, maybe they can receive some benefits, but they can receive a few copper plates from those civilians. Those big men are rich, but they dare not want it.

And they usually have to keep their eyes open, strange nobles that they don’t know, and noble aristocrats who often come in and out, and they dare not offend any of them.

Inadvertently offended some big men, it was a complete disaster~lightnovelpub.net~ And those civilians can’t eat or wear, and there are so many beautiful women to give them, those women in the big aristocratic convoy They are outstanding in appearance, but they don’t dare to stretch out their hands, even if they are close.

Goalkeeping is a good job. . But it is also very difficult to count down.

The appearance of Sadako and Lorna is naturally outstanding. In the place where the song of ice and fire is generally backward, it is even good to develop normally in places where it is difficult to eat and wear.

But even so, no one in the golden robe dared to step forward casually.

They couldn't figure out the details of the two for a while, and they didn't dare to offend one of the reasons. The other reason was that the **** night of the king had happened not long ago.

The survivors and nearby people all know that monsters in this world are real. Although Lona and Zhenzi look ordinary, they give people a strange feeling at a glance, especially Zhenzi.

Inexplicably, he thought of going up to the blood of Junlin. . This made these golden robes vigilant.