High Magic Earth

Chapter 191: Levin

In fact, Yi Chou still underestimated the impact of the previous scene on people of this era. Under the circumstances that no computer, movie, or even novels have been circulated on a large scale, the scene just now is absolutely inferior. For miracles!

Levine didn't collapse on the spot and already belonged to the more accepting kind.

Look at the person on the other side, who has been completely burned by Yi Chao after he went crazy.

This is definitely not alarmist. If Yi Chou, one day, once stepping out of the door of a monk's house, he will stand in the vast expanse of the universe in the next step. Even if he doesn't feel that he is mentally ill on the spot, he needs to take a good slow down.

Fortunately, Yi Biao had never encountered such a sci-fi thing. Although it was not very scientific to travel through, he could not understand Levine's shock to the scene just now.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes. After another three seconds, he was too lazy to wait. It would be better if he could have one man, but if not. .

Sure enough, you still have to do everything yourself. The wand slipped gently in the palm of your hand and was gripped in vain. Yi Xuan was ready to cut this guy's throat, which was considered to save his soul, although in the end it was Yi Xiao.

But at this moment, Levine seemed to realize something, waving his hands in a panic, desperately saying, "Sir wait, wait sir, I have many friends, you can't kill me."

"Are you... threatening me?" Yi Huo was a little funny.

"No, no, no, I mean, I have a lot of friends, and it will definitely help you." Levine swallowed a spit and seized this vitality.

Fortunately, Yi Chou didn't make up his mind to kill him, so he took advantage of it. Retracted the wand.

But Yi Chou was curious about the origin of this guy. There is this era. Most of the news of Yi Chao is learned from the records in the history books, but everyone knows that history is always a false chapter, there must be a small amount of moisture, even if Yi Huo has traveled to many places in the world, Can't brain make up what they looked like hundreds of years ago.

A person of this era is still very necessary.

Especially a nervous, a little smart and able to communicate. Not a guy shouting heretic devil.

It was really timely. Yi Xiao raised his eyelids, cleared the ground a little, and landed on it. "Stand up and talk about your past. Be honest. I can tell if you are lying."

The ground is too dirty. When this guy is together, Yi Chou can feel the smell of his pants sleeves. Of course, his clothes are also very worn. Almost a rag.

There is dementia, he can't hide it, but Yi Chou still needs him to speak out.

Levine saw the small wooden stick that was obviously inconspicuous, but made him feel terrified, and was finally taken away by the strange man, and he was relieved.

He didn't know what it was, but just at the moment, he felt his dangerous breath, which came from this thing, and made him wake up in an instant.

Life and death, there is nothing to hesitate! This is never a problem.

"Respect... Honorable..." Levine stammered, seeing that Yi Chou didn't mean anything at all, and could only say daringly, "My honorable wizard, my name is Levine."

The name is very concise, and there is no surname, but Yi Chou is not surprised at all. It is normal for the poor to have no surname.

Seeing that Yi Xiao was still expressionless, he did not show dissatisfaction. Levine's courage gradually grew, and his speech speed became much smoother.

"I come from the countryside near the city. I don’t know what the name is there. I only know that because a small knight named Oman was once killed in the neighborhood, it was called Oman Hill.. Me and I 'S father lives in a village by the hills, we have a small piece of land..."

Levine's story is simple and fits well with this era.

His life was very simple. When Levin was young, he and his father lived in a dilapidated thatched hut, as well as a younger brother and a younger sister, and their mother died in dystocia.

In this backward era, there is no product of entertainment, even if the wine is not affordable by ordinary farmers, everyone is running for food, the food produced in the land is always limited, and it needs to be handed over to the lord and The priest and various taxes.

From the birth of Levine to the present, he has not had enough to eat, and his life repeats day after day until. . He stepped into the old Jason bar for the first time.

This bar is not in the country, and it can even be said that it does not intersect with Levine, but the collision between the two is also full of coincidence.

It's a bar in the city. It's different from the full location of the pier. It's more remote and it's almost out of the city.

And it wasn’t those stinky sea visitors who came and went here, but the dirtier slum dwellers. Old Jason visitors did not refuse, as long as they gave money, of course, because of the debts owed by those tramps for three days, Old Jason's liquor has never been pure.

Almost in the water. . Some wine miserable.

Levine didn't go to drink, he didn't have money, he didn't think there was anything delicious about those weird things. He had heard that nobles had more delicious drinks, but he hadn't seen them.

It was an accident that he came here for the first time. The food in Europe was always poor. This problem did not get better until the emergence of hybrid rice, especially for a country on an island, the food is even more barren.

The nobles never take care of the life and death of the poor, and can’t eat enough. Isn’t that better? If you don’t eat enough, you won’t have the strength to be lazy, and you won’t be able to make trouble.

Although the food of these nobles is still rough, it is much better than the farmer's and is not so nervous.

However, for Levine, food is available today, but not tomorrow. Because of the lack of food, many people choose to go to sea, and because of the discovery of the new continent, the local food pressure has gradually eased.

But Levine still needs to go to the mountains every day to find something to eat, from animals to plants, as long as they can eat, in order to survive, these talents will not care so much.

The things on the surrounding hills were dug by Levin and the villagers. In desperation, Levin could only explore deeper.

Jungles and deserts are the most disorienting.

Unfortunately, he was lost, but fortunately, after struggling in the middle of the night, Levine finally came out of the ghost place, and he actually reached the other side of the city, he had unknowingly traversed the entire mountain range .

When he staggered into the city, Levine was already exhausted. He knew that one careless thing was that the homeless guys who were seen everywhere on the ground in the corner of the city were his end.

Indistinctly, he came to the only bright building in the city in the evening. Among the bars was the old Jason Bar near the periphery. There, he bought some food with little money. Get rid of the shadow of death.

After the curfew, Levine, like the tramps, curled up in a sheltered corner. These people came here every night. Similarly, lightnovelpub.net~ After every night, someone would never get up again.

Levine had food in his belly, which was naturally much better than these people. At least, he could not die for a while, and as the night gradually enveloped, the world also calmed down.

The cold wind of the Little Ice Age blew all night, and after this night, Levine stood up swaying in the cold wind and passed the stray voyages that had been frozen, before returning home.

The rest of the family was safe, but fortunately, Levin was fine in this accident.

But since then, Levine has become a frequent visitor to Jason Bar, probably because of a special feeling that can't tell the truth. The first time he came into contact with the outside world was the first time he almost died.

Although he does not drink or eat here, he finds it interesting to get together with many people.

In particular, there are occasional bards passing by here, poor barbarians, so every time Levine will come here after finding a day of food, stay for a while, and then go home. (To be continued...)