High Magic Earth

Chapter 643: The Strike (22)

No matter what plan Yi Xuan left, Lucifer confidently cut off his connection with the camp and left him completely in the king’s presence. The angels were backed by the legion of angels, but the demons were equally good, although they rarely appeared in war. On the front, but what cannot be ignored is that the devil is a race that is extremely good at possessing and disguising.

Their infectivity is not lower than that of werewolves and vampires, and even with sufficient support, they can completely take human bodies for possession on a large scale.

Although Lucifer cannot directly summon demons from **** here, the dark-faced consciousness that was born because of the human mind can be used by him. It is not as good as demons, but it is enough for certain things.

The Legion of Angels not only represents a symbol of powerlessness, it also has the ability to resemble demons. After all, both belong to the same magical creature, and Lucifer, the **** demon who is the former archangel, also knows this.

Angels have a great chance of failing when converting human beings. For example, Mr. Feng's state is neither a human nor an angel. He has a small amount of angelic power, but is very painful because he is a human body.

However, he is still good. At the end of the war in the first era, more humans were enveloped by the magic and brilliance of angels. If they did not become a lowest-level angel, they would become nonhuman and nonangel. Not a demon monster.

Their bodies will swell with dark veins, their eyes will be as thick as demons, their bodies will be swollen and puffy, as if they were soaked in water for seven days and seven nights, and they will be filled with scary and swollen air bubbles, like full muscles, but empty skin under their skin. .

But don't look at their swelling in size. As they grow bigger, they move more quickly, even surpassing lower-level demons and lower-level angels. And those bubbles that look empty like airbags are not only extremely stiff, but also difficult to be destroyed, which means that their body's defense energy is greatly increased and their strength is extraordinary.

It can be said that this failed conversion is not a failure. At least they have become qualified war weapons, but this is based on the sacrifice of appearance and even human nature.

Such monsters still have their own consciousness and need to eat, but they have lost their humanity. They understand common sense and have wisdom, but they have no morality. They do not follow humans and do not obey angels. They only have themselves in their eyes.

These monsters not only caused huge casualties to humans at that time. It also caused a lot of trouble to the angels.

But even in this case, the angels did not stop the conversion of humanity, because this is the best way to completely exterminate a race, and precisely because of this, humanity survives the invasion and forced conversion of the Legion of Angels, and angels The number of people has greatly increased, so when the first era died, angels could rely on the number to survive a lot.

With the deep sleep of God. Angels have lost this ability to infect humans as angels, and only a few archangels still have reservations. Because of this, the first time human development avoided the possibility of being destroyed, the angels could not infect humans on a large scale, and they could only slowly expand the angel army under the protection of several archangels.

Over the years, the number of the Legion of Angels has grown a lot, but the monsters of that kind of scrap have grown even more. But the angels also don't like this kind of guy who doesn't belong to them, nor to humans, so most of them kill them as soon as they appear.

But there are still a few human beings lucky enough to be infected with such things by low-level angels, such as Wind Breath. When Stark just got up from the gentle township of the noble ladies, he was lucky enough to meet one. He wasn't too good and was blown into pieces by Iron Man, one of the protagonists.

The predatory possession of demons and the compulsory infection of angels are the most powerful means for the two to fight against humans in the later period. The number of humans is decreasing, and the number of them is increasing.

As long as God wakes up, the size of the Angels will increase rapidly. After all, even if we cannot transform humans into the lowest angels, they will also turn them into monsters. This is the secret that the Angels can increase rapidly, and it is based on the sacrifice of humans. On the basis of it, if human beings can't react in a very short time and get warm in groups, I am afraid that extinction will come faster than ever.

In the late period of the first epoch, humans retreated due to the forced conversion of angels. The gathering place of countless humans was destroyed once. The wilderness was full of wandering monsters, and the remaining humans could only shrink. , Pray for self-preservation.

There doesn't seem to be any devil's thing in it. It is true that the angels are responsible for the existence of head-on wars. Once they appear on a large scale, they think that the final battle has come.

The demons rarely participate in head-on wars, they are responsible for interception, or to clean up other people who hinder the existence of the war, such as the situation at this time.

But this does not mean that demons are easy to deal with. Don’t forget that their possession is as difficult as the infectivity of angels. Although angels have lost the ability to infect large-scale because of God’s sleep, demons are different.

If hell, the world imagined by human beings, is opened by the so-called fantasy, then these magical creatures and demons born of fantasy will be attached to human beings and become real.

Although there is no need to worry about this problem in the Second World, the world of ice and fire is extremely safe, because human beings here do not understand the existence of demons, and how to say fantasy, but it does not mean that Lucifer has no other way.

As a demon whose magic is also his job, his enthusiasm for magic is no less than clamor. After learning the infectivity of angels, he can advance all the way to war and infect humans as angels or monsters. Started research, otherwise how did he convert Mr. Feng into an angel, although it failed, Lucifer, who has become a demon, does not belong to the archangel, and in theory cannot be converted at all.

This is precisely because Lucifer uses another method, a conversion method that relies on external forces.

He used the lowest level of demons, that is, demons still in the state of a black mist of energy, to directly twist them into that kind of monster. Yes, Lucifer produced that kind of monster, but it was different from the angels. The infection that failed, he made it.

So he can control these monsters a little, such as ordering them to attack a certain target. Or destroy a certain human being, a more complicated command will cause their own wisdom to rebound, and thus break free.

But any magic has a price. Their price is lifespan. The lifespan of this monster is not long. Even very short, from birth to extinction, it takes less than a few hours, but their power is great, and the way of death is energy explosion, which is self-detonation.

Fortunately, this monster has an incubation period, so that it can be used as a time bomb instead of black powder. Lucifer has left a lot in Junlin, and with others, he is confident to leave the wizard there, and... to implement his magic.

The terrible number of the Legion of Angels and the nightmarish infectivity are certainly terrifying, but the ambiguous purpose of the demons and the ability to haunt the gods are even more difficult. They are living creatures in darkness, and darkness. It is impossible to see clearly.

Lucifer had left the scaleless camp under the cover of a silent invisibility spell, and the magical fluctuation outside the tent was weakening little by little. Especially the energy of the spells about space has completely disappeared.

So Lucifer had already let go of his mind at this time, and the coffin's teleporting magic pattern had been destroyed by himself. Even though the wizard's magic power was much stronger than himself, he would certainly not be able to break free under the circumstances of mental calculation and unintentional.

Lucifer did not see it. When he left, the surface of the whole coffin had indeed lost its luster, but after he left, the wave of magic disappeared slowly again.

The coffin has a lot of rough hair, Lucifer thought it was a flaw left by the anxious production, but at this time. These flawed places are extremely weak, and give those blocked magic waves new places to flow and break through.

With the constant scour and surge of magic power, soon those rough scratches were opened again, forming a new magic pattern on its own, and the key node of this magic pattern is Lucifer The three scratches left when destroying the original magic pattern on the coffin.

When Winnie hurried back, the surface of the coffin had returned to its original state again, exuding a shining luster, and it looked just like before. Even the two magical creatures in tandem did not find it. Unconsciously, the magic pattern on this coffin has completely changed into a new pattern.

It also radiates luster, and the coffin is also a magic item, but the magic pattern on it is completely different. This is a magic pattern that is different from the previous one, which means that the coffin has no longer teleporting magic, but other Magic.

Lucifer didn't feel the fluctuation of the space spell anymore. That's why, and Winnie didn't leave the tent anymore. The reason is the same. After all, she knew that the devil was cunning, and how could Yi Chou be unprepared...

Of course, the original early warning magic near the coffin was indeed stopped by Lucifer’s nakedness, so Yi Chou didn’t know what happened to the camp, but he knew what happened to Varis, because of his memory, what Nothing.

It may be strange to say this, since there is nothing in the memory, how does Yi Chou know that, because it is very simple, the empty memory can only indicate one thing, his memory has been cleansed, even if Yi Chou directly uses it from There is no trace of the soul energy around the hourglass of Neverland.

"This devil's magic...it's really not easy." Yi Chou gritted his teeth.

He gently released his hand, took it from Varis' head, and pushed it aside.

Varys’s memory is somewhat empty, but still quite complete, whether it’s his life and secrets when he was in Junlin, as an intelligence director, or his childhood memories, and his coincidence with Jamie’s chance meeting and becoming a werewolf. It's killing, it's all saved.

Even Jamie and Hathaway have kept many of the things he said to him intact. The only thing missing is the person Yi Biao wants to find, the so-called demon.

Of course, whether this guy is really in Junlin, Yi Chou is not sure, but he can be sure that the demon does exist, even if he did not find it in Junlin, he left other means.

And the memory of Varis is clear, isn’t it the best evidence to prove that it was once in King’s Landing, although the memory of Varis seems to have no trace of being altered, as if he didn’t know the so-called demons at all.

However, compared to Valis not knowing the demon, the demon has never been to the King's Land, Yi Chou still believes that he was washed away by his memory, but this magic is extremely clever, so clever enough to be false in his own exploration.

However, this side is arguing and thinking, but Varys on that side is very uncomfortable. After all, all of his memories have been discovered, whether it is psychological or physical, it is very painful and difficult to accept.

It looked at the silver light that Yi Biao's right hand was gradually dissipating, and there was a trace of irritation in his eyes, "You...!" He stood firmly and gritted his teeth, and finally swallowed back, so he mixed it in Junlin Wallis, who has been safe for many years, is not an irrational guy.

"Your memory has been modified." Yi Huo glanced at him lightly, then said softly.

"That's it, Honorable Wizard." Varys calmed down almost instantaneously, with a smile on his face again, and then asked in a low voice.

"Does this have any effect on me?" he asked. "It's still like this...you didn't find what you wanted?"

Varys is worthy of Varys, as a very sad guy, he can do anything for survival, especially when he sees the magical power of Yihuo.

Surrounded by the magic of reading memory just now, Varis feels that his soul no longer belongs to himself~lightnovelpub.net~ As long as the other party has an idea, he will die silently and see such power , He even has no thoughts of confrontation.

Looking at the wizard's three words and two words after coming here, although not very detailed, Varis can also guess that most of them, plus the other party has checked his memory, and said that his memory has been modified, obviously what he was looking for Person, and this person is also related to himself.

If the other party can modify his own memory, then he might have been urged by this so-called person to deal with the wizard in front of him, but he has forgotten about it, so Varis put his posture very low in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Even if it had just recovered from the influence of Yi Huo Seizing Soul Curse, the whole person was twitching pain, when he still smiled.

Yi Biao was also a little surprised by Varis's reaction. After all, he saw the big sweat beads rolling down from Varis’s forehead. Varis didn’t struggle with himself, it was good. I didn’t expect him to be so tolerant. .

"It's not a big deal," Yi Chou said softly. "After all, we still need you werewolves, and we need you." (To be continued...)
