His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1083: Restore memory, sisters recognize (33)

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Rong Mo left Shangzhai, sat in a taxi, and looked at the traffic outside. There was a feeling of leaving the dream and returning to reality.

Seven years in a flash.

At this moment, I can still see myself seven years ago, riding a bicycle and walking on the dark road in front of the house, lying with my sister under the tree on campus, watching the large white clouds on the sky, listening to the leaves The cicadas whispered in the depths.

Seventeen was seventeen years old, very carefree, of course, before he met Lin Yier.

At that time, no matter how others praised her and said she was excellent, she always felt that she was just an ordinary girl, a girl who wandered at the crossroads of life. She was waiting to grow up, waiting for a long journey, waiting for a bright future. .

All she thought was that the family was happy, and who would know that the nightmare of their family began with her?

The car stopped at the gate of the provincial swimming team. She did not see anyone after she got out of the car.

The parking lot of the provincial team is at the back door. I said I would see you at the door in half an hour. I guess I would go to the back door to drive, or where can I wait for her?

Rong Mo didn't have a cell phone and couldn't wait in place. He decided to run to the back door. It wasn't too far anyway ...

In the distance, she saw a red figure, trotting out all the way, and a sweet smile was raised at the corner of her mouth, making everyone feel warm and comfortable ironing.

At this moment, Rong Mo's eyes became inexplicably red.

Finally, she saw her younger sister ... the facial features were very beautiful, the black hair was gently dangling, much like in the photo, and the same temperament as in the sketch.

She smoothed, then turned around to look around, ticked the corners of her lips, and smiled when she smiled.

Leng Feng curled around her horns and hair and danced lightly. She naturally stretched her hand to smooth her hair, then listened to her ear, her lips smirked, and then she touched her ear with her hand when she left.

There is nothing special about a series of actions. Many people will probably do this when they smooth their hair.

But at the moment, when she did it in time, and fell into Rong Mo's eyes, she felt that everything was so familiar, just like her sister in memory.

"Little ..." When she cried out the name of Time, her nose was sore and she burst into tears.

They haven't seen each other for a long time, but a flash of dialogue flashed in her mind, and that dialogue seemed to have happened yesterday.

At that time, she looked at her sister and said, "Little, don't be afraid. Your sister will take care of you, protect you, and won't let anyone hurt you."

But in the end, she didn't take care of her sister or protect her sister. Instead, she suffered so much from her sister.

In seven years, she was unconscious for seven years, and she took care of her for seven years ...

Rong Mo covered her mouth, tears like springs!

She walked slowly, step by step towards the time ... At this moment, everything that happened in front of me seemed to pour a cold water on the fire, scaring Rong Mo's face pale as snow.

I saw a silver van suddenly rushing forward and stopped beside time.

Time found something wrong, and subconsciously wanted to return to his car.

But the other side was too fast. When the harsh brakes sounded, the silver van door opened with a bang, and then three men who were tall and big were rushed down, all wearing hats and masks.

You can't see your face, but you can feel them fierce.