His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1094: Restore memory, sisters recognize (44)

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Rong Mo finally decided to go to the far right. After all, they were doing illegal things and could not go to crowded places.

Even if they did the opposite, in the urban area, Lu Yanchen was there, and time to save was too late, so it was accurate for her to take the road in the suburbs.

But again, if she walks in the suburbs, there will be more and more forks, and she will make mistakes every minute.

Rong Mo drove her car and didn't know where she had gone, just then her cell phone suddenly rang.

She picked it up and glanced at it. It was a message from an unfamiliar number, shared her address, and said that time was here.

Who sent it? Whether it is true or not, do she believe it?

Time is gone, my sister is gone, she can't care about truth and falsehood, and there is only a silver lining for her to try.

Rong Mo's navigation address drove all the way forward, and the road behind became narrower and narrower. When she turned, she saw the car from the previous abduction time and drove off the trail.

She panicked for a moment, and did not dare to turn, and drove straight forward.

After driving a short distance, I saw the car and the other black car behind in the rearview mirror and left together. Then I turned again and drove into the path.

After walking a short while, I saw a small abandoned building.

Rong Mo looked around in the car, and there was no one. She carefully watched as she got out of the car.

The door of the building was wide open, and the surroundings were exceptionally quiet, so those who abducted them all left.

Shouldn't it? How can I leave some people to guard.

Rong Mo swept around, picked up a wooden stick, and stepped gently into the small building.

The building has been abandoned for a long time, and it is full of dust.

She continued to go inside and faintly heard a soft cry: "Is there anyone, help ..."

Is it my sister's voice? Nothing wrong, just time! !! Rong Mo immediately followed the sound.

Finally, she saw the time in the basement, all her hands and feet were tied, and the rope on her hand was rubbing against the wall while shouting: "Anyone, help, help ..."

Raising my eyes, I saw Rong Mo suddenly appearing at the door, and my eyes widened in shock: "Rong Mo?"

Rong Mo looked at him and nodded, his eyes suddenly sore, and his tears couldn't be controlled, so he just fell down.

She immediately ran over and hugged her time tightly, her voice sobbing: "Little."

She blurted out and called out the nickname of Shiji. Shiji looked at Rong Mo in surprise and joy, opened her mouth, and didn't make a sound, but her eyes were full of proof.

Rong Mo looked at her with eyes, and smiled slightly at her: "Sister, my sister."

Time looked at her with tears rolling down her eyes, and she held her breath, shouting with a trembling voice: "Sister ..."

You are an older sister, are you really my older sister? "

She wanted to yell, but she whispered softly, afraid of a loud voice, and then suddenly woke up that it was a dream.

She knew that she knew that Rong Mo was her elder sister. Rong Mo had a slim figure, a pretty nose and lips, a gentle face, and a white complexion that seemed to be able to scoop out water. How could she be a boy.

However, even if she had long suspected Rong Mo was her sister.

When Rong Mo called her sister at this moment, when she was sure that her sister was fine, she was so excited that she seemed to have a short breath.