His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 127: Feelings beyond control (5)

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Time was lying on the bed, wrapped herself in a quilt, curled up into a ball holding her lower abdomen, and wrinkled her facial features into pieces. She was uncomfortable, she didn't want to move.

The doorbell rang, and she didn't bother, no matter who she was, she didn't care.

After a while, the cellphone on the bed also rang, and she was too lazy to look at it.

But the doorbell and mobile phone ringing kept ringing. She was very upset in her heart. The noise was even worse. She stretched out her hand and looked at the mobile phone. It was Lu Yanchen. It was Lu Yanchen who wanted to ring the doorbell outside.

She answered the phone: "Gongzi, what are you doing?"

"Open the door." Lu Yanchen's indifferent voice came from the phone, overbearing and powerful.

"What do you say directly?"

"Open the door!" His ruthless voice didn't allow a beak.

Time had no choice but to get up to open the door, she frowned tightly: "What the **** are you doing?"

She didn't want to stand, and her stomach was uncomfortable, so she bent slightly.

Lu Yanchen saw that her face was pale and impatient, and her eyes seemed a little bit wrong: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm okay. If you have anything, you can say it directly."

Time turned away and leaned against the door, with no intention of letting Lu Yanchen in.

Lu Yanchen's feet were against the door: "What's going on this afternoon?"

Shipi smiled and said, "Nothing happened. I met your fiancee downstairs. She didn't know Xiaobai. There was a misunderstanding. You can ask Xiaobai, I'm so sleepy. I'm going to bed. . "

She closed the door when she said it, but was lowered by Lu Yanchen, she couldn't close it.

She was really uncomfortable, and it was uncomfortable to say a word.

But he just didn't let go.

Time couldn't hold back the turbulence in his heart, and he couldn't help hitting him: "Why are you so annoying, can you leave me alone for a while?"

Lu Yanchen frowned, looking at her eyes like an idiot. She reached out and pushed hard, and pushed the door open. "You better figure out what are you trying to say now?"

Time was sitting on the sofa and couldn't help but say something again: "Should I ask you, what do you want to say, feel that I have bullied your fiancee, so I feel uncomfortable, come to me now to settle the bill?

The strength of Lu Yanchen's grip on her wrist, pulling her up by pursing her lips, her eyes would look at her like a human, "Do you think I'm here for this?"

Time looked at him: "Well, what about it?"

"I really want to strangle you." Lu Yanchen's face was a bit ugly again, and he said coldly, "You only have the ability to **** on me."

"I'm angry with you, how could I be angry with you ..." Shi Guangte was speechless and laughed. "It was you who came to trouble me."

Speaking of time, she sat down again, her stomach was really uncomfortable, and she was particularly uncomfortable. Now she couldn't help but pressed her hand on the lower abdomen and rubbed it in circles.

Lu Yanchen's cold eyes stared sharply at the time.

At a glance at her little movement, she realized that she was suffering from physical pain now.

He walked over in two strides, hugged time horizontally, and strode away to her bedroom.

Time frightened, feeling that my eyes were about to fall: "Lu Yanchen, what am I doing? Put me down ..."

Lu Yanchen ignored her.

A strong man always stands on the leading position.

He put time on the bed and ordered her: "You lie down for me !!!"