His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1279: the truth! It turns out everything is a

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qianxuan stretched his hands on his head, thinking about the dream he had dreamed of, which was called a speechless.

At ten o'clock in the morning, she said it wasn't too early, and it wasn't too late. She closed her eyes and wanted to sleep again, but she couldn't sleep anymore. She got up and took a bath in the bathroom. When I was ready to answer in the past, the phone hung up automatically.

I picked it up and glanced at it. It was Lu Yan's call, and it hit me several times.

Just called again, Su Qianyi didn't want to answer. Who asked him to reject her request last night, she put the phone back to the nightstand, and then went to maintain the skin.

But Lu Yan persisted and kept fighting.

After protecting his skin, Su Qiandi couldn't help but murmured two times impatiently, trying to restrain the urge to curse, and connected the phone: "Is something wrong?"

Lu Yan's voice was extremely low, and he asked coldly, "Don't you say you'll pick up Xiaobai today?"

"Then I'll pick up Xiaobai, will you let me pick it up?" Su Qianyi asked back.

"No!" Lu Yanzhi immediately refused.

"Then what are you calling yet?" Su Qianji snorted coldly, and then hung up the phone. At that moment, Lu Yan's voice sounded: "I sent someone."

"Really!" Su Qianxi almost jumped into surprise and immediately ran to the basement to open the door.

Opening the door, she saw only Lu Yanzhi outside the door. She asked with a calm face: "What about Xiaobai?"

Lu Yanhang hung up the phone: "If I don't say this, will you come to open the door?"

"You ..." Su Qian was so lame, she stretched out her hand and wanted to close the door, but was stopped by Lu Yan, and she glared at him: "I'm sorry, I'm not in a position to receive you now because ... my boyfriend coming."

Boyfriend, Lu Yanzhi only felt the whole body's blood flowed upwards. He felt that Su Qianyu obviously wanted to anger his unpaying rhythm.

He clenched his fingers fiercely, almost exhausting all his senses, before restraining his urge to push the door open with force.

Su Qianzhang, completely powerless, looked at him in surprise: "What are you doing?"

"Look at your boyfriend !!" Lu Yanzhi's face was cold and cold, dangerous and scary.

Su Qianzhen was a little stunned, looking at Lu Yanzhi who was looking for people in the room, he felt like a lion running away, and seemed to be able to come and tear her next second.

What he was so excited about, don't tell her, he's jealous.

Regardless of whether she said it was true or not, Lu Yanzhi walked the whole house anyway, and finally settled in front of Su Qianyu, his eyes were lazy and cold, and he asked, "What about people?"

Her cold, deep eyes, with a strong aura and pressure, attacked her vigorously. The heavy low air pressure shrouded her body, which made her breathless.

Su Qianyi paused, his fingers tightened slightly, and when his voice came out again, he felt helpless. "You are inexplicable."

"I tell you, you are my child's mother, pay attention to your own image in the future!" Director Lu Yan held her shoulder, her strong thigh against her leg, and her entire body was niche!

Su Qianxu showed no weakness, looking at his eyes stubbornly: "It doesn't matter what you do, I'll do whatever I want."

The atmosphere in the room stagnated for a while, and Lu Yanzhi squinted his eyes dangerously, pursed his lips, and suddenly fell down on her lips.

Not a kiss, but a bite ...