His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1343: sweet! Dog abuse is everywhere! (3)

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qiandi was startled fiercely. The next second, she responded quickly, yelling at her clothes, and yelling angrily, "Lu Yanzhi, what are you doing? This is my family. I don't think it's too impolite. Please? Stop me. "

"I want to be polite to Laozi's own woman!" Lu Yanzhi seemed really irritated. Her cold temperament was revealed, and her hand was ruthlessly pulled apart, and the whole body was next second. Posted it: "You listen to Lao Tzu! Woman, obedient, don't move around, or see how Lao Tzu packs you up!"

Seeing the clusters of flames under the eyes of the landing stubbornly, Su Qianyu wisely did not choose to bump the ball.

"Okay, okay, I know, I know, Lu Yanzhi, can't I move still?" Su Qianyu said dryly. "Don't mess around, okay?"

Lu Yanzhi ignored her, turned her body directly, and lay on the door, and he stuck it from behind.

Long hair slipped from her shoulders, revealing a fair and smooth back. Lu Yan couldn't help but want to stop and worship with his own lips, but because of his discomfort, his head was slightly biased and he bit his ears. on.

"Ah!" Su Qianyi's body was shocked.

She resisted the trembling of her body and said, "Lu Yanzhi, Su Wencheng's speech was wrong, it was all false."

Lu Yan's hand stopped moving, and his lips continued to reach the woman's ear: "What did he say is false, eh?"

"It is false to say that we should do everything. He and I were innocent and nothing happened." Su Qianyi explained loudly.

Lu Yan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "So, are all Su Wencheng lying?"

Su Qianji nodded quickly: "Well, yes, he is lying. All are ..."

"Then what's going on between you and him?" When he asked coldly, he didn't stop moving, the hardest place was the softest!

"Nothing is going on!" Su Qianyi's throat was dry, with a bit of anxiety, he wanted to explain, and wanted Lu Yanzhi to understand: "I didn't even know what he thought of me before, and then he and him The relationship is good, I just thought he was my elder brother's son. Although we are the aunt's ancestors, but he is older than me, so I depended on him from an early age. I would like to ask him for help if there is something, so I am very in my heart. Thank you, it's been a long time ... "

"Shut up!" Lu Yanchi's voice was loud and cold, "I'm not interested in listening to your love history with Su Wencheng."

At the same time, leaning back, he put himself into her body.

"Ahhhhhhhhh ~" Su Qianxun couldn't help screaming, and his mouth was uncomfortable: "Asshole! What love history, you are simply talking about me wrongly, Su Wencheng and I are so innocent and can't be innocent anymore."

"Really? If that's the case, how could Su Wencheng be so righteous."

"That's the radical method. Don't be fooled."

"I do!"


Su Qianyan was ashamed, but unable to stop him.

The night seemed to have no end. The man steadily demanded, and the images shaking up and down were dropped on the glazed ceiling in the dim light.

For a moment, she felt her weak and weak body, as if she were about to be hit and fly, leading to a series of blurred melody.