His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1579: He and the glimmer are all down (49)

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Feeling her palms, she truly touched her cool face, determined that she was not dreaming, and Chang Xiaoyang couldn't help turning his eyes red.

He really went back, back.

"It's you, it's you ..."

Then he hugged her, tears fell uncontrollably, but he laughed again, as if every cell in the body was clamoring for his ecstasy.

He let go of her, his eyes full of affection, kissing her, kissing her almost greedily.

This time, he will never help Su Ya and Su Wencheng again.

This time, he is going to protect this girl with his life, and he will never let you suffer a little bit of grievance and trouble,

This time, he will not let her know Shang Mo, and will never let them have any intersection.

This time, he wanted to make her the happiest woman in the world.


Mo Feifei gave birth to a son, the happiest of all was Grandma Shang. Looking at the little great-grandson who was carved in the arms, these days he was almost happy to close his mouth.

Then it was happy, but suddenly stopped because of a phone call.

Grandma Shang's face gradually became dense and heavy. She stood up and walked out, but no two steps suddenly passed out.

Grandma is very guilty of Chang Xiaoyang. Without her son's conscience, Chang Xiaoyang would not be a child without a father, let alone a cold-blooded and selfish child.

If the parents are still up and taking care of and educating the family, he will certainly be an excellent child. She always did not teach her son well.

Grandma woke up in a coma for two days, the whole person looked ten years old, and even the white hair of the horns had grown a lot.

When she woke up, she asked Chang Xiaoyang about it.

Shang Mo told grandma that Chang Xiaoyang's life was saved, but she became a vegetable.

When she received the call, Grandma knew that the accident was serious. She thought that Chang Xiaoyang's life might not have been saved in the accident. Now that he knows that he has become a vegetable, it is a blessing to Grandma.

Grandma went to see Chang Xiaoyang. Although he was drowsy and unconscious, the corner of his mouth kept smiling slightly. It really didn't seem like he couldn't wake up. Instead, he seemed to be immersed in a beautiful dream and unwilling to wake up.

Feifei had been in a coma for seven years, but eventually woke up.

She hopes that Chang Xiaoyang will wake up one day and live a life that really belongs to him.

Time is like the fine sand flowing through the fingertips. It slips down inadvertently. The sorrows and sorrows that once passed away will drift away with the waves like a stream of water, and the happiness and joy that stays in your heart will always be.

Three years later, Mo Feifei returned from completing his studies and became the chief designer of Shang's, but no one knew that she was Mrs. Shang, because her monk never had a wedding.

Grandma Shang has a great good-grandson from birth. It seems that the younger and the younger she is, the more she lives, the more she makes fun of her grandchildren.

She often goes to see Chang Xiaoyang, but Chang Xiaoyang never wakes up.

In the past three years, Time has also won a lot of trophies. Next, she only needs to take another gold medal in the World Championships to complete her golden slam.

But three days before the match, she found out she was pregnant.

Originally, she thought that after the game, she would go home to find Lu Yanchen to make a child, but did not expect that time they thought it was safe, so she took it aback and got pregnant.