His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 40: Do you like Lu Yanchen?

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

It was nine o'clock in the evening to return home from the nursing home.

As in the previous two days, she met Lu Yanchen again downstairs in the apartment.

She was so depressed that she could meet him at five or six, go home at eleven or two, and meet him at eight or nine?

How could it be so coincidental?

Just when she was puzzled, she found out that the man who came down from Lu Yanchen's car was not Lu Yanchen, but Lu Yanchen's friend Chu Mubei.

Chu Mubei's face was somber and somewhat unhappy. He turned the car key in his hand and looked dangling.

After seeing the time, there was a surprise in his eyes, and then there was a smile on his face, as if the fish saw a bait ...

Time lingered for a moment, and saw Chu Mubei approaching herself, and quickly walked three steps and made a two-step Cangjie brisk walk ... she didn't want to be too much involved with this dude who loves to drink tea.

But Chu Mubei did not spare her, and walked to the side with a smile: "Hour light, do you live here?"

As he said, his right eyebrow was slightly raised, as if thinking of something, showing an ambiguous smile, "Yes, do you two develop very fast? Lu Yanchen shot fast enough and accurate enough, so this cohabitation."

As soon as time passed, he knew that he wanted to be crooked, and his face was dark: "What cohabitation, please don't tell me blindly. I live on the 11th floor and Lu Yanchen lives on the 12th floor."

"So clever?" Chu Mubei asked, with an expression of disbelief.

Time refocused.

He stepped into the apartment, too lazy to believe him or not, but just wanted to stay away from him.

But Chu Mubei still didn't let her achieve her wish, followed her into the elevator.

Seeing the 11th floor of Time Press, he muttered, "I really live on the 11th floor, and you have nothing to say about this fate."

Time ignored him and decided to use him as air.

But Chu Mubei kept pestering her saying, "Hour light, what is your impression of Lu Yanchen?"

Time passed the meaning of this sentence, slowly turned to look at him, and warned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Mubei said innocently: "Don't look at me like this, as if I was going to betray your bad guy."

Then, reach out and touch the head of time.

Time was full of black lines, and I opened it directly.

Chu Mubei was not angry, but continued to ask her, "What's inside, do you like our old Lu? That's Lu Yanchen."

This problem stiffened Time's body, and his voice increased uncontrollably: "Who likes him?"

This reaction was a bit overwhelming, Chu Mubei's eyes froze, looking at the time in a leisurely manner, and people went up and down.

Suddenly, the corners of the lips were slightly curved, and they looked clear.

This time was particularly annoying, and I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and said, "Chu Gongzi, please don't make random guesses!"

Chu Mu Beiyi smiled, the tip of his tongue reached the cheek, a stern expression, with a playful tone: "I just asked you whether you like it, what are you so anxious and so fierce? Is it possible ..."

Time glared at him: "Who is anxious and who is fierce?"

Chu Mubei spread his hands and shrugged: "Aren't you in a hurry right now? Aren't you fierce? This is the way the little tiger is, haha ​​..."

The light laughter in my ears made time feel like Voldemort, which was extremely uncomfortable: "..."

Fortunately, the elevator has stopped on the 11th floor, and time has not stopped for a second. Hurry up and hear the voice of Chu Mubei behind him: "If you like Lu Yanchen, you can come to me. Can help you chase him ... "