His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 437: Lu Gongzi is like a wolf like a tiger (7

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

So fierce, so terrible. I feel like I have met a big monster who can eat people.

Although she was mentally prepared before coming here, Chief Lu would definitely embarrass her, but she thought that she should not do too much on the bright side. After all, he was the chief director, but never thought of how much In the face of a person, Chief Lu fought directly.

What to do, will it be out of control? She won't be the bane of Lu Yanchen's expulsion from the house.

She subconsciously looked for the figure of Shen Lingshuang, hoping that she could come to a rescue, but found no one for a long time.

As for the other people, don't say a word, just look at them, their expressions are the same as before, what is the situation.

Chief Lu is all angry, shouldn't they be anxious and nervous, it seems that they are accustomed to this situation.

Whoosh, what should she do and how to ease the embarrassment now.

Looking at the middle-aged man who is not too old with Chief Lu, he coughed softly: "Well, don't scare the children."

This person, I have seen him on TV. He is the same as the head of National Treasure, like Chief Lu. He is the uncle of Lu Yanchen. At this moment, only he dares to speak, and can speak.

Chief Lu snorted, and he looked proud of himself: "Who is scared, disagree is disagree,"

"Then why did you ask us to come back?" Lu Yanchen was even more arrogant, his face was heavy and he was about to leave when he held his time.

"Fourthest, don't make trouble." Lu Dabo sighed majesticly.

Normally, two big Buddhas in the Lu family spoke, but no one dared to speak up, and instead of giving face to his dad, he still had to give face to his uncle.

Time is still quite moving.

Although Lu Yanchen didn't really take her away at the moment.

Seeing his father's voice, Lu Zhiyao, Lu Xuebao, who had met with Shiji before, immediately smiled forward and greeted Shiji.

Suddenly the atmosphere eased, both calmly.

For this kind of situation, they are also skilled.

Anyway, Uncle Lu got angry, Chief Lu was in arms, and Chief Lu got angry. Uncle Lu would take the side, and the Lu family would be stronger today, all because their brothers were in politics and one in the army.

"Sister ..." Suddenly, a figure rushed down from the outside, and then flew the time enthusiastically.

It was Xiaobai who came back. Shen Lingshuang was not here just now, just to pick up Xiaobai. Here came, seeing the time was still standing, and introduced it to the time immediately.

In fact, most of them have already introduced themselves just now.

As soon as she returned, Chief Lu's expression was slightly softer.

She pours tea to get fruit and is very enthusiastic.

Time was embarrassed and I got up quickly. "Auntie, I'll do it myself."

Shen Lingshuang was upset: "You child, how polite you are, you haven't changed your name to my mother that day, and now you and Yanchen have obtained a certificate, you should also call my mother."

Then looked at the time with anticipation.

Time flies.

Chief Lu didn't say that she wanted to marry Lu Yanchen, and she dared to bark.

This is called, what if Chief Lu is blown up again?

She turned her head subconsciously and asked Lu Yanchen for help. As a result, Lu Gong looked innocent, as if she was crying and watching me.

Time couldn't work, so I had to whisper and yelled at Shen Ling: "Mom."