His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 64: Aren't you going to kill someone?

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

He Xinnuo swims all the time.

There were still people at the beginning, and she counted the laps.

At the back, no one had helped her calculate the lap. She didn't know how long she had swam. It should be 1500 meters, but it seemed to be a little worse.

She wanted to stop, but it was slower, and Boss Lei urged again in her ear.

Tired and tired, her vision seemed blurry, and her tired body was somewhat unsupportable. The body kept falling downwards. She had to use all her strength to float and move forward.

She didn't understand herself, why was she tortured by ...?

Not just a Lu Yanchen?

There are more rich and powerful people, why did she have to grab Lu Yanchen with time.

He Xinnuo regretted it.

Further swimming, her swimmer career is expected to end.

No ... she has to stop immediately.

But now, it ’s not that she does n’t want to swim.

Lu Yanchen, who was the one she couldn't afford to offend, said he could only stop.

At this moment, her mind was a little confused, and she hadn't figured out which step she went wrong after all.

Obviously, Lu Yanchen hates time. She can see that Lu Yanchen hates time.

But why now, Lu Yanchen is rectifying her. She thinks about how things have progressed to this point. She didn't offend Lu Yanchen in any way.

Shouldn't the time he wants to rectify at this time? Why she just couldn't get along with her.

Damn, what's wrong?

She won't be calculated by time ...

Almost, it should be almost, 1500 meters, He Xinnuo wanted to make water, but just stopped, and remembered the voice of Boss Lei in his ear, let her swim, swim quickly ...

So after another lap, I don't know how many laps, the training hall is very quiet, everyone is staring at the water with their breath.

He Xinnuo's physical strength passed away so quickly that she couldn't support her to continue swimming.

Even more frightening was that she found that her calf was shaking, and her cramps had the same pain, and then she was shaking all over.

She took a sip of water into her throat, and she couldn't help sinking, grabbed in horror, and shouted, "Help, help ..."

This is a big deal, but no one dares to launch into the water to save her.

Including Wu Xing.

Wu Xing waited to see boss Lei's winks, while Boss Lei waited to see Lu Yanchen's winks.

Lu Yanchen turned a blind eye, as if he had seen nothing, and continued to drink his tea.

Just when He Xinnuo was struggling and his body sank in the water, Lu Yanchen finally lowered his glass: "This person is going to drown, why are you still standing?"

As soon as his voice fell, Wu Xing rushed forward and plunged into the water to save people.

Boss Lei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was really afraid of killing someone.

He Xinnuo thought that when he was about to die, someone finally hugged her from behind, and carried her out of the water around her waist.

The next second she could breathe, she burst into tears.

When she opened her eyes ... she saw a man as beautiful as a **** standing on the poolside, wearing a simple home clothes, but exuding noble and elegant temperament all over her, and the faint smile on her face was more than the cold wind in winter Cold.

"Can't swim?" He asked.

He Xinnuo took a nap, and the noble man made her feel humble and afraid.

She moved her lips and replied uncontrollably, "No."

Lu Yanchen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Go on!"