His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 928: I just forgot about you (18)

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

In front of so many people, it's not bad to be a little bit ignorant when it comes to knowing something. Apologies for marriage proposal is definitely the first of its kind.

A love affair, Lu Yanchen said solemnly and seriously, and the words were right: "... no matter how many ups and downs in the future, I will hold your hand tightly to accompany you through the most beautiful time, the best time Will you marry me? Time. "

At this time in my heart, I was still a little dissatisfied.

But he has to admit that Lu Yanchen is very handsome, handsome and charming.

Just a few times the next time, my heartbeat missed a beat.

She thought that any woman would be moved when facing such a romantic proposal.

She is no exception, not to mention that she had such expectations in her heart. She was surrounded by a crazy joy at this moment. Even if she said calmly, she had not forgiven him, but the people around her had already been together. Saying: "Marry him, marry him ..."

Shi Guang took one flower and held it in his arms, and the other slowly stretched out. Lu Yanchen immediately smiled, took out the ring, and put on her ring finger solemnly.

He held her hand and stood up, then gently wrapped her waist, held her tightly in his arms, then lowered his head and kissed her lips deeply.

The rose petals slowly fell again, one by one, flying in the sky, falling flowers, as if performing a poetic and picturesque petal rain, fascinated the eyes, full of love flying in the air.

Time was so sweet and kissed, so many people around her that made her especially embarrassed.

But soon the topic was turned away by Lu Yanchen, but she was even more embarrassed.

Lu Yanchen looked at her, her eyes softened a little, and a smile filled her mouth: "There is another good news to tell you, I should be a father."

Suddenly the people in the whole room became more sensational than before, and they turned around and asked about it.

Time wanted to give Lu Yanchen a big white eye, but he saw his grandmother's almost excited tears.

Shen Lingshuang couldn't hold back the ecstasy, because the excitement trembled: "Child, are you pregnant? When did it happen and why didn't you say it earlier?"

Hurry to sit down and help time, and time busy said: "It's all right, nothing is needed."

She wasn't so weak. Except that she sometimes vomited during pregnancy, her body didn't react at all, and she was still awesome.

"Looking at the last time you vomited, I said it must be pregnant. It seems we didn't guess wrong," the aunt said proudly, and couldn't help laughing at the corner of her mouth.

The people in the family are particularly happy, all immersed in joy.

Chief Lu was also rare and not serious. He reached out and patted Lu Yanchen's shoulder, and his expression was proud, as if he was saying that it was not my son.

Time still did not feel like she was pregnant.

Besides, they haven't gone to the hospital for examination, what if the test is wrong? This Lu Yanchen really worked hard to let her stay with her children.

She couldn't help crying and said to everyone, "In fact, it's not yet clear, because we haven't gone to the hospital for examination, and we don't know whether the accuracy is accurate."

"It must be accurate, and generally nothing goes wrong."

"Yanchen, take time to check tomorrow. Regardless of whether you are pregnant or not, today's marriage proposal is also auspicious."

"I think she vomited last time, she must have."