His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

v1 Chapter 474: 474: Punishment

"Tsk," Li Shunan said lazily, raising his eyelids, "Go back to eat more and grow a long one."

Jiang Lingzhi hesitated and said, "Can I grow another one?"

Although she doesn't have much pursuit of height, she is now 1.65 meters, and it would be best if she could grow to 1.68 meters.

Li Shunan lowered his eyes, his gaze fell elsewhere, and he tuned in, "It's not long, it's okay."

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

Jiang Ling knew that he could now very keenly capture the irregularities in his tone.

She raised her hand, pinched his face, and yanked it off.

Jiang Ling knew angrily and said, "Can you still be well!"

The girl was still catching a cold, and her voice was soft and soft with a slight nasal sound.

Like acting like a baby.

Li Shunan didn't have the slightest temper. He squeezed her obediently, staring at her tenderly, "Well, no matter how thin you are, I will be punished."

Jiang Lingzhi was stunned, and the action in his hand stopped abruptly: "Wh, what punishment?"

Li Shunan laughed low, staring at her meaningfully, and said slowly: "I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

Jiang Ling knew: "..."

But the meal is really beyond her control.

Probably the cause of the cold, I have no appetite these days.

Plus she has to practice piano for four or five hours a day.

The body is indeed overwhelmed.


It was Sunday in a blink of an eye.

This piano competition is also very well-known internationally.

As long as it is a piano player, almost no one does not know this game.

If you win an award, you can add a lot of color to your resume, and you may even have the opportunity to study in a foreign music school.

This temptation is still very big.

The competition is divided into two days. Saturday is the junior group and Sunday is the junior group.

The venue of the competition is the Symphony Hall of Xinghai Conservatory of Music.

For several days, Jiang Ling knew that the symptoms of the cold showed no signs of getting better.

Probably a long time practice every day.

I haven't had a good rest.

I have always had symptoms of low-grade fever, accompanied by nasal congestion and mild cough.

Before going out, she deliberately swallowed cold medicine with warm water.

So as not to be ill, it would affect her game.

Before leaving the house, Lu Yuping looked at her a few times when she was changing shoes in the hallway: "Is the cold not all right? Why is her expression so bad?"

Jiang Puqing also noticed, and asked with concern: "It's been a small problem all the time, it's been so long, why is it not good, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Jiang Lingzhi shook his head: "No, it's just a stuffy nose, I can hold on."

Probably because of not having a good rest.

In addition to practicing piano every day, I also have to complete school homework. I stay up until two or three o'clock at night before going to bed.

That's why it's not good until now.

Seeing her insistence, they didn't say much, and the three of them left the house quickly.

When we arrived at the concert hall, there were already quite a few people inside.

Their seats are on the edge of the third row, relatively forward.

Lu Yuping has always been in charge of the game. Jiang Ling knew that he didn't need to worry too much, just waited for the stage.

The concert hall can hold five hundred people.

But because it is a competition, apart from some professional judges, there are only contestants and accompanying parents, so there are not many people in the audience.

Thinking of what Li Shunan said before.

Jiang Ling knew that he couldn't help turning his head and glanced into the auditorium.

I don't know if he is here.