His Son Has a Richest Billionaires Dad

Chapter 21: Sudden proposal

As soon as the door was opened, entering from the porch, a set of duplex three-story, exquisitely and luxuriously decorated houses leapt to the horizon.

Cheng Yang squeezed the door key in her hand for a moment, the window was bright, and a flower-shaped crystal chandelier in the middle of the living room reflected the charming luster.

The decoration of the whole house is modern and pastoral. The floor is covered with imitation wood grain floor tiles, and the soft heating from the face makes Cheng Yang like this decoration style almost instantly.

This house is exactly the type that Cheng Yang dreams of, but that was once a luxury of Cheng Yang, a luxury that would not be realized.

But now, it suddenly appeared in front of Cheng Yang with no warning.

As Cheng Yang looked at the house with a stupid look, the whispered words a few steps behind him came up.

Yan Yan walked to the left side of Cheng Yang's body, and he embraced Cheng Yang's back waist in the state of God.

"Go, let's take a look upstairs." This ultra-luxury cottage is also specially equipped with an independent elevator. When buying this house, the preacher specifically told the assistant that the assistant must find his own elevator Yes, because Cheng Yang is not alone now, he has a baby in his belly. This may be okay. Later, he will have a big belly and it will be inconvenient to go up and down stairs.

Although this real estate has never been invested, but one of the developers of the real estate, he knows each other and has eaten several times with each other.

With this relationship in it, this set of well-decorated villas, which are currently on the market for sale, was directly bought for the full price, and the friendship price was more than 10 million.

Talking about Cheng Yang, the two walked into a separate elevator on the left.

On the three sides of the elevator, there were bright and transparent glass stills, so the three people in the three mirrors reflected the two standing inside. Cheng Yang glanced to the right, and saw the one in the mirror who was gnawing at the waist. He had a kind of Strange unrealism.

In the process of looking at the room, the surprise on Cheng Yang's face didn't dissipate much, and the man beside him took him passively from upstairs to downstairs.

There are three bedrooms on the second floor, a study, two bedrooms on the third floor, a small studio, and an open balcony with an awning.

Each room is warmly and neatly decorated, and the bed is lined with the same color linen. It seems that you can stay at any time.

After watching the upstairs, Yan Yan led Cheng Yang down the stairs with an elevator. There is a glass door on the right side of the lobby.

Numerous delicate flowers are blooming in the garden, such as narcissus, begonia, wax plum, calla and so on.

The ground under the flowerpot was also clean.

Cheng Yang stared for a while before pulling his focus back from the flowers. He slowly turned his eyes to look at the handsome man next to him.

The key in his hand became hot at this time. Cheng Yang thought for a moment and returned the key directly to Yan Yan.

Not surprisingly, Yan Yan didn't pick up the door key, but held Cheng Yang's palm with both hands and bent Cheng Yang's fingers toward the palm.

"I will transfer this house to your name in a few days." Yan Yan did not say that the house was a gift to Cheng Yang, but told him the transfer problem.

The speculation that had been circling in my mind has now become a reality.

This is no less than a sudden huge drop in the sky, which fell to Cheng Yang's eyes.

Cheng Yang's housing prices around here are probably clear. The prices of other ordinary residential buildings next to them are more than 20,000, let alone a luxuriously furnished duplex with a total area of ​​400 square meters.

"Don't you transfer it to me, I can't ask for it."

Although Cheng Yang likes this house very much, no matter it is in the location or the interior decoration, but Cheng Yan is so frightened to say that Cheng Yang is still scared.

Of course, he believed that the speech was not a joke. He said that he would transfer it to him, and he would certainly.

Cheng Yang's parents are ordinary teachers. Under the influence of their parents, Cheng Yang has a very healthy and correct value.

He believes that any gain requires equal or higher prices of labor and effort.

Taking advantage of small gains, Cheng Yang is quite self-disciplined and self-disciplined.

He didn't think he had done anything particularly important, and it was worthwhile to give him such a set of villas worth tens of millions.

The gift was too big for him to accept, and Cheng Yang took a half step back, unbelievable and unacceptable.

To say that the one million he took before was won by him, so he would not have any psychological burden, but if he did take it, he might have insomnia again.

"It's too expensive, I really can't ask for it." Cheng Yang shook her head and refused to ask for this suite.

Cheng Yang's reaction was completely in anticipation. He didn't say anything immediately, such as persuading Cheng Yang to accept the house, but when Cheng Yang put the key on a small table not far behind him, 厍Yan's long legs took a few steps up.

He gently grasped Cheng Yang's shoulder, and seated Cheng Yangyu on the rattan chair near the small table.

Cheng Yang was a stunner at first. As soon as he sat down, he struggled to stand up, but what happened next made Cheng Yang stunned, his eyes and pupils stared round and round, watching the tall and cold man straight He knelt down on one knee in front of himself.

What did he do on his knees?

What is he going to do?

The alarm bell in Cheng Yang's head was a masterpiece.

At the next moment, all parts of his body suddenly became jammed, and his torso became a decoration. He sat stiffly on the rattan chair, with only a pair of eyes to turn. He saw the proverbial hand reaching into his pocket, and a few seconds later the man's right palm had more palms. A small rose-colored brocade box.

In fact, when a man knelt down on one knee, Cheng Yang could almost guess what the man was going to do, as he would have given him the key to the house door.

He hoped that these were all fake, all of which were too sudden, leaving Cheng Yang unprepared.

Cheng Yang feels that he should stand up and leave, but the man's eyes are too deep and tender. Something intangible entangles Cheng Yang's body, making him unable to move at this instant.

Don't open it, don't take out the contents!

Cheng Yang shouted in his heart.

With his silent shout, Yan Yan opened the red brocade box and handed the box to Cheng Yang's eyes with the platinum ring inside.

"Marry me, Cheng Yang." Yan Yan's perennial cold face was completely changed at this time, and the endless crickets were tenderly dyed in his eyebrows.

His voice was strong and powerful, with a strong deceptive power, which made Cheng Yang's rejection look swaying.

"I'm a man, how do I ..." Marry you?

The heartbeat sounded loudly, ringing to the ear, Cheng Yang's body receded, but the back was the back of the chair, so Cheng Yang's entire spine was only attached to the back of the chair.

His head was blank, his body seemed to be nailed to a rattan chair, and his consciousness was constantly trying to escape, but the body was trapped in the sight of the man and could not escape.

"Marry me, let me be your family, and allow me to work with you to build a complete and happy home for our baby."

Yan Yan said something really sincerely, not a boyfriend or a lover, but a more intimate relationship than the two. The word "family" alone has a responsibility in it.

"You are a man, of course I know, but this is not important at all."

"Why ... not important?" Obviously very important.

Cheng Yang's throat was unexpectedly dry and his voice was so low that he could hardly hear himself.

"Give me this opportunity and I will treat you better than anyone in this world."

The heat flow rushed into Cheng Yang's throat and rushed into Cheng Yang's eyes. He suddenly lost his voice, opened and closed his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

No one had ever expressed such a strong love for him like this.

The lack of affection makes Cheng Yang always have a deep-rooted notion that family members are so indifferent, let alone outsiders.

However, the advent of rumors seems to be to break those thoughts of Cheng Yang's past.

It turns out that there are really such people and people who love him so much.

For the first time, Cheng Yang deeply felt the happiness of being loved by others.

Cheng Yang didn't dare to speak, for fear of crying.

Yan Yan saw that Cheng Yang's eyes became red gradually. He took out the ring from the box and carefully put Cheng Yang on his slightly trembling left hand.

What happened in a short time may be a huge accident for Cheng Yang, but for Yan Yan, it is all in his plan.

The house, and the proposal.

It's all a matter of pretending to leave and it will start to prepare things.

He likes Cheng Yang, the boy is his treasure, and he hopes to love his boy in a better name.

Not by boyfriend, but by husband, family.

After putting on a ring for Cheng Yang, Yan Yan shook Cheng Yang's hand, leaned over and fell a soft kiss on the ring.

Cheng Yang's fingers slowly bent, he lowered his eyes, stared at the ring on the ring finger of his left hand, and raised his eyes after half a ring. The man stood up, leaning on the back of the chair with one hand, and gently lifted Cheng Yang's face with one hand .

Yan Yan bent down, his eyes kissed Cheng Yang with affection.

The kiss was light and shallow, like a dragonfly dripping water.

When Yan Yan receded and got up, Cheng Yang felt as if it was his illusion.

"Would you like to make it public?" As soon as this question came out, not only were hesitating, Cheng Yang himself was shocked.

He wanted to take it back, but it was too late.

This proposal, he originally wanted to refuse, how would he marry Yan Yan.

Only the words of refusal flowed to the tip of the tongue, and in the warm eyes of the man, they spontaneously retreated.

He couldn't resist the charm of men. He actually wanted to be with the other person deep in his heart, because he was too sudden, so he hesitated briefly.

After hesitation, emotions triumph over reason instantly.

Cheng Yang's sentence is exactly the same as promised Yan Yan's proposal. He gently stroked Cheng Yang's hair, and he was very happy and happy.

"If you want."

"I don't want to!" Cheng Yang immediately denied.

Publicize their relationship, or publicize his proposal to him?

Regardless of which, Cheng Yang can almost predict that once he knows more people, his peaceful life will change dramatically.

Cheng Yang noticed a slight change in her expression, and was afraid of the other party ’s misunderstanding. She immediately explained: "At least do n’t make it public now, after I graduate ..."

"Okay." The public not having a big impact on Yan Yan, Cheng Yang did n’t want to, so he did n’t make it public. Even after Cheng Yang graduated, he would n’t be persecuted if he was worried about family problems.

Cheng Yang himself is a homosexual thing. He once mentioned it voluntarily, and has been hiding his family members up to now. His parents are relatively biased at their age. They still think that it is normal and reasonable for men and women to be together.

The ring was worn on Cheng Yang's hand. He temporarily ran away from thinking about his parents. When the child was born, he said that he and Yan Yan were together. Since he didn't reject it, he chose to accept it. He will definitely show up with his parents in the future.

Wait again, Cheng Yang thought.

In this way, Yan Yan was regarded as a successful marriage proposal. He leaned again and hugged his child's lover. He was excited. Although this result was expected by him, when he saw that the ring was really put on Cheng Yang's hand, It was difficult to calm down for a while.

Yan Yan tightly embraced Cheng Yang, and his strength was so great that he suddenly thought of the baby in Cheng Yang's stomach, his arms loosened, still holding him tightly.

The breeze was blowing, carrying a sweet floral scent.

Cheng Yang's lips curled up, his face filled with happiness, and he also reached back and whispered, his cheeks were buried next to each other's neck, and each other's hearts were now very close, and the heartbeat sounds seemed to be slowly at the same frequency.

Suddenly his expression changed slightly, and there was a small fish swimming in the left side of his stomach.

Cheng Yang smiled. He guessed that the baby must be swimming. He said to the baby tenderly: We have a home.

The baby vomited several bubbles in succession and seemed to be responding.