His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 397: Did not return home

The moment Camille saw Qianmiao, he was stunned.

Then, he burst out several sentences incoherently, expressing excitement and surprise.

"My dear, what's wrong with you, your style...how did it change like this?"

"Soft and cute, like it." Camille grabbed a rogue rabbit on the sofa.

Qianmiao took off his coat and hung it up, then sat on the sofa, putting his legs on the armrests without restraint, and said lightly, "Oh, isn't it?"

In fact, Qiao Shiwan bought her several other sets, which are more adorable.

This set is fairly mature.

Camille took several photos excitedly and spread them to a group.

Immediately afterwards, the "wow rain" began to fall, and the group members "wow" one after another.

"Look, they don't believe this is you, they thought I forced you to wear it."

Qian Miao ate the orange: "Oh, isn't it?"

"Ah, the old man found you!"

Qian Miao's leisurely expression suddenly stopped.

The oranges in my hand suddenly stopped fragrant, so I quickly picked up the phone and looked at it.

In the group with ninety-nine news additions, the members were suddenly muted, and only the old man could speak.

He ait her.

Qianmiao's eyes rolled back and forth, and then quietly quit the group chat.

"Ahhhh, have you withdrawn from the group?" Camille, who was already thirty years old, was excited like a girl.

Qian Miao put down his phone, continued to eat oranges, and said, "What's up with the old man?"

"He hit three question marks."

Qian Miao smiled: "Don't pay attention to him, the next thing, the next."

Camille laughed suddenly: "He pulled you in again."

Qian Mian glanced, and it was true that she hadn't set permissions, and she didn't need her consent to pull the group of friends.

As soon as I entered, I saw a very serious expression.

Qian Miao sighed: "I have diarrhea, and I can't see information in the toilet."

Camille couldn't help himself with a smile: "The old man asked if you were irritated by wearing this way. He even stole my clothes to wear them so that you can return to your true self. Don't infringe on the realm of you, and you have become the same."

Qian Mian's face was indifferent.

Once again, silently exit the group chat, and set the group permission.

Camille also put down the phone and put the old man aside.

Camille’s plane was in a hurry, at one o'clock in the morning, so as soon as she had finished eating, Qianmiao sent her to the airport.

When she came back, she drove directly towards Feng's house.

The car was halfway, but received a call from Lu Wanyu.

She made a strange request—to accompany her to sleep.

Qianmiao knew that Ming was the day she was in court, and it was inevitable to be nervous.

She thought that there was nothing wrong, so she went there tomorrow again.

As soon as the car turned around, he drove towards Lu Wanyu's house.

Lu Wanyu originally lived outside by herself, but during this period of time, in order to fight for sovereignty, even if she was not happy, she moved back to the Lu family and lived in the same house with her stepmother Chen Lan and the unrelated Lu Xinqing.

Lu Xinqing was directly sued by Cang Zeyue for buying murder and murder. In the case of Cheng Nei Er, the person has now been arrested and is busy looking for a lawyer.

Therefore, there are only Chen Lan and her brother, Lu Xinqing's uncle.

I arrived at Lu's house very late, almost midnight.

Lu Wanyu was waiting for her at the door. When she saw her, her tense nerves were inexplicably relaxed, and she beckoned her to go in.

When the lights illuminate Qianmiao's dress, Lu Wanyu has become a person who is stunned today.

"Miscellaneous, you... So you have this side too?"

"What do you think of me?"