His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 601: Heartbeat

After taking the medicine, Qian Mian changed into pure white clothes and settled in the base.

Lu Wanyu, as one of the R&D staff, is also a girl, staying with her to take care of her.

Every two days, she has to go for a checkup to see if there are any obvious changes in various indicators of the body.

Especially the heart.

As long as her various physiological indicators return to the normal range of normal people, it means that the medicine is really effective.

At night, Lu Wanyu was sitting on the bed next to her, reading a medical book in her hand.

Thinking of something, she suddenly turned her head and asked Qianmiao: "What did you do when the school organized a physical examination?"

After all, Qianmiao's physical indicators at this time were different from those of normal people.

For example, the temperature of a normal person is 36 to 37 degrees, while her temperature is 37 to 38 degrees.

Besides, the normal range of heart rate is 60-101 per minute, while her current heart rate is 120-160 per minute. For her, this range is normal. If it is higher or lower than this range, it will appear. A series of symptoms such as distress.

When her heart rate returns to less than 100 but there is no physical abnormality, it means that she is getting better.

The last time she tried the medicine, her heart rate successfully returned to less than one hundred, but it caused distress and shortness of breath.

At that time, Qian Ru and others were in a hurry and tried to rescue her. However, she recovered on her own the next day.

This is

The power of d-2, the overbearing power of the medicine, seemed to be announcing to all the anti-drugs, except for it, no one could kill Tang Qianmiao.

Qian Mian thought about this, raised his eyes, and said to Lu Wanyu: "The first time, it did arouse a lot of discussion, but the elementary school I went to was relatively backward, and the teachers there didn't care much about it. I was alive and kicking. , Only when the instrument is broken, no one deliberately seeks an explanation."

Lu Wanyu: "What about your mother? After she finds out, isn't she in a hurry?"

"It was like this when I was born. They didn't think it was strange. They didn't care if I was ill. Besides, my mother's physical condition was similar to mine. She didn't find anything wrong during the checkup at the beginning, so she didn't take it seriously. "

Lu Wanyu nodded, and asked, "Later, after going to middle school, there will be medical examinations too."

Qian Miao ate the apple and said, "This is simple. I ran away from the school check. I just need to get a medical check up by myself and show it to the teacher."

"Smart." Lu Wanyu said, rolling her eyes, and suddenly asked: "Every time you have distress, what is the fuse?"

"You only feel distressed if it is higher than 160, right?"

Qian Mian: "There is no sign."

"Then, if you exercise vigorously and your heart beats faster, will that happen?"

"No, never before."

Otherwise, she would not be able to acquire a kung fu.

Lu Wanyu's eyes showed gossip: "Then... If you see a man you like, will it be..."

Qian Miao looked at her.

"You say heartbeat?"

Qianmiao said without thinking, "No."

"Oh, that's a man who didn't meet his heart."

As soon as the words fell, Qian Miao's chewing movements slowly slowed down, his eyes hidden his thoughts, and his eyes hesitated.

A blurry picture suddenly flashed before my eyes--

When she was thirteen years old, outside the door of the Red Paint Courtyard, she was holding the freshly made medicinal soup in her hand, looking curiously in the courtyard.

Finally, under the tree covered with maple leaves, I saw people sitting in front of the chessboard.

His eyes are covered by white gauze, and a black chess piece is twisted in his hand. His face is exquisite, and his temperament is elegant and elegant, like a zhilanyu tree, and poetic and painting.

Under the scorching sun, her body shook suddenly, her hand covering her faintly aching heart, she hadn't walked in for a long time.