His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 736: Caught fire

"Speaking of her, she doesn't look like her mother or dad. It must be God's retribution."

Just after the second aunt had said this, she felt a gust of wind rushing towards her, and then she was caught in the neck, and the whole person was lifted up!

Everyone screamed.

Zhang Xuela blinked vigorously, she couldn't believe the scene she saw just now.

She just saw that Wei Wu suddenly flashed to a place five meters away, and she also picked up her second aunt with her bare hands!

But how is this possible?

Isn't this a plot only in the movie? !

When she was silly, she heard screams in her ears.

After a trance, she returned to reality abruptly, and then found a fire underneath, everyone fleeing everywhere.

"Wh, when did the fire start?"

She took a few steps back in a panic, and was about to flee. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in front of her. In the next second, she was choked to death by someone and lifted up!

After seeing the face of the person in front of her, she was horrified and incredulous.

Wei Wu smiled terribly, and said: "Didn't I leave a message to tell you, don't bully Feng Can? Why are you, so disobedient?"

As soon as the voice fell, she tightened her strength abruptly when she heard a click.

Zhang Xuela's face was pale and grim, and she made a hoarse "Ahhhhh" in his throat.

Wei Wu smiled more and more charmingly: "Lu Yang posted an insult to Feng Can. You liked that Weibo, didn't you?"

Zhang Xuela waved her hands desperately, and her body began to twitch.

When her life was hanging by a thread, Wei Wu's five fingers loosened, causing her to hit the ground fiercely.

Afterwards, he glanced at the remaining water in the bucket by the corridor, lifted it up, and slowly rushed down Zhang Xuela's face.

Zhang Xuela was taking a deep breath and swallowing the sloppy water directly!

She rolled over and vomited.

Wei Wu's eyes were cold: "Your days in the entertainment industry are over."

Feng Can has already got an off-road vehicle.

There was a friend of his playing a car nearby, and he borrowed it as soon as he borrowed it, and drove over here immediately.

When I first arrived here, I felt very hot.

He lowered the car window to look at Zhang's house, suddenly startled.

Zhangjia, it's on fire!

His car door opened and he was about to rush down, but the door of Zhang's house opened at this moment.

Wei Wu came out.

Feng Can went down and saw the embarrassment on her face at a glance: "What did they do to you?!"

As he said, he took off his clothes: "Take off the clothes outside and put on me."

It was cold, she was wet all over, and there was a moldy smell, which made her easy to get sick.

Wei Wu took it and thanked him.

Then said: "Let's go."

Feng Can looked inside: "But inside..."

"Someone will handle it."

Wei Wu wanted to tell a lie, saying that a sacred fire banquet was being held inside. It was a custom in his hometown, so Feng Can would believe it.

However, when the words came to her lips, she could no longer speak as easily as before.

She said: "If you don't leave, it will be too late."

When Feng Can was about to ask why, he saw a few thug-like people rushing out of the gate of Zhang's house, chasing them viciously.

"Get in the car!"

Feng Can quickly opened the door to get Wei Wu in, then got in the car and drove away.

The car was speeding along the road.

He kept looking at the rearview mirror and confirmed that the group was chasing them.

The scene in front of him was suddenly in a trance, and a familiar picture flashed in front of his eyes-exciting speed, her mouth was stuck with tape, her hands and feet were tied with ropes, and her ears were filled with the screams of wicked people. .

"Feng Can!"

(Woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly remembered that I had forgotten something. When I think about it, it turns out that I forgot to update??)