His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 757: Too rampant

Obviously there is still enough time, but when others hand in the paper, I feel very nervous.

About twenty minutes later, Wei Wu also came out.

After her, she followed a few classmates one after another.

The invigilator frowned: "Don't worry, check it carefully after you finish writing. You will get a high score after finishing writing. Those who went out earlier may not get you better than you in the test."

These words calmed the hearts of the students a little bit.

Wei Wu walked out with a pen, and as soon as he went downstairs, he saw Qianmiao standing there, holding two bags in one hand on his shoulders, and looking down with a mobile phone in the other.

She quickened her pace and walked over: "Miscellaneous, shall we go now?"

Qian Miao gave her her bag, asked her to put things in it, and said, "Yes, the car has already arrived."

"But the teacher's side..."

"It's okay, I've done it."

Wei Wu nodded safely, and the two walked out together.

The few students who just came out watched them walking towards the gate, with envy in their eyes: "They can actually go out, let's go out too, I am suffocated!"

"If you are stupid, come out, I have heard that they have not successfully asked for leave at all!"

"How did you go out without success? They are too bold!"

"Oh, no wonder, the affiliated middle school has always been arrogant! Let them go, they will cry when the test scores are low."

"Not necessarily. There is also Lin Wenyu. She is very nice, serious, and easy to talk, but she is not very close to the two. She is obviously from the same school, which is strange."

"What's so weird about it, people are divided into groups by kind, and those two are obviously heterogeneous. Of course a good girl like Lin Wenyu can't play with them."

At the same time, Si Han and a few teachers walked into the office.

Suddenly I found that there was a stack of test papers on my desk.

A teacher picked it up and looked at it.

"Ah, isn't this the test paper we just issued in the morning? I left these children to study and write for these two days. Why did they finish writing?"

"The two poems here are... Tang Qianfan and Wei Wu! How come they both finished writing?"

"Teacher Si, take a look, take a look, how arrogant this is."

The teacher picked up two leave slips and looked at it carefully, and said, "It's these two children, this is too lawless!"

"Don't say anything else, their papers did a good job, and I can see that there is nothing wrong now." Another teacher said.

Si Hanlao took a look at Qian Miao's paper, and although they were all right, his expression was not good at all.

"Such students are too rampant! Ask Liao Yan to come over!"

"But they have completed the task, and there is no test paper for her to do, so it's pretty boring for them to study by themselves here."

Si Han frowned: "Teacher Liu, there is a problem with your way of looking at problems!"

Teacher Liu pushed the round glasses and said, "I just don't want the students to be too tired, and work and rest are combined."

"Teacher Si, what should I do now? Call them back?"

Si Han was about to talk when his cell phone rang suddenly.

When he saw that it was the call from the investigation team, he walked aside to answer it.

After a while, he hurried back, explained a few words to the two teachers, and took the car key and left.

At the same time, I sent a message to Shu Yu so that she was also ready to go to the meeting together.

Teacher Liu saw that he had no time to take care of things here, so he said to another teacher: "Let's just let the children go and play, and all the papers are done."