His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 853: Wave the flag to cheer

The old lady was silent, but her eyes rolled around.

Qian Min said indifferently: "I have already decided, and I won't change my mind."

The black chicken was silent, trying to stop it but didn't know how to stop it.

Suddenly, he was poked in the thigh.

Looking down, the old lady was poking his thigh with a Snickers.

"Boy, go back up and stay."

Good men do not fight with women!

He took the snickers and turned away.

The old lady's eyesight was quick and she slapped him on the ass, and said, "I didn't eat for nothing!"

This shot was painful, causing the black chicken to clamp his **** and walk back.

Not long after, as the cheers of the audience rang out, Bai Zhu appeared in the camera.

His face is still that hideous mask, like a label that has already been formed.

The moment the camera captured the mask, the audience stood up and cheered.

At this moment, everyone truly felt the influence of Atractylodes macrocephala.

To put it bluntly, the members of the dark alliance are a place where they compete with each other for fame and profit.

It is not easy to have so many fans in such a place.

As he entered the arena, the two commentators began to walk through the process, introducing the purpose of the game and the guests, etc., followed by the rules and procedures of the game.

In short, there are three conditions for the end of the game: first, no one dares to continue to challenge Atractylodes; second, Atractylodes surrendered or fell to the ground; third, dawn.

Once the attacker is knocked down and can't stand up within five seconds, he will be eliminated.

Taking into account that there will be more than one dozen, the requirements for Baiju are relaxed. If you can't get up within ten seconds, you will be defeated.

The lights are bright and even dazzling, and the people in the stadium are excited.

After the camera shook in the auditorium for a while, it focused on the big countdown screen!

The word "10" appeared on the big screen, and then it counted down every second.

All the people counted down in unison, deafening!

At the moment when "1" changed to "0", drums rang and the gate of the track slowly opened.

Atractylodes appeared at the entrance of the arena, the old lady clapped her hands excitedly, and then pushed Qian Miao: "Wake the flag, shake it up!"

Qianmiao silently waved the flag.

The people around were shaking light sticks at the urging of the old lady.

"Good boy, come on! Good boy, come on!"

The old lady's voice was high and shrill.

Atractylodes enters first, and then the lights dim, and after a five-second countdown, the lights come on!

Everyone is looking for Baiju in the arena.

At this time, the attackers can already enter.

The attackers are players above the A-level in the All League and are not restricted.

If you can defeat Atractylodes, you can evenly split the 200,000 bonus!

These two hundred thousand are actually not much, even after a tie, it is even less worth mentioning, but the attackers continue to join in.

They are not fighting for money, but for the honor of defeating Atractylodes.

Hit one more, their winning percentage is great!

On the entry runway, more than twenty people rushed in.

Many attackers are still waiting in the waiting area, not in a hurry to enter.

Most of the people who have just entered are not well-qualified.

The calculation of most people is to let the first few batches of people consume the physical strength of Atractylodes macrocephala, and then go on, the odds of winning will be even greater!

Qianmiao's eye injuries have not healed yet, and her eyesight has recovered 80%, which is more than enough for her.

Before the game, she was already familiar with the structure of the arena, and according to her own ideas, she found a place where Baiju might hide.

Suddenly, I saw him between the two ships on the autumn battlefield.

The two boats were very close, and he...footed on two boats.

The posture seems very leisurely, calm as usual.

The twenty-odd people were still searching vigilantly in the first and second battlefields, and the spectators outside could not help but remind.

"On the ship! On the ship!"