His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 858: Cyan Frost Sword Out

In the high position, the head of the head raised his mouth: "This year's newcomer has a good sense of courage."

"Master, that Fu Shen is the one sleeping on the Baizhu bed."

The head squinted: "It's her."

"Yes, this newcomer only got the all-star rating this afternoon, S3, is a very promising newcomer."

Head: "S3, it's indeed a manufacturable material. Let people stare at her and guard against it."

"Head, do you suspect that she wants to help Bai Shu?"

The head is silent, his eyes are deep.

The subordinate immediately turned around and proceeded to do it.

Qian Mian stared at the three newly added people beside him for a while, then turned his head and looked forward.

Black Chicken: "Play with confidence and cover."

Polita sent a kiss.

Dongli sighed with his hands behind his back, very like an old parent.

Qian Mian raised his hand silently, and gave them three children a heart that seemed to have no emotions.

In the field, Bai Shu leaned against the wall, staring indifferently at the girl's figure on the big screen and the blue frost sword in her hand, thoughtfully.

The narrator kept emphasizing that this is a competition between the Azure Frost Sword and the Azure Wu Sword, making the atmosphere more enthusiastic.

Following in the footsteps of the front team, the four followed suit.

The gate of the arena behind him slowly closed.

Qianmiao's team didn't follow, and stopped directly in the spring battlefield. Then, one person stood up and arranged each person's position.

Someone dug out a nearby rope and began to arrange traps.

As soon as Baiju comes, straighten the rope to trip him, and then a group of people will go up together and hold him down for ten seconds.

After all the preparations were made, everyone began to wait.

Qianmiao suddenly discovered that several people approached her, standing in four directions from her, and it seemed that they had not deliberately targeted her.

But as long as you pay attention, you can notice that their eyes will float to her from time to time.

She was watched.

Heiji seemed to see through her mind, and suddenly smiled and hooked up with two of them, asking for experience.

Unexpectedly, the two of them didn't pay any attention at all, did not open the black chicken's hand, gave him a glance, and then continued to stand at the position closest to Qian Miao.

Qianmiao watched the surroundings, his eyes falling on the rope in the middle.

At this moment, a voice came from the front: "Atractylodes is here! Everyone prepares!"

All of a sudden, everyone stood according to the position just now, most of them were lying in ambush behind the tree, and a small group of people were left to charge and drive Atractylodes here.

Everything looks very smooth.

In the crowd, the moon-white figure came towards the rope.

Everyone geared up and was extremely excited.

Under the camouflage of the leaves, there was no trace of the rope, and Atractylodes had no tendency to stop or slow down.

"Everyone prepares. As soon as I put my hand down, I will pull the rope." Someone yelled in a low voice.

Staring at the close figure of Atractylodes macrocephala, everyone counted down to three and two.

As soon as it came out, a sword suddenly flew out from behind and flew toward Atractylodes.

Because of this, Bai Zhu stopped in time and blocked the sword with his hand.

At the same time, Qian Miao turned over and jumped over, catching the sword in time!

Everyone felt a sorrow when the scheme failed.

But they didn't have time to complain, so they immediately took their weapons to kill Atractylodes.

Qianmiao became one of them and encountered Baiju's sword several times.

Narrator: "Qingshuang Sword is sharp and actively attacking. It seems that Fu Shen's utilitarianism is more anxious."