His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 864: Recognize each other

The old lady ignored her and said: "Take it for me, I'm going to see my baby boy!"

Qianmiao: "I'm going back to the dormitory."

"Then take it back. Is it possible that you still want my old bone to take it?"

With a cut, the old lady ran towards Baiju.

The vigorous pace is no weaker than any young man.

Bai Shu left the dark alliance and organized a farewell party for him.

Only a small number of people can participate, almost all of the leadership and his contemporaries.

The old lady asked her to send messages to her, let her go as soon as possible, pushed her to find Bai Zhu, and sent Bai Zhu to the car.

He also said that he was going to take off the mask of Baizhu and take a look.

She went downstairs, but ran into an old acquaintance at the top of the stairs.

When he called out her ranking in the temple, she was shocked.

"Eleven." The man called again, with a smile on his lips.

He stepped forward and hugged her lightly, and released it after two seconds: "It's me."

"You can be regarded as let me find you."

"How did you... get in here?"

"I'm here to take you away."

She slowed down for a while, and said, "I don't want to leave yet, I want to do a career here."

Suddenly someone came.

"Fu Shen, it's not good, the black chickens were taken away by the cold lizard people!"

Those suddenly noisy sounds gradually fade away.

Qianmiao was in a daze, and the long-lasting picture suddenly disappeared and turned into a memorial in the Baizhu Hall.

She retracted her gaze, went to the material room and took what she needed, and then walked back.

Shaking the spray paint pen, she began to paint.

She used to play with this thing often, and it didn't take much effort to paint.

As she was painting, four people were approaching the door holding small lanterns.

One of them is an old man, leading three newcomers.

The three newcomers are wearing silver masks and uniform black uniforms.

"Now, you two are responsible for hanging the lantern, and you are responsible for the escalator." He gave the lantern to the tallest person: "You grow taller, so be responsible for hanging it."

The man took the lantern and didn't move it.

His gaze suddenly looked aside and fell on the girl standing on the wall graffiti.

The other person is also looking at her.

The girl's eyes were a little straight, but she was motionless while holding the spray paint in her hand. She did not even respond to someone calling her.

His eyes swept over her exaggerated clothes and the lone wing behind her, then turned away.

The girl with straight eyes is Qianmiao.

She turned her head to look over.

Mint scent with a hint of milk, yes, it's a seal!

Unexpectedly, she would meet him here, and she couldn't help but look at him closely.

The uniforms and masks of the newcomers are ordinary and featureless, but the temperament can't cover them.

His gestures are clearly divided into two types from the two newcomers next to him.

"Has the drawing been done?" The person in charge suddenly stood in front of her, blocking her vision.

She cleared her throat and said lightly: "It's almost there."


There was a sound from next door.

A lantern fell from the man's hand, his originally indifferent gaze was looking here.

Qianmiao was sure, he heard her voice.

It seems that she didn't admit her mistake, the taste is perfect, and so is her body shape.

But what is he doing here?

Is it just a newcomer?

Check in regularly?

This thought flashed through Qianmiao's mind.

For the next five minutes, one was slowly hanging the lantern, and the other was drawing.

Suddenly, a lantern fell on Qianmiao, and she turned to look at him who was standing on the ladder.

He jumped straight down and walked to her: "Thank you."

His mask is very shallow, which is basically useless for familiar people, and he can recognize his original appearance by just two eyes.

Qian Miao glanced at the upward arc of his mouth, looked down, and put the lantern in his hand.

The next second, the hand was held.