His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 895: Chuckle

Only after being called away by the black chicken, she was delayed in the dark alliance again these days.

Feng Xian didn't look at her, her eyes were pale, even slightly cold, and she only stared at the front of the car.

Two seconds later, he said without emotion: "It was true that my dad and I were responsible for the aftermath of the incident. Then my aunt suddenly intervened. Several people at the time were sent to prison. Nothing was mentioned in the confession. Plan. After that, those people died in prison one after another, and there was no follow-up."

Qian Miao glanced at the man's eyes.

His voice is calm, too calm, so that people don't want to think too much.

For a time, neither of them spoke.

The black chicken pressed his lips, turned his head to look at Wei Wu, and said: The atmosphere is so awkward, I regret taking this car!

Wei Wu: Is Feng always angry?

Heiji: It's hard to say, the younger brother knows something that I don't know. It's for sure that I feel depressed.

Wei Wu: But Feng Can only knew about it because of me, and he didn't know everything. I think Feng always knows more.

Black Chicken: These are not important! The important thing is the order! Anyway, Feng Can first knew it was wrong!

Wei Wu: Why are they still not talking?

Heiji: Don't look at their mouths, they must have plenty of psychological activities. Didn't you find that Fengxian driving is emotional?

Wei Wu: I didn't find it, it's pretty stable.

Heiji: As expected, he was still a child.

Wei Wu: Hey, the miraculous movement has taken place.

The black chicken was taken aback, and he didn't believe it!

So he stretched his head and glanced, and saw Qian Mian opening a bottle of mineral water.

Heiji: I think too much, my boss will not coax people, she is just thirsty.

In the next second, Qian Miao handed Fengxuan the water that had just been unscrewed.

The black chicken's eyes protruded with surprise!

"Damn..." He couldn't help it.

He has been with Qian Mian for so many years and has never been so coaxed.

Feng Xian looked at the water that he handed in front of him, and it was still opened, his expression still indifferent.

"Not thirsty, thank you."

Qian Miao took the water back, closed the bottle cap, and said nothing.

Black Chicken: I really want to kick him.

Wei Wu: I suddenly felt that we were an eyesore.

Heiji: What an eyesore, what did he want to do after we left?

Wei Wu: The mood is wrong, do you like to be ethereal?

Black Chicken: I raise her as a daughter.

Wei Wu: Um...

At this time, the car slowly stopped and waited for the red light.

A dozen cars lined up with a small stop in front.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became more subtle.

Wei Wu has pretended to be asleep.

The black chicken stared wide, staring at the back of Feng Xian's head.

Suddenly, he saw Qian Miao reaching out towards Feng Xian.

The black corn's eyes widened again, and he muttered in his heart: Don't don't.

I also prayed that Fengxian had better continue to refuse, so that their boss would definitely be angry.

Others are nothing more than three things, and his boss is nothing more than two things. He can't do it the first time, and if he does it again, he will fall.

The corner of the black chicken's mouth was hooked, waiting to see the excitement.

Then, the smile ossified.

Feng Xian's servant was not so cold to the end, so he stretched out his hand.

Feng Xian looked ahead, seemingly indifferent, but there was a faint joy in his eyes.

He could feel that his hand was being held by Qian Miao, and two things slipped into his wrist.

One is a watch and the other is a bracelet.

He frowned.

When he turned his head to look out of the car window, the smile at the corner of his mouth could not hide, and he hooked up.

The car came to a big hotel.

Thinking of the relationship between Fengxian and Bai Mucheng, Qian Yi said in a convenient way: "I'll go up and bring him down, and we will wait for me here."

However, Fengxian has already unfastened the seat belt.


Qian Miao held down the car door and looked back at him.

"Let's go." Feng Xian said.