His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 941: Speechless

He walked up to Wei Wu and suddenly took Wei Wu's computer away.

Wei Wu seemed to have broken his dream, and the joy on his face suddenly solidified.

She raised her eyes, covered in frost.

Lingjiu's eyes were sharper than hers, and there was resentment.

"Is it kill or hunt? The two of them have been hiding for so long, haven't they been caught by me?!"

Wei Wu has sharp eyes: "Give me back my computer."

The gloomy breath chilled the back.

Ling Jiu said: "Yes? Yes, go to trouble with those companies? Do you know how difficult it is to start a company? Which company has no black material? Exposing them in this way will ruin them, you know?"

Wei Wu stretched out his hand: "I'll say it again, give it back to me."

Perhaps her breath was too cold, and Lingjiu didn't catch a real handle, so she had to return the computer first.

Wei Wu took the computer back and saw the prompt that the character was killed.

On the private message, Feng Can sent a few question marks.

Her eyelids were pressed and suddenly lifted, she also stood up in an instant, slapped Lingjiu's face with two slaps!

Heavy and ruthless!

The person watching the play at the door took a breath, Qianmian pressed the space bar and watched the scene calmly.

Ling Jiu was slapped stupid, his eyes staring roundly, looking at the little girl in front of him incredulously.

Wei Wu: "Mom didn't teach, it's rude to interrupt others playing games?"

Lingjiu let out an unbelievable smile: "Dare to hit me?"

It was another slap in the face.

"I just hit it." Wei Wu stood on the windowsill, staring at him condescendingly.

A pair of eyes were cold and merciless, even showing murderous hostility.

Shu Yu walked in and reprimanded: "Wei Wu, how can you hit someone? And, Tang Qianyan, why don't you stop it?"

After cursing, Shu Yu's unhappiness was relieved a little bit.

She had never been upset with the owner of fire, and even more upset with Tang Qianfan. As a result, the two were the same person, even more upset.

Qianmiao: "He rushed over, isn't he just looking for a fight?"

It was indeed a bit unreasonable to rush in to question this matter.

Shu Yu said: "What do you understand, it is because he suspects that Wei Wu is the hacker he has been looking for!"


Qian Miao tilted his head and smiled, "You can be convicted by doubt? Mom taught it?"

In a word, Lingjiu's face was burning hot.

He angrily said: "I just checked the other party's signal, it's around here, only the two of us play on the computer, it's not her, that's it!"

"So?" Qian Min said indifferently: "Don't say there is no evidence, even if you find the other party, who is it? The police, or the judge, can still convict her? I want to ask, what crime did she commit?"

Lingjiu choked suddenly, but couldn't answer it!

Indeed, Hunt did not do anything against the law, only exposed the black material, and it was also loved by many people!

Those who hate her are people with a guilty conscience...

He suddenly regretted that he shouldn't come over recklessly, and asked people so recklessly.

Even if he found it, he would pass the news back silently, and the rest had nothing to do with him.

This scene is really embarrassing now.

Ling Jiu looked at Wei Wu directly and asked, "Really...isn't it?"

Wei Wu raised his hand, his eyes sharp: "Say?"