His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 949: Learn hunt

She is now holding hands by the long-faced man, her hair is messy, and she seems to have no counterattack. The tables and chairs next to her have fallen down. Anyone who looks at it will think that this is a group of people bullying a little girl.

With a lollipop in his mouth, Qian Miao took a picture of them with his mobile phone in one hand.

"Go on, go on, a group of Lao Lai pushed innocent girls on the ground to eat the Overlord's meal."

She clicked her red lips and asked, "What do you think of this title?"

"Blood spurts!"

Qianmiao turned her phone and pointed it at the blue-haired woman who was yelling. The other party immediately raised her hand to cover her face and walked over to take her phone.

As a result, I just rushed over and didn't know what I had tripped under my feet, and fell down suddenly.

The long-faced man pushed Wei Wu away at once, letting go of her.

Wei Wu clutched his chest and walked toward this side "weakly".

The lens captures this detail perfectly.

Qianmiao put down the phone after saving it.

The long-faced man and the person next to him didn't know what they said, and suddenly packed their things quickly. A group of people walked past them and left a sentence: "It's ruthless!"

The whole hall was quiet again.

Wei Wu walked towards her and said, "It's still early, we can go back to Fengjia."

Qian Mian glanced at the time, it was exactly half past six, and it took more than forty minutes to get back to Feng's house from here, which also happened to be dinner time.

Wei Wu had a meal: "Still want to eat what I made?"

Qianmiao saw the eagerness in her eyes and said, "Don't worry, it won't be too late to eat next time."

Wei Wu smiled: "Then I will go."

Knowing her careful thoughts, Qian Miao smiled lightly without saying anything.

Outside, a group of long-faced men walked to the door, feeling their wounds and howling.

"No, even though it was dark just now, I can be sure that I was picked up by a hand and fell severely!"

He touched his knee: "It still hurts now!"

"Yes, yes, I also felt that I, a man of more than one hundred and sixty jins, was actually lifted by her!"

"Oh my god, it's not a monster, or why did the light suddenly go dark?"

"That's why I came out suddenly." The long-faced man suddenly said.

He said: "First declare, I am not backing down, this is a strategy! There are definitely some ulterior secrets in this store, or the boss has a secret, we have to figure it out!"

"But we still have to participate in the competition."

"You are stupid, there is no conflict with this." He smiled and asked, "Hunt, have you heard of it?"

"Hunt? That Internet People's Hero?"

"I'm very famous. I heard that many people want to catch him now. What's wrong?"

The long-faced man said: "If we can dig out the secret here like him, should we still worry about qualifying?"

This group of people came here from a small place from their hometowns just to show their hands in the secret net qualifying and become famous all over the world.

Now that there is such a path in front of him, there is this plan.

"Brother strong is strong! High! Brothers all follow suit!" Someone gave him a thumbs up.

The long-faced man smiled triumphantly and said: "From today, excluding training time, people will take turns to squat here, and control their monitoring system. I don't believe it. There is no black material! Ahhh!"

He covered his chin, knocked on the table just now, and now it hurts when he speaks hard.