History’s Number 1 Founder

v2 ~: 1246. Old devil clown, but so!

Shen Qifeng was pale and in the middle of Yang Qing, the magical spell that was too sleepy, even if he escaped from the dead and reborn, his spirit was hurt.

He stared at Yang Qing, and he saw Yang Qingmu standing in the void, his face muscles twitching slightly, his eyes flashing non-stop, apparently in extreme chaos.

"Is the fear in his heart completely triggered by you?" Shen Qifeng looked at this scene: "But he seems to be trying to restrain the fear in his heart."

Sikong said faintly: "Everyone wants to be fearless, but I don't know. Fear can often give us more power and move us further."

"Fear is our biggest source of distress, but it is also the greatest driving force for us to advance. It is the most powerful force in the world." Sikong sneaked a smile: "My generation is a true self-cultivator, trying to cultivate the Tao, asking for longevity, not to resist Death?"

"King Dan, knotting the baby, witnessing the Yuanshen, making up the three robberies, practicing the magic weapon, practicing the magical powers, increasing the mana... All the way, who is not the case?"

"The fear of life and death, the fear of silence... All these things push us to keep moving forward."

Si Kong sighed and sighed: "The power of fear is really wonderful."

Shen Qifeng stood beside him and said quietly: "The high opinion of the **** king is admired, but now, let us deal with this person as soon as possible."

Si Kong You said: "Yes, although his fear grows, his own cultivation is the foundation. It is the best curse that has been foreseen in his life. But the most important thing at the moment is the plan of his Majesty. Heavy, in order to avoid extra-budgets, I have to kill this son now."

As he said, Sikong’s fingers were light, and the Ghost Temple went to Yang Qingfei. The huge ghost above the temple reached out. From both sides, Yang Qing was shrouded in the palm of his hand.

The ghosts constantly uttered a sharp whistling sound, which further spurred the effectiveness of the fearful curse, and the flashing light in Yang Qing’s eyes became more and more urgent.

And the huge ghost temple itself. Then head towards Yang Qing!

Shen Qifeng urged Brahma Baozhu, and also manifested the Brahma phase, and then the power blessed himself, and reached out to Yang Qing, a golden light flew out. The goal is directed at Yang Qing.

The screaming of the ghosts above the Ghost Temple sounded the days, suppressing the spirit of Yang Qing, and at the same time making the fear of being deeply dug in Yang Qing’s heart more and more intense.

In Yang Qing's knowledge of the sea, it seems that there are countless figures constantly surrounding him, all kinds of words come one after another, and even become a piece of one, gradually making people unable to notice the specific meaning of the words, leaving only a noisy noise.

"The sorrow. There is no hope. Nothing can do. Give up."

These voices made Yang Qing's state of mind more chaotic, and the fear in his heart made him feel like drowning. Into the suffocation, there seems to be an invisible hand, pinching his heart, and then five fingers to force, keep tightening.

For the attack of Si Kongyou and Shen Qifeng, Yang Qing seems to be blind, and the mind is completely immersed in the nightmare scene.

But I don’t know when it was, Yang Qing’s eyes were suddenly moving, and the eyes in the eyes were gradually calm and calm. The fear of confusion is gradually fading, brighter than ever.

The corner of his mouth even showed a faint smile, but this smile fell into the eyes of Si Kong You and Shen Qifeng. But they suddenly raised ominous signs in their hearts.

Si Kong You is even more frowning, because at this moment he feels that his fearful ghost spelled in the soul of Yang Qing has gradually disappeared.

His fear and curse does not contain mana, it is purely an idea, and the other party is difficult to eliminate with magical power. But in turn, when the other party will eliminate the ghosts with their own ideas, Si Kong You can't help the ghosts to resist.

Yang Qing suddenly looked up and looked at Sikong You and Shen Qifeng who attacked himself. He said slowly: "Fear can really give us motivation, but it does not mean annihilating hope. Even if hope is repeated, it will not affect my efforts. Even if it is until the last moment."

"Because of fear, I am self-styled and stop. It is defeated by fear, and it is driven by the power of Changhua."

As he said, Yang Qing himself, and his heaven and earth law, ignited the blazing sun, making the two sides of a whole piece of pure gold, as if there are countless light-like needles to shoot around.

At this moment, his whole person seems to become a fire man composed of the true fire of the sun.

The next moment, Yang Qing and his heaven and earth law, the body made up of golden flames, suddenly turned white, as if turned into a white fire.

The white fire is surrounded by fierce black smoke, and there is a faint black brilliance in the black smoke.

The four elephants change yin and yang, the sun changes into the sun, the sun in the sun, the sun is extinct!

Yang Qing, who entered the desperate situation and turned into a black water man, was as calm as a dead, as if there were no mood fluctuations of any normal person.

Now Yang Qing, who has entered the imperialisted desperate situation and turned into a white fire man, looks violent and overbearing. His tongue is spring thunder and he screams: "The old devil clown, but that is the case!"

In the loud drink, nine black light, in the side of Yang Qing, who turned into a white fire man, was floating and floating, sometimes turning into nine dragon shadows, and sometimes turned into nine rounds of the sun, the power of terror shocked the void, and if it was natural disaster.

The violent nine-yang dying magical powers, at this moment turbulent the world, screaming and arrogant.

The nine-way dragon shadow rises up, as if the dragon is ascending to heaven, and the nine rounds of the sun are shining, as if the sun is bombarding the ground!

Between the white flame and the black haze explosion, the golden brilliance of the condensed power of Shen Qifeng's Brahma is directly smashed and smashed into nothing.

Sikong You's Ghost Temple, the huge ghosts above the temple were also blown up, and the ghosts were mournful, and the whole body was covered with cracks.

The huge temple hall was directly smashed by powerful forces, and it was blown backwards. The foundation below the temple was broken together with the wall and stone. The whole building was shaking vigorously, as if there was a tendency to collapse.

Si Kong You's face suddenly stunned, and the manifested returning ghosts trembled fiercely. The black mist filled the body, and he himself, who was closely connected with the ghost temple, was also hit hard by this nine-yang.

And Shen Qifeng applied the finger of the Brahma, starting from the fingertips, and constantly breaking, let him work hard, can not be recovered, can only watch as he starts from the finger. Until the shoulders, the entire arm was completely ruined, and the Yuanshen and the metamorphosis magic weapon Brahma Baozhu were seriously injured.

Yang Qing, who was separated from the demise of the demise, was shocked by the two men.

Yang Qing has regained his original appearance. It’s just that he and the heavens and the earth at the top of his head are extremely weak.

Whether it is the Taiyin sleep or the nine-yang, it is a hugely expensive spell, and it contains a powerful force to kill the road, and at the same time the power is at the same time. Yang Qing himself will also cause burdens and injuries.

However, Yang Qing was calm and comfortable at the moment, and his mouth still had a faint smile. His spiritual appearance at the moment seemed to be more relaxed and comfortable than ever before.

"Six younger brothers, let me be mad once, I have to trouble you." Yang Qing suddenly sat in the void and sat in the air, flashing his head, showing a young figure, looks exactly the same as Yang Qing himself at four or five. It is his Yuan Ying who is out.

now. It is Li Yuan’s release of the Taoist gods, the re-establishment of the Heluo Tianmen array, and the enrollment of the runners, the equal kings and others.

Listening to Yang Qing’s words, Li Yuan looked at it and seemed to know Yang Qing’s thoughts. His eyes were hidden in his eyes: “Five Masters, you are in a bad state now, and the mana accumulation is still a little far from the peak of Yuan Ying’s later period.”

Yang Qing smiled slightly: "Reassured, I am ready."

He had been practicing medicine for many years before, and he had less time to practice. It was not until shortly before the start of the two world wars that they returned to the Yujing Mountain to retreat and achieve the late Yuan Ying.

After that, although in the Tiantian Zhouguang Cave, the middle of the day also closed for a long time, and kept warming up the accumulated mana. However, there is still a gap from the peak of Yuan Ying.

Later, after experiencing the fascinating dreams of Ning's late songs, he has already undergone a meditation on his will. After waking up from his dreams, he continued to try to figure out the Tao and enlighten the road. Until the life of Yilin Feng, participated in the cruel battle of the Emperor.

At this time, although the accumulation of mana is not enough, but in the understanding of Taoism, you can already see the looming gate.

At this moment, Yang Qing, after experiencing the sorrowful curse of Si Kong You, once again surpassed himself and perfected himself, making him gradually complete in his will.

Yang Qing took out a small porcelain bottle and took a deep breath. There was a cloud in the porcelain bottle that was sucked into his mouth.

Li Yuanfang’s Heluo Tianmen array continued to spread and spread to the place where Yang Qing and others were in the place, and Yang Qing was directly involved in the battle and protected.

When Si Kong You and Shen Qifeng saw it, they all screamed badly, and they thought of the situation when Li Yuan was released to the Yuan Dynasty.

Even though Li Yuanfang’s Heluotianmen array is extremely powerful, Sikongyou and Shen Qifeng still clenched their teeth and attacked them to stop Yang Qing’s next move.

In the river Luotianmen array, Yang Qing looked calm, his palms spread out, revealing a few jade, these jade were crushed by him all the time, from which a large amount of essence, as if endless.

This is the treasure that Yang Qing got when he walked the world. It was a coincidence that contained a lot of aura. A few jade stones were added together, almost matching the original Yunlin tree.

Prior to this, Yang Qing was lack of mentality and lack of mana accumulation. Both of them slowly cultivated and progressed. At this moment, his mentality practice was sufficient. What was lacking was the accumulation of mana, just like the Daedic Zen Master’s impact on the three-fold pure land.

After experiencing a lot of experience, after taking thirty-three days to build the elixir, the imaginary door of the emptiness of the gods in the void, began to become clear in front of Yang Qing.

At this moment, in the addition of these jade, with the addition of Xuanmen Tianzong's own medicinal herbs, Yang Qing's damage to the soul and the heavens and the earth began to recover, and the massive aura accumulation pushed his Yuan Ying to keep growing.

When his Yuan Ying was extended to the extreme, Yang Qing suddenly gave a clear sigh, and Yuan Ying turned into a light flow, which coincided with the huge heaven and earth law, and then launched an impact toward the door of the Yuanshen! (To be continued.)

Ps: The third day today, ask for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to xt brothers for the 100,000-dollar redemption! Xt brother gang Weiwu domineering does not explain!

The floating red rewards plus more will not be less, I will remember in my heart, come one after another!

Now, in the end of the monthly ticket list, I don't know, I haven't seen it.

I am now a codeword, trying to write a good book for everyone to see, I hope everyone can support a lot, let us go forward on the monthly ticket list, and rush together!

It is difficult to rush to the top of the monthly ticket list. It is an objective fact, but it will not be the reason for me to give up, but to do my best, rush! Rush! Rush!

Tonight, there are updates! H211