History’s Number 1 Founder

v1 ~: 403. Simple things don't make complicate

Lin Feng calmly looked at the ancestors of Kunyue: "Oh? What do you mean, do you have a way to really enter the secret?"

The ancestors of Kunyue proudly smiled: "Yes, if you want to enter the secrets of Kunpeng, you must have a pure bloodline, and the old man is such a person."

Lin Feng looked at the respect of his bird's face and his heart was stunned: "It turned out that this person refining the blood of the big demon 鲲鹏 into his own body, so he produced such a look."

The Kunyu ancestor in front of him is actually not a simple human being, but a half-man and a half demon. He is a human being, but refines the blood of Kunpeng into his own body. The blood is merged, and the external features are a little more than the phase of Peng Peng.

The spells that he only exerted, manifested the giants of the sky, and also integrated into the talents of the Peng Peng Yaozu, palms like the abyss of the sea, the five fingers open like a Dapeng wings, while incorporating the profound mysterious space mystery.

Being looked down by Lin Feng's unpopular gaze, Kunyue's ancestors were dissatisfied and snorted: "Now understand? To enter the secrets of Kunpeng, you must cooperate with the old man."

Lin Feng heard the words and smiled leisurely: "The main purpose of this seat is to do simple things, and simple things should be handled as simple as possible. Simple things should not be self-contained and complicated."

One of the ancestors of Kunyue: "What do you mean?"

Lin Feng said faintly: "This seat has a way to break open the North Sea Xuan Bing, there are ways to determine the specific position of the secrets of the Peng Peng, the only thing missing is the blood of Kun Peng, and in this case, as long as you take your seat down, then all the conditions are not Are they all complete?"

“A very simple thing, why is it so complicated?”

Kunyue's ancestors laughed and said: "There is a mad saying. If you don't know how to lift, the old man will give you a share. You can afford to see you. Since you don't want to face your face, the old man will let you know, what is toasting, not to eat and punish. liqueur!"

As he said, he was unceremonious, his palms were combined, and then he slammed into it, and a fierce hurricane slammed toward Lin Feng.

Where the hurricane passed. The space was directly torn open with a huge crack and twisted.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, his right hand flattened forward, and the black light flashed on the palm of his hand. Between the light, it seemed as if the image of a towering tree with a dry lychee swayed, showing an indestructible. A powerful power conception that is immortal and not bad.

The hurricane slammed on the light and shadow of the iron tree, and suddenly twitched in the air, and then burst into thousands of sharp wind blades, lasing in all directions.

These finely divided wind blades fell between the mountains, and all the peaks were cut out, and even the peaks of the small peaks were completely opened.

It is only the aftermath of diffusion. There is such a powerful, complete hurricane, its destructive power can be seen.

However, Lin Feng’s right hand iron tree light and shadow only swayed a bit, like the water surface of the stone, the ripples kept shaking. But in the end it still remains flat, as if nothing happened.

The face of Kunyue’s father sank. But the greedy light in a pair of eyes is getting hotter.

Sharon Iron Tree, the most powerful point is its immobile defense, called the king of the demon defense, purely than the defense, rare.

After Lin Feng’s iron tree was divided into the thunderbolt to achieve the Yuan Ying period, the strength was greatly improved, especially in the defense, which is terrible.

Blocking the attack of Kunyue's founder, Lin Feng was not in a hurry and reached out to him.

Two circles of virtual magic!

Lin Feng's spell was launched, and the position of the action was the space where the lower body of the Kunyue ancestor was located. The boundary of the space that was replaced was stuck in the waist position of the ancestors of Kunyue.

This time the spell is launched, it is necessary to directly smash this old monster.

The founder of Kunyue quickly found that it was wrong, and wanted to fix the void with his own mana. It turned out to be ineffective.

The monks in the late Yuan Ying period, the upper and lower body were separated directly, and when the Queen of Kuny returned to the gods, they found that their position below the waist had disappeared!

He stared at him and saw the distance. Lin Feng grabbed him on one leg and slammed his lower body.

Lin Feng smiled: "Well, open the secrets of Kunpeng, and finally need the things of the blood of the Peng Peng, now there is."

The ancestors of Kunyue witnessed the splitting of his mind. He was repaired in the Yuan Ying period. He was not killed by the waist and the body, but the opportunity of winning the house, but how can the new body be stronger than the body that smelt the blood of Kunpeng?

"You are looking for death!" Kunyue's ancestors screamed, flying a light and shadow on his head, turning into a very huge Peng bird, covered in blue feathers, golden enamel, with white feathers on his head.

Lin Feng saw it and felt interesting: "Oh, is this person practicing the heavens and the earth, is it the shape of the Peng Peng? It’s just that there is only Peng, but why?"

Geng Peng enters the water as a beggar, and the water is a pen, which is a pure demon family.

The Kunyu ancestors in front of the eyes clearly defined the law of the heavens and the earth by their own mana. It is reasonable to say that they should have both the 鲲 and Peng two shapes, but they only have the shape of a bird.

The ancestors of Kunyue sighed with a sigh of relief.

Such a powerful wind force mana attack, in addition to the Tianfeng Taozun, is the only life of Lin Feng.

The law of heaven and earth is the strong foundation of the monks in the late Yuan Dynasty. The masters of Kunyue provoked the attack of the heavens and the earth at this time. The strength is far stronger than before, and the natural defense of Sharo iron tree is amazing. It is difficult to protect the Yuan Ying in the early stage of Yuan Ying.

However, Lin Feng did not have the plan of passive defense. In the face of the heaven and earth law of Kunyue's founder, Lin Feng smiled slightly, and flattened his right hand forward, and the five fingers that opened up suddenly opened, and then suddenly grasped.

Just listening to a loud noise alarmed too imaginary, shocked the universe, Lin Feng in front of the whole piece of void suddenly collapsed, turned into endless water and fire, and suddenly rushed up.

The heaven and earth law of Kunyue's ancestors originally smashed the anime and the wind was raging, but with the grip of Lin Feng, the void was smashed, and the endless stream of water and fire rushed. Before the opening of the heavens and the earth, the universe was chaotic.

The four images of this chaotic universe, like the torrent of the violent rush, rushed to the ancestors of Kunyue.

When Kunyu's founder arrived at this moment, his face changed completely: "Who are you?" He did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took out the ability to press the bottom of his box. The bird with wings flying high above his head, the blue wing suddenly turned into a piece. Dark.

The black wings opened, and the whole world was dull and dull, turning into a darkness, as if it had entered the night from day to night.

Between heaven and earth, completely into the darkness, all the light, all things, all life, all are swallowed up by the darkness.

Lin Feng's eyes are bright: "The familiar power conception... The most extreme darkness. Isn't this the darkness of the power of the dark beast? You are here, in addition to the blood of the singer, you also master the power of the solitude. inherited?"

Although the ancestors of Kunyue displayed the power of the two great beasts, it was still difficult for the enemy to break the magical powers of the smashing spirits. The turbulent and chaotic land and fire quickly tore the darkness and reproduce the world.

However, this blockade, the Kunyu ancestor's Peng bird world law arrested his remnant flesh, fluttering away quickly.

鲲 化 化 鹏 鹏 鹏 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The speed of flying through space.

So fast, it is not at all that the Yuan Ying period monks can catch up.

Lin Feng saw it, smiled, and waved his hand. A purple flag appeared in front of him. He grabbed the big flag and shook it. Two invisible hurricanes rushed out and traversed the heavy space. The ancestors chased after.

Kunyue's ancestors disdain at first, but soon discovered that the two hurricanes were even faster than him!

Moreover, these two invisible hurricanes are extremely powerful, making a cross in space, and smashing his heaven and earth law directly on the heaven and earth law of the Kunyue ancestor.

The whole man of Kunyue was stunned and still wants to struggle. Lin Feng has already chased him up, and then shakes the purple flag. It is also a huge black hail flying out, emitting a chilly chill, and freezing the Kunyu ancestor. live.

The powerful frozen power allowed Kunyue's grandfather, the great monk in the late Yuan Ying, not even able to self-explore Yuan Ying. He could only watch as he was taken by the ice, but could not resist.

This black hail is exactly the false **** that Lin Feng used to combine the Yuan and Tian dynasties of the family in the late Yuan Dynasty to combine the Yuan and the baby. The strength exceeded the Yuan Ying period. Many single-player competitions, Kunyue The founder is not an opponent.

The two hurricanes that caught up with him before were also not ordinary hurricanes. They were also false gods made by Lin Fenglian. They used the Yuan Ying and Tiandi law of the two Yuan Ying’s late monks as the raw materials. The essence, smelting nine days without a hurricane, although it is a false god, but the speed of the flying dragonfly is also the level of the gods.

Lin Feng took the Queen of the Moon with a black hail, and banned his Yuan Ying, and then refined the memory of the soul, and it really gained.

"This person's luck is good, but it is equal to giving me a gift." Lin Feng thought: "In addition to the secret of the 鲲鹏, he actually grasped the whereabouts of a complete sacred bone, the value of which is not much worse than the secret of the 鲲鹏, It may be more important to me."

In the six births of the two instruments, there is a change called the light and dark. If Lin Feng can get the bones alone, he may be able to meet the conditions of one of the two cores of light and dark.

There is also a secret that makes Lin Feng slightly surprised, and that is what he just captured, but it is only a avatar of this person.

This old blame, the body repair is the late Yuan Ying, practiced into a avatar, but also the repair of the late Yuan Ying, repaired into two heaven and earth law, one got the shape of the Peng Peng, and the other got the Peng shape of Kun Peng.

This person will realize the realm of the Yuanshen in the future, which is different from other people. It is necessary to use the secret method to combine two Yuan Ying, two heaven and earth, and the four.

However, there are still many obstacles, so this ancestors of Kunyue have always been extremely concerned about the secrets of Kunpeng. With the complete heritage of the Kunpeng heritage, he can steadily advance further and achieve the Yuanshen.

Now his avatar was captured by Lin Feng, and the body naturally got the news, and he was angry and afraid.

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile and collected the purple flag. The man rushed to Qingyang Mountain not far from Tianjing City. After the exam, Zhu Yi would go to worship his mother Meng Bingyun and sweep the grave for Meng Bingyun.

Lin Feng also just wants to verify one thing.