History’s Number 1 Founder

v1 ~: 570. Do not return to Shijia

Under the blessing of the power of the two major infants, Yue Hongyan’s comet gun became more fierce, and directly shattered Bai Shi’s bodyguard Baoguang. Then he flew out the white girl.

Blood in the air rushed, and the white dress was red on the blood. The white waist was directly exposed by Yue Hongyan to a huge blood hole, and it was extremely violent.

After the white cloud giant palm collided with the purple gas big hand, the back was shrunk to the white body.

Even if the white cloud is gas-proof, Bai Xishou does not stop coughing blood. He sees that the gas is more than the air intake, and the binocular pupils begin to become godless.

When the void swayed, Xuan Lin Daozun walked out slowly from it, and the usual thousand emotions in his eyes had already faded away, leaving only a calm, as if all things were destroyed.

Ding Runfeng silently returned behind him, without a word.

Lin Feng’s figure also appeared in the sky, and looked at Xuan Lin Daozun with a light face.

Yue Hongyan and Bai Xishao had a battle. Both sides of the martial arts and the spells were extremely fierce and fierce. They were going to make a living. It was really an old saying in the secular, the knife and the gun had no eyes, and the life and death were from heaven.

It is impossible for any party to show mercy, or it will only be death.

Xuan Lindao quietly looked at Lin Feng, just wanted to speak, suddenly a little eyebrows, turned to look in another direction. That is the direction of the Shi family in Xiling City.

Xuan Lindao respected Ding Runfeng and Bai Xiu, and turned to step into the void, disappearing.

Yue Hongyan, Li Yuanfang, Luo Qingwu and Jun Zi Ning all bowed to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng did not talk nonsense. The people rolled up together and disappeared in the same place.

In the meantime, the **** battles on both sides of the small lake have disappeared, leaving only the audience to face each other.

Everyone can see the color of shock from the other side's eyes. No one thought that Bai Xiu has already demonstrated such strength, but he still lost to Yue Hongyan.

A few infancy ancestors guarded each other and looked at each other: "This white cherished light, although the experience of fighting is weak, but the magical power is strong. The mana is arrogant, that is, I am waiting for her. It is also a headache, who knows that this red anger is even more fierce. ""

"Give her growth and the future is limitless."

At the Far Eastern Law Conference, Yue Hongyan won the first stage of the founding of the disciples, began to gradually emerge, and entered the line of sight of others, but because at that time, it was only a base period, not so dazzling.

Today, in the early days of Jindan’s training, he defeated the late Jindian’s Taixu Guanxu. Then let Yue Hongyan thoroughly praise the land of China.

"It is really more and more looking forward to the battle between the brothers of Shijia." Someone sighed and said: "Unfortunately, I couldn’t see the specific process of Wang Lin’s battle with the big stone. I want to be more intense and exciting.” Next to him One person looked at the direction of the Shi family in the mansion of Xiling City: "Just now, Xuan Lin Daozun seems to be looking there. That is the house of Shijia in Xiling City. Is there anything else happening?"

There are indeed other things happening.

At this moment, a handsome young boy with a long black hair shawl is standing in the front hall of the Shijia Mansion and surrounded by a group of people.

The people who surrounded him were the lowest in the Jindan period, and there were many ancestors of the Yuan Ying period, including many of them.

But they are all dignified at the moment. A cautious look at the teenager in front of me, the oppressive atmosphere almost makes the air in the lobby condense into a solid.

There is a faint light and fog in the lobby building, and there are shining figures in the mist. That is the guardianship of the Shijia Mansion, which is already ready to go.

The teenager is naturally Shi Tianyi. After the martyrdom in the past, he was dying, and his parents were guarded in the shackles to kill the encirclement.

Although everyone in the Shijia family knew that he had been born again, but when he really stepped on the Shi family again and stood in front of them again, everyone was still silent.

Some people are jealous, some people feel sad. Some people are afraid of it.

Similarly, some people are also hostile: "Shi Tianqi. Don't forget, no matter who you worship as a teacher. You have blood in your body. You are a descendant of Shijia, who is a younger generation, but asks a family." The appearance of responsibility is your parents, your grandfather is here, will also teach you a meal, let you know what is called honor!"

Shi Tianqi glanced at him indifferently, his body suddenly moved, and the powerful physical strength broke out. Almost immediately, he had already rushed to the front of the Yuan Ying’s ancestors, and punched him out!

Others were shocked and angry, but only two ancestors of the late Yuan Ying had the reaction, and two golden dragon shadows flew out and cut the space.

Behind Shi Tianyi, a mixed hole in the furnace was revealed, turned into a black hole, and directly swallowed the magic of two golden dragon shadows.

The two ancestors of Shijia Yuanying were furious and wanted to continue to work. Shi Tianyi had boxed out, but he had already returned to the original place, as if he had never moved.

He retired, quite a bit of mystery, and instantly separated from the opponent's attack range.

Shi Tianyi regained his hand and stood calmly. It seems that he just did a trivial little thing.

But the result was that the ancestors of Yuan Ying’s early ancestors were directly injured by him, and all the mana was broken up. The Yuan Ying shock was like dizziness, and the flesh and blood were like a whole position, and they could not move completely.

"You didn't move your hand in the past, so I will leave you a life today and show you a punch. It is telling you to talk about it next time." Shi Tianqi said faintly.

The ancestors of the Shijia family took a breath of cold air. With their eyesight, it can be seen that Shi Tianyi really has the ability to kill the ancestors of Yuan Ying directly, and it is indeed a mercy.

But being beaten up by such a grandchildren, even grandchildren, everyone can't swallow this breath.

However, it is really necessary to start a **** battle. Everyone can’t help but flash a person’s figure, a young man in a purple dress.

Although strictly speaking, few people in Shijia have seen the person with their own eyes, but he is like a mountain, pressing on the top of everyone.

What's more, not long ago, the younger brother of this young man was killed in the late Jindan, killing many ancestors of the Yuan family, including three seniors in the late Yuan Ying.

Who can guarantee that the stone gods in front of us will not have the same magic power?

In that case, it is difficult to protect the large-scale guardianship of the house. It is necessary to have a strong **** to kill this talent, but only a thirteen-year-old boy.

However, since the last time I came back to my homeland, the Shijia family, the ancestors of the Yuanshen, who returned to the virtual realm, have always remained silent, even if other members of the family talked about Shuangshi, Shi Wu has never expressed any opinions on where to go.

Shi Wu did not express his position. These stone family ancestors did not dare to let go of the stone.

What's more, Shijiayuan also has a sympathy for the existence of people in Shi Tianyi.

Shi Tianqi did not pay attention to the reaction of everyone. His eyes looked calmly at a middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man is tall and handsome, his face is fascinating, and he stands in the middle of the crowd. Although his age is not too high in the stone family ancestors, it is not too big, but it is already in the late Yuan Ying period. Most people are more faintly focused on him.

If you look closely, you will find that his appearance is at least 70% similar to that of the heavyweight Shi Tianyi.

The middle-aged man looked at Shi Tianqi calmly: "Scorpio, you have a hard time going home, but it is incomprehensible with your loved ones. It is not appropriate. You have really suffered a lot in these years, but you have to go to Xuanmen. Under the main door wall, the master of the Xuanmen Master, the most basic number of gifts should always understand?"...

"The big uncle said with a smile." Shi Tianqi said quietly: "My Xuanten Tianzong naturally tells the number of rituals, but the premise is that the other party should also be acquainted with the ceremony. How does the teacher teach me, it has nothing to do with you, you only need to know one thing." That's it."

"As a disciple of the family, I respect everyone who respects me. As for others..." Shi Tianyi smiled faintly: "Friends come to have a good wine, and the wolf has a knife and a gun. It's as simple as that."

The youngster’s eyes are fascinating, but people have seen it as timid: “You didn’t treat my family as a relative in the past, and today I don’t want to mention blood to me. I’m going to board the door just to get my parents and grandfather to stay. Something here has never said that I want to return to Shijia."

"However, it is for me to hear something else." Shi Tianyi looked at the middle-aged man: "The big uncle seems to be saying that the Shi family should rely on too imaginary, and my mysterious Tianzong is difficult?"

The middle-aged man is the father of Shi Tianyi. He naturally supports his son. Only then, in the family gathering, he persuaded other people to stand firm together, relying on too illusory, and the whole family ruled out all discordant voices and fully supported Shi Tianyi.

In the past, although some people felt that Shi Tianyi was too **** and dissatisfied, but with Shi Tianyi's family leaving without a sound, and Shi Tianyi step by step, the mainstream voice of the Shi family gradually turned to Shi Tianyi.

However, with the reincarnation of Shi Tianqi Nirvana, the Tianmen Tianzong gradually became like a celestial being. The Yu family, who had always supported Shi Tianyi, was destroyed by Shi Tianyi’s master brother and destroyed the ancestral land. More and more Shi’s family positions began to waver.

When Shi Tianyi was beaten by Wang Lin, this kind of turmoil gradually reached its peak.

Shi Tianyi is too optimistic, and everyone is still optimistic about him. Even if it is only a radical activist, it is not weaker than the giants of Lushan and Daleiyin Temple. What's more, the whole is too illusory?

However, the strength of Xuanten Tianzong and Shi Tianyi cannot be ignored. Most people will not really turn the rudder, but at least their positions will begin to be neutral.

Middle-aged men are naturally not willing to do so, so they have held family meetings in a row to get in touch with the real powers in the family.

However, because the attitude of the homeowner Shi Wu is unclear, most people are also blurred in their attitudes, making the tandem effect of middle-aged men seem limited.

Just when he was bored, Shi Tianyi went to the door at this time.

"The uncle is very concerned about me." Shi Tian stunned his head and looked at the middle-aged man like a smile: "I don't know if my uncle doesn't care about my current cultivation. Do you want to end in person, first for me?" That little brother touched the bottom?"