History’s Number 1 Founder

v1 ~: 571. Humanoid beast stone

Shi Tianqi looks like a smile, but from him there is a fierce taste that is undisguised.

From the time he was a little doll, he often went to the Yujing Mountain and went deep into the Kunlun Mountains. Although the purpose was to make a tooth-snake festival, he actually killed many beasts.

Only Master Lin Feng and a small group of brothers and sisters know that Xiao Shi did not even go to southern Xinjiang, and entered the vast land through the cracks in the boundary!

There, he smashed many demon people, his hands were full of blood, and his age was small, but he was used to life and death.

Everyone in the Xuanmen Tianzong counts, and the killing and fierceness of Xiao Tian’s stone are all in the top.

The bear child is extremely ferocious.

A group of stone ancestors can clearly feel the fierce meaning of Shi Tianqi, only to be beaten by him. In the past, he did not really besiege his parents. Before his parents came out from the void battlefield, the man also Did not participate in the interception and arrest.

Therefore, Shi Tianqi only left his life, but among the people present, some people really participated in the work.

At this moment, I was exposed to Shi Tianyi's gaze. Even if they had a long life of thousands of years, they felt a chill in their hearts, as if they were facing a dangerous and dangerous beast.

The pressure felt by the father of Shi Tianyi was even greater. He was silent for a moment, and the golden light was shining behind him. The dragon humming sounded, and Jin Guangzhong gave birth to a white-scale dragon. The white-scale dragons flashed in the golden light, each golden light. They are as sharp as the blade, cutting the surrounding space.

This is how he directly revealed his own world.

"Small Scorpio, since you are full of confidence, the uncle has been with you, and see what you learned from the Lord of the Xuanmen."

The two ancestors of the late Shijia Yuanying, who was next to him, were silent, but the mana was also in turmoil.

Shi Tianyi smiled: "Big uncle, you are laughing again. How can we be a simple trick?"

The young man’s body suddenly moved. The violent violent, in a moment has come to the other side: "but you have to pay debts."

The heaven and earth law of the white-scale dragons attacked Shi Tianyi, and Shi Tianqi did not care. The dark air in the head was opened.

The violent beasts came out of the hole. It is like a baby crying, very harsh.

The mixed-hole flood furnace is full of black land, silent and silent, like a black hole, directly sucking the white-scale dragon!

Everyone in the Shijia family had a shocking scene. The stone-filled furnace at the top of Shi Tianyu was like a very ferocious ancient beast. He opened his mouth and roared and bit the opponent's heaven and earth.

The white scale giant faucet and the first half of the body were bitten, and the latter half of the body struggled and twisted in the air. The dragon's tail swayed, but it was never able to get out.

Originally, the space in the lobby was limited, and the white-scale dragon controlled the space change, and did not show the original size, and was trapped at the moment. I also don't care about that, and instantly expand to a few dozen feet and sweep the lobby.

If the guardian of the non-Shijiazhuang mansion acts, and the white-scale dragon sweeps over, the house can be razed to the ground.

The golden light of the dragon keeps flashing, as if it is an infinite blade, cutting the void. But it is impossible to do anything.

Other stone ancestors can even clearly see that the white-scale dragon is not only unable to break away from the top of the stone pot, but is still being sucked in a little bit.

Everyone took a breath: "What the magic is this?"

The white-scale dragon is a heaven and earth law of the late monk in the Yuan Ying period. It represents the lifeblood and the essence of the powerful in the late Yuan Ying. It is the strongest means of the Yuan Ying ancestors, but at this moment, it is going to be stoned. Hey swallowed it all!

"I just saw the light and shadow in the sizzling furnace. This is the smoldering magical power! Even if it is pure blood, such a powerful devouring power must also be possessed by the demon king later, but this stone Scorpio is really only late in Jindan."

The Shi family's Taoist method is too white, and it was born out of the White Dragon Emperor, one of the secretaries of the Emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty. It has become a superb power in the Golden Way.

Such a supernatural power, even if it is swallowed, is not easy, because the mana is too sharp and sharp, and the attack is extremely strong.

However, at this moment, the white-scale dragon was sucked by the stone-filled furnace of Shi Tianyi, and it was completely unacceptable.

Moreover, this is not at all a small point of stone strength, the mixed hole furnace to absorb the other side of the world, and his own actions are unaffected, and suddenly fell to the opponent.

The law of heaven and earth is subject to the system. The difference between the ancestors of Yuan Ying and the middle of the Yuan Ying is not big. Shi Tianyi, who is extremely strong in physical strength, is close to the body and has no power to fight back.

Shi Tianyi's father is not high in his age, but he is also considered to be in the Shi family. However, at this moment, he is not an opponent of Shi Tianqi.

He snorted and his body rushed into a dragon shadow. There was a strange seal in the dragon shadow. It was like a dragon head, but it was a Yuan Ying period.

Shi Tianqi did not look at it, and reached out and grabbed it. The original white and white palms were instantly black and white, and the vascular ribs all emerged. The roots and pieces were gathered together, and one finger seemed to be as thick as a bolt.

The five fingers open, like the devil's claws, directly grab the Taibai Longyin, forcefully hold the grip, and instantly squeeze a Yuan Ying period instrument to sizzle!

"It's too fierce. It's not the body of the body that the Jindan period monks can have!" The ancestors around the stone family were shocked, and they could clearly see the killing from Shi Tianqi.

Although the position is still swaying, but I can't always watch Shi Tianqi killing people on the spot, and a group of Yuan Ying ancestors immediately gathered up.

"Don't get in the way." Shi Tianyi raised his fist in the other hand: "Yu!"

A powerful force filled with the space of the Quartet directly settled the crowd.

The monks who were repaired below the Yuan Ying period all spurted back and were directly turned over by Shi Tianyi’s “Yu”.

The ancestors of the Yuan Ying period realized the secret of the space and could resist it, but in the next moment, Shi Tianyi’s “Zhou” character was also launched, and “Yu” and “Zhou” were combined to sweep the audience directly. The early monks of Yuan Ying also flew out!

And this is just the beginning!

Bronze Nether Ding appeared, Shi Tianqi grabbed Huang Tianzhong hammer is a knock, the ripples of space shock, and the previous "Yu" and "Zhou" two forces combined, will crush all the people below the Yuan Ying period.

Between the fingers, in addition to the father of Shi Tianyi in front of him, the two ancestors of the late Yuan Ying can still stand, looking at Shi Tianyi with a shocked look.

This kid is simply a humanoid beast!

Nima, the person who came out of the Tianmen Tianzong, really is a monster!

In this moment, Shi Tianqi's left-handed hand of the claws, once again forcefully gripped, the white-white dragon print in the palm of his hand made a sorrow, a Yuan Ying period implement, was shattered by Shi Tianqi.

The two ancestors of the late Yuan dynasty hardened their scalp and also showed their respective world laws.

Shi Tianqi was not afraid, and his body writhed behind him, and the second hole was filled with a furnace!

But at this moment, both sides of the war suddenly turned their eyes slightly, and Shi Tianyi looked expressionless and turned his eyes to the other side.

There, the void swayed, and a tall, tall and straight-eyed boy slowly walked out of it, his face calm and his eyes closed.

Like Shi Tianyi, he has no restraint on his hair and hangs on his shoulders. Compared with Shi Tianqi, the momentum is even more sturdy.

It is the heavyweight, Shi Tianyi.

"My good brother, are you so impatient?" Shi Tianyi said faintly, did not open his eyes, his right hand was flat and stretched forward.

When the white cloud is surging, the infinite ray appears, turning into one and another mysterious rune, floating in the space, the powerful force hardly sets the first hole in the furnace, so that it cannot continue to engulf the white scale. Dragon.

The suction is suppressed, and the white-scale dragon suddenly twists and struggles, and it is necessary to break free from the furnace.

Shi Tianyi looks the same: "I am in a hurry."

"I am afraid that before our decisive battle, my brothers will inadvertently fight your other eye."

Said, he suddenly spurted a stream of air in the second hole in the void in the air, directly smashing the white scale dragon to the waist!

Shi Tianyi’s father made a terrible sorrow. It was his world’s law, and this was directly swayed by Shi Tianyi!

The strongest strength and most precious things of the ancestors of Yuan Ying later, the heavens and the earth, directly destroyed!

At this moment, Shi Tianyi's eyes finally opened, his left eye was unremarkable, and no different from other people.

But in his right eye, the moment broke out with amazing brilliance, and his eyes turned into a haze, filling the whole space. The sky and the sky were flashing in the mist, and the mysterious runes were ups and downs, as if they were evolving a world.

Shi Tianyi said quietly: "Since you are impatient, then I will marry you here first, and then go to Wang Lin."

"You have no chance to go to my three brothers." Shi Tianyi's expression is also indifferent.

Two young teenagers, arrogant, since the childhood events, at this moment finally face to face, real people meet.

"The Dragon Fighting Range is still open for three days. Can you wait for three days?" The voice of Qin Di Shi Yu suddenly sounded.

The void behind the big and small stones swayed slightly, and Lin Feng and Xuan Lin Dao Zun stepped out at the same time, calmly watching each other.

Shi Wu’s main stone, Wu Wu, finally appeared at this time, but he was still silent, but his eyes moved between Shi Tianyi and Shi Tianyi.

Shi Tianqi first smiled at Lin Feng, then looked at Shi Tianyi and his son. His eyes especially stayed on Shi Tianyi's father: "Of course I can wait, the good things in Longshimen still wait for me."

Shi Tianyi walked to his father's side and looked at his injury. His eyes became colder and he turned his head and looked at Xiaoshi. He said: "Unfortunately, no matter how long you wait, Wuling Uncle will not appear in Xiling City to watch you and me. ”

You hurt my father, I will eventually avenge him. Even if my father is injured, he will be destroyed and the world will be there to watch you and me fight.

Your father doesn't know where it is now?

Shi Tianyi is such a meaning.