History’s Number 1 Founder

v1 ~: 572. It is best to mark you on your belt

Shi Tianyi looked at Shi Tianyi, tilted his head slightly, his eyes were fierce, and his teeth smiled: "In these three days, you'd better put your uncle in the waistband to look good, otherwise he can't watch you. My test is over."

He was joking, but no one in the room could laugh, and everyone could feel a sense of killing from him.

Ten years ago, he expelled Shi Tianyi’s family. Not long ago, he was arrested and killed the parents who surrounded Shi Tianyi. Shi Tianyi, his old man, was the leader.

After listening to Shi Tianqi’s words, the people who supported Shi Tianyi’s family were all depressed. Shi Tianyi’s father was deep in his city and his face was hot.

But what has just happened has proved that Shi Tianqi’s words are not empty, and the narrow road meets. His uncle is really life-threatening.

Some people saw that Xuan Lin Daozun and his homeowner Shi Wu were present, and they were more daring, but they wanted to blame Shi Tianqi’s words and went to the mouth. When they saw Shi Tian’s face, Lin Feng, who had a light look, had to swallow it back.

Lin Feng’s gaze was swept over Shi Tianyi, and Shi Tianyi’s right eye was in his eyes.

The tall, heavy-eyed boy took a deep breath and hung his eyes and stopped talking.

Lin Feng’s gaze swept over him and turned to look at Xuan Lin’s Tao. He said succinctly: “Don’t do too many small moves, and lose your identity without saying anything, it’s easy to lose.”

In all fairness, Lin Feng believes that Bai Xiu and Ding Runfeng's actions are based on their personal thoughts. They seem to be such a status and identity as Xuan Lin Daozun, and will not be tempted in these small aspects.

Even Bai Xia and Ding Runfeng themselves may not have moved the mind of the Xuanmen Tianzong at the beginning, but they only refused to accept the words of the infernal disciples and took advantage of the situation.

It’s just a pity. They are not as good as people, but they are self-defeating. It has made the reputation of Yue Hongyan and even Li Yuanfang and Luo Qingwu.

Bai Xiu is directly beaten by Yue Hongyan, and the injury is heavy. Even the home of too imaginary is not cured.

Yue Hongyan's shot, not only opened a blood hole in her flesh, even the soul is heavy, even Jin Dan was broken, she can live, it must be too imaginary means against the sky.

It was only for her such a beautiful girl, she suddenly fell from the cloud, and it was really uncomfortable than death. I was afraid that it was even more painful to be killed by Yue Hongyan.

Xuan Lindao respects the calm. Nearly lonely, watching Lin Feng: "From the beginning to the end, who is constantly moving?"

"Since you are in the world, you have been used to the position of the sword. Although the momentum has gradually developed and calmed down, you can still see that you are eager to gain fame and even reach the point of quick success."

Xuan Lindao respected Lin Feng and looked at him: "Although I don't know why you are doing this. But I can be sure that there are some special reasons for pushing you to do this. Your current situation seems to be beautiful. Actually Going against the water, if you don’t advance, you will retreat."

"You can't afford to lose."

Lin Feng's expression is unchanged. Still in a cloud-like appearance, faintly said: "Life is alive. Who is not going against the water?"

Xuan Lindao nodded and said calmly: "This is true. So today, I don't talk nonsense with you. After three days, everything can be seen."

"See you three days later." Lin Feng smiled faintly. It was not his apprentice who was beaten. Of course he didn't care.

However, with the consistent style of Xuan Lin Dao, I have so gently revealed it today. Obviously, there are other considerations. Lin Feng can’t guess at the moment, but by the time he is now, more needs are based on me.

Three days later, Xuan Lin Daozun and others had any tricks, and he went on.

Although it is in the site of the Shi family, the protagonist at this moment is obviously not Shiwu, and Shi Wu does not have the consciousness of the owner. He always does not say a word, quietly watching Lin Feng and Xuan Lin Dao Zun talking.

Xuan Lin Dao turned to look at Shi Tianyi and his father and son, raised their hands and covered them with a white cloud, and got their mana nourish. Shi Tianyi’s father’s face suddenly improved a lot.

At this time, Shi Tianyi’s eyes have all converged, but his eyes still quietly fall on the small stone.

Shi Tianyi also looked at him. He saw Shi Tianyi being disappeared in the mansion by Xuan Lin Dao. He suddenly smiled and extended his right hand in front of his neck and made a cut throat action against Shi Tianyi.

Shi Tianyi's eyes flashed, and it became colder and colder. He did not speak. People have disappeared with Xuan Lin Dao.

"I am here, I just want to get back what my grandfather and my parents left." Shi Tianyi shrugged his shoulders and turned to look at Shiwu.

At that time, their family mainly lived in the Xiling City house, not the Shijiazu land. Most of the items left by his parents and grandfathers were gathered here, falling in the hands of the relatives who met them.

Shi Tianqi glanced at a few stone family members and smiled and said: "Our account, after three days, slowly count, I think you certainly hope so."

He has already verified that there were people who were saddened by their own family in the past, and he was clear.

The stone family members are silent, and they certainly hope that Shi Tianyi will be directly solved by Shi Tianyi three days later.

"Self-consumed." After Shi Wu faintly finished, he arched his hand at Lin Feng and turned directly, but he disappeared.

Lin Feng looked at Shi Wu’s disappearing figure and smiled a little. He didn’t say much. When Shi Tianqi packed up things, he left.

Leaving the Shijia Mansion, Lin Feng and his disciples calmly walked on the long street. Shi Tianyi seemed to have changed like a person, silent, but just walked quietly behind Lin Feng.

"Thinking about your family?" Lin Feng did not turn back and asked as he walked.

Shi Tianqi nodded and replied after a long while: "The last time I entered the virtual battlefield, there was no gain, and the disciples were very concerned about them."

His emotions were fairly stable. This time he took away the lights of his parents and grandfather's life. The life lights were not extinguished, indicating that their lives were at least worry-free.

When Lin Feng took them back to Wang Lin, the deity left the battlefield of the void and threw the **** of war again.

This incident, Shi Tianyi knows, so he is still calm at the moment.

Just returning to the Shijia Mansion, he provoked the thoughts in his heart.

The mentor and the disciple walked and turned a corner. I saw several people waiting for them there. One of them was dressed in a purple dress, and a young man in a white robe was Lin Yi’s second disciple Zhu Yi.

Next to Zhu Yi, stood a young and handsome young man, dressed in a purple robes with Zhu Yitong style, smiling at the same as Lin Feng and Shi Tianyi, is Lin Feng’s five disciples Yang Qing.

On the other side of Zhu Yi, stood a girl in a yellow dress and saw Lin Feng coming to the front, respectfully saluting: "The younger generation of Shi Xingyun, I have seen Lin's predecessors."

Lin Feng smiled faintly and nodded: "Imperial." Last time his infinite sea emperor law was outside Zhujing City for Zhu Yidu to rob the law. Some things, Zhu Yi had already reported to him.

During the test of Zhu Yi, Shi Xingyun happened to go to Tianjing City together with the gang. Because of the marginal meeting, when Zhu Yi killed Liang Yuan’s late Yuan Ying, the two had cooperated and completely destroyed Liang Yuan’s use. Dharma condenses the evil door organization of incense.

After Zhu Yi's examination, he had to resign the commander of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Who knows that Zhou Diliang had taught him a ritual errand, and he asked the Da Zhou Dynasty to return to the Daqin Dynasty, and to communicate with the Da Qin Dynasty literary world.

So Zhu Yi followed Shi Xingyun and their Daqin Envoys to return to Xiling City, and the nature of their counterparts was also the ambassador of the Da Zhou Dynasty.

Liang Pan seems to be interested in doing water, and the Great Zhou Dynasty ambassador is very fast. Just after confirming the visitors, he will go on the road, all the way, and finally arrive at Xiling City before Shi Tianyi and Shi Tianyi.

Zhu Yi, even on the same day as Lin Feng and others, arrived a little earlier. Before Lin Feng took Shi Tianyu into the palace, Qin Di Shi Yu actually just met the Da Zhou Envoy.

After seeing the ceremony with Tong Lin, Shi Xingyun looked at Shi Tianqi and sighed: "Scorpio, your parents will be proud of you."

On the same day, at the Far East Law Conference, Shi Xingyun had this statement, but also sincerely, but this time again, the meaning is different.

"Xingyun sister is very polite." Shi Tianyi smiled slightly.

Shi Xingyun heard the name of Shi Tianqi, and his face also showed a light smile. She said softly: "You need to be careful when you are in Tianzhu. Shi Tianyi once entered the ancient domain of Tianlong, the ancient domain and the environment of the Dragon Fighting Field. He very familiar."

Shi Tianqi nodded. "I know that this matter, your father has promised that I can enter the Tianlong ancient area to familiarize myself with the environment in advance."

"Shi Tianyi spent a full year in the Tianlong ancient domain, and my time is not so full, but it does not matter." Shi Tianyi said calmly: "Can not change the final result."

Shi Xingyun said: "You have a good number in your heart."

"Speaking, Xing Yunjie, you and my two brothers?" Shi Tianqi suddenly laughed. Shi Xingyun shook his head and said, "Not what you think, really want to say it, but Zhu Yidao’s brother made it on the Tao. I have benefited a lot."

Zhu Yi also shook his head and laughed, pointing at Shi Tianqi and laughing: "Just your boy is not adjusting."

Shi Tianqi smiled: "The second division does not say this, the masters have brought their true sister back to the mountain, when do you want to go back?"

"What else can you compare?" Zhu Yi was so angry and funny.

Both Yang Qing and Shi Xingyun looked at them on the sidelines, laughing and not talking. Nowadays, it’s just that Xiao Shi’s little stone can make Zhu Yi’s work that has been calm and calm.

Lin Feng also smiled at his disciples, but at this moment, his heart suddenly moved slightly, his mouth showed a touch of imperceptible smile, and his eyes turned to another direction.

"It’s finally here." After Lin Feng perceived it, he frowned slightly: "However, how can there be only one?" (To be continued, please search for Astronomical, the novel is better and faster!