History’s Number 1 Founder

v2 ~: 859. The last line of defense, breakthro

Although the world of Huang Quan disappeared, the black ball showed a more heart-rending silence.

The ultimate in the destruction of Huangquan, nowhere to be destroyed!

This is Wang Lin pushing the power of his own Huangquan to the limit. In one instant, burning all, concentrating all the power to bloom at one moment, this one, directly dumping the power of horror and extinction that he has made by his mana. .

On the secluded Taiji map, a grand black temple like a city is the temple of the Emperor. The black ball is in harmony with the Emperor's Temple. The atmosphere of the Emperor's Palace is even more dull and dark, and the color is darker and has no luster.

The place where the Emperor's Temple is located, the surrounding voids are twisted, as if to be inhaled into the dark hall.

The gates of ancient and modern circles have been opened, and the palace has fallen into the ancient and modern worlds. The gate is closed. The next moment, the door is reopened. The palace of the emperor has already arrived in front of Shi Tianfang. There is no time interval at all, and the real moment is just around the corner!

Feel the blessings of the imperial blessings, the horror of the Emperor's palace, Shi Tianfang took a deep breath, the two palms combined, the mana was all motivated, and the six rounds of the road suddenly violently oscillated, as if to break.

A black smoke column rises into the sky and criss-crosses in the six worlds of reincarnation.

Each of these black columns of smoke seems to add a crack to the world.

The reincarnation of the six roads seems to be disintegrating together. The heavenly humanity is originally high, the solemn and sacred person, the clothes are sloppy, the head is wilted, and the body is stinky.

In the human world, thousands of souls cry and mourn, as they face the end of the world.

The figures in the Shura Road fighting each other have become more crazy, more bloodthirsty and more ferocious.

The snake worms and ants in the animal path twitch together. Many exotic beasts are screaming, and it is also a scene of the end.

Hungry ghosts are even more ferocious. The face is more painful and distorted, and the bitterness of the grievance makes people almost suffocate with a glance. It is chilly.

The magma in the Hell Road overflowed, but it showed a joyful atmosphere, as if to see the destruction of the chaos.

The black cracks are getting denser and denser, which makes the six reincarnation world finally completely shattered. A powerful force that destroys the earth and the earth spreads around it, which is like a real world.

This devastating power ushered in the same horrible palace of Wang Lin, and the two sides collided and interfered with the real world, causing the heavens and the earth to distort together. Even the two instruments were affected.

At the same time as the giant force that destroyed the earth and destroyed the earth, at the same time, the six breaths were born from the destruction. The disk rotates, as if to build a six-wheel reincarnation, and the new force after the destruction is even more magnificent.

Reincarnation of the supreme magic of the magic, six broken, reinvented the reincarnation!

The imperial palace, which was blessed by the power of destruction, also broke out. Directly explode the six new reincarnation of the world that will soon be born!

However, the Emperor Temple itself began to disintegrate and dissipated in the void.

But then, the white light of the Nethery Taiji figure, which was made by Wang Linyuan, was almost instantaneous. Before Wang Lin tried his best to exhaust the black silence, he reappeared and turned into the dark void of the world of Huang Quan.

Then the void collapsed here. Condensed and compressed into a terrible black ball.

Huang Quan’s extinction was reversed. The road is reborn.

Shi Tianfang looked at this scene and his brow wrinkled.

In theory. The monks testify to the gods, the heavens and the earth, and all the heavens and the earth can be transformed into their own mana. Therefore, the monks of the gods generally do not have the problem of exhaustion of mana, unless there is a stronger person who temporarily cuts off the gods and monks with the power. Communication between heaven and earth.

However, the monks of the Yuanshen, because of the differences in the magical powers of the Taoism, the power of the heavens and the earth that can be transformed in a certain period of time, there must be differences in efficiency and frequency.

It is like the same two containers with almost endless capacity. They open a hole and pour water together. The size of the mouth is large and small, which will directly affect the amount of water poured out in the same time.

In the same way, in a certain space, the water that originally belonged to this part flows out, and the water in other places is naturally added, but the speed of replenishment may not necessarily keep up with the speed of dumping.

Even after the testimony of the Yuanshen, Wang Lin pushed his own ruins of the Yellow Springs to the extreme, and performed the technique of annihilation. It is still mobilizing his greatest strength in an instant. Such a powerful spell is powerful, but mana. The speed of consumption is equally astonishing. Even if Wang Lin can transform the power of heaven and earth into his own mana, the speed of consumption exceeds the speed of subsequent supplements.

It is not that the speed of replenishment is too slow. After the sect of the Taoist god, Wang Lin is almost a sensation, communicating with the heavens and the earth, and the strength of the majestic will be turned into his own mana.

But the speed of consumption is too fast!

In particular, according to the observation of Shi Tianfang, Wang Lin’s technique of annihilation has a shadow of the law of annihilation.

Before he became a god, he would not only burn all his strength, but even damage the soul to have such a powerful destructive power.

After he proves to the Yuanshen, the use of this technique will faintly damage his own incarnation of the gods.

Once the incarnation of the monk Yuanshen is damaged, it will also cause the integration of the gods and the heavens and the earth to be no longer perfect. At this time, it is impossible to mobilize the heavens and the earth to repair themselves.

The most obvious example of this is Wang Lin’s brother, who first proved Xiao Yu of the Yuan Shen.

Xiao Yu's several spells consume a lot of mana. After he achieved the realm of the gods, this short board was significantly improved, and the four-color fire lotus came in handy.

However, the five-color fire lotus, Mo said that he has not completely controlled, even if the deduction is perfect, at this moment, he is only one blow to the realm of the gods, because the five-color fire lotus is absolutely powerful and enemies, it will also damage his own yuan. God, leading to the lack of integration of the heavens and the earth, can not effectively mobilize the vast amount of mana to replenish the loss of the heavens and the earth.

Therefore, Shi Tianfang originally thought that as long as he blocked Wang Lin's lore, the first three axes, he could slowly concoct him.

Who knows that Wang Lin's power to regenerate the poles not only compensates for the damage of his own gods, but also restores his peak to his own peak in a very short time beyond imagination.

Shi Tianfang waved his hand, and the blossoming red lotus industry fired to Wang Lin. However, he saw a dark yellow treasure on the top of Wang Lin’s head. The dark yellow radiance was like a long river, flowing in the void, putting a blossoming fire. The red lotus is isolated from the periphery and cannot be close to Wang Lin.

Shi Tianfang wrinkled his frown: "Sure enough, Huang Quanzhu of Huangquan Mozong!"

Once the magic road super Zongmen Huangquan Mozong's treasure, Huang Quanzhu, damaged for tens of thousands of years, at this moment finally re-repair, gave birth to the magic weapon, re-glow, although there is still a distance from the peak of the past, but it has a long way to go At this moment, it shows a good style.

Looking at the emptiness of the eternal Taiji figure by Wang Linyuan, the light and shadow of the Emperor's Palace and the black ball are combined again, giving off a very fierce breath. Shi Tianfang's brows are wrinkled and he sighs low: "Six!"

The six-wheeled warfare that is in conflict with the defense of the heavenly halls, the face of the roulette center is gloomy: "The disciples of the masters of the Xuanmen are really different."

The six rounds of the roulette suddenly turned, and suddenly the defense of the heavenly palace was banned, and the attack was no longer continued. Instead, it flew in the air and kept spinning, turning it into a black hole.

The black hole slammed against the sacred emperor's palace, which was blessed by Wang Lin's supreme destruction. The collision between the two sides was fierce than when the previous squad had played against it.

The black hole and the Emperor's Temple were broken together, and the strange reincarnation and the horrible silence swept the audience, and other people who were engaged in the war had to shun.

A reincarnation of a hungry ghost monk, retreating a little slower, was directly swept away by half of the body.

Fortunately, he used the method of yin ghosts to take the sinister sorcerer's sacred sorcerer to death, which escaped his life, and looked at the battlefield before.

In addition to Xuan Li, Xiao Yu, Shi Tianqi, Jie Luo Shi, Shao Dongtian, Xuantian Yin, and Shi Tianfang, others saw his misery, and they all retreated, avoiding it, and even the seriously injured Bipolar Tianfeng. And Zhang Enrui, Luo Qingwu and innocent are also treated with care.

The black hole was broken, and the appearance of the six-wheeled wheel was re-exposed. On the other side, the faint taiji figure of the Wang Linyuan **** flashed white light again. The mana of the damage and consumption of his metaphysical incarnation recovered in an instant.

At the same time, the third time the technique of annihilation was applied again, and the black ball re-agglomerated.

The face of the six-wheel center is also very serious at the moment: "Although there must be a limit, it is impossible to be a truly infinite loop, but it is really tricky to come again and again."

The rotation speed of the roulette became more and more fast, and Wang Lin was tightly entangled, and Wang Lin was not allowed to attack Shi Tianfang.

At the moment, Shi Tianfang did not team up with Liu Lun to besieged Wang Lin, but fell to the Yujing Mountain below!

Just when he and Wang Lin worked hard together, he felt vaguely around as if someone was secretly stunned. This feeling made him very uncomfortable. He immediately decided to take Yujingshan first and avoid night dreams.

The defense ban of the heavenly halls protects the Jade Mountain, and the eyes of the heavens are calm and waved to create a symbol.

The Fuxi exudes a strong radiance, a high-crown costume in the light, the old man with a dry face, and a serious and indifferent look. In both eyes, there are two reincarnated six reincarnations in the world.

The man opened his hands, as if the black hole of the reincarnation, forced the light film of the defense of the heavens to be smashed, and the film suddenly violently twisted!

This person is a great master of the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the reincarnation!

This symbol is what the reincarnation left, and it can manifest its magical power in a short time.

Under the agitation of the reincarnation, the film did not break, but it was also torn open with a small crack.

The crack only reappeared for a moment, but it was this moment of effort. Shi Tianfang had already taken the opportunity to pass through the film and landed on the Yujing Mountain!

Shi Tianfang stepped on the top of Yujing and felt the feeling of being down-to-earth. He always had a steady heart and a little excitement: "Finally..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!

Ps: Thanks to the book karafan for the 10,000-dollar reward, and also for the appreciation of other book friends, thank you!

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