History’s Number 1 Founder

v2 ~: 882. Once you drink, you are already doo

For a moment, Lin Feng only felt that everything in the heavens and the earth had turned into a Sen Han Jianfeng and stabbed himself.

The stars above the Scorpio, the earth under the feet, the breeze and white clouds in the sky, the peaks of the mountains in front of the mountains, the streams and rivers in the mountains, and the lush vegetation.

Even the glaciers deep in the Arctic ice sheet, the swamp quagmire in the southern wilderness, the desert wilderness in the northwest, and the waves in the East China Sea seem to have crossed the barriers of heavy space. Together, they came to this mountainous boundary and turned it into a sword.

The mud tiles and bamboo rafts in a small mountain village seem to have become swordsmen, flying through time and space.

At the moment, he is in the void, and he is being controlled by his own control every minute of aura, as if he has become an enemy in an instant, becoming a deadly threat and killing.

Breathing gently, running aura mana, seems to have produced a few split feelings in his body, the tingling feeling is fake.

Lin Feng smiled, holding the sword in the right, the left hand and the five fingers open, and made a downward pressure on the mountain below.

Yujing Mountain descended from the emptiness, Baiyuxianshan Guanghua circulated, and the top of the hills of Xuantianbao was inviting, and the purple sea was constantly rolling.

With Lin Feng refining the gods and returning to Yujingshan, the grand will finally returned from the heavens and the realm of the heavenly treasure tree, this moment shook a bit, the colorful treasures kept shining.

And the Yujing Mountain, which is a thousand feet high, is also shaken by the mountains, and the body is mad!

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Long! Long! Long!"

The original Yujing Mountain, which was originally a thousand feet high, instantly became full of heaven and earth. It’s the most savage, and it’s much bigger than the three mountains of the Bohai Sea.

Yujing Peak. Xuan Tianbao tree exudes the brilliance of crystal barriers, and the brilliance of the chaos that Yujingshan itself exudes. Once again, it merges into the purple sky of Zhoutian, and shows the white clouds like Xiangyu.

The overall strength of Baiyu Jingshan was promoted to the extreme, and the Daxiantian Vientiane Jianzhen and Xiantianjian were pressed down to the bottom.

At the same time, Lin Feng’s head was lit up, and the bells came in the void. A Hong Zhong broke open the space and came to the world. It is Lin Feng’s life testimony, the magic clock!

The image of the big clock gradually changed, turning into a dark stone gate with a relief of thousands of scenes. In the old desolation, there is a strong sense of life.

With a bang, the door made a muffled sound and slowly opened to both sides.

In the door that opens to both sides, an invisible long river flows out, and the river runs endlessly, not in a hurry, but has a power that will never stop!

The second reincarnation of the clock of creation, the river of the years!

The river is surrounded by the Yujing Mountain. The mountains and rivers are dependent on each other.

With the blessing of the years, the power of Yujingshan was once again known. Defend the strongest attack from the sword of Mount Lushan.

Scorpio swords faceless expression, the grandiose swordsmanship began to focus on a point, pointing directly to the Jade Mountain, to open the mountain to open the stone, the Yujing Mountain also opened!

The world is twisted and turned into a crack that flashes white light. The crack was printed on the white jade cloud outside the Yujing Mountain, and the white jade cloud that looked like a solid did not stop rolling.

"The Lord of the Xuanmen. Come on!" Cang Ming Jian Zun stood next to the Scorpio Swordsman, took a deep breath, squeezed his sword, kneel on one knee, and point on the main peak of Mount Lushan under his body!

All the sounds have been annihilated. I can only see the main peak of the Lushan Mountain in the center of the Great Immortal Swords. The outer mountain wall is also like the previous six-pulse Jianfeng. It does not stop falling off, and the fallen rock does not fall on the ground like before. The piece of gravel is directly turned into a powder in the light of the sword.

The outer mountain rock has fallen off, and the main peak of Lushan Mountain has also turned into a group of swords, which is even more dazzling than any of the previous six-pulse Jianfeng!

In addition to Scorpio Swordsman and Cang Shou Shouzun, even the imaginary Xinlongsheng, together with other Shushan Jianxiu, was crossed into the Daxiantian Vientiane sword array, which is both protection and strengthening the power of the Daxiantian Vientiane sword array.

The swordsmanship of Wanqianjian repaired together and became a piece, swaying in the void.

The Scorpio Sword respects the sword of the fairy sword, and the Daxiantian Vientiane swordsmanship is completely violent. After the swordsmanship of the main peak of the Lushan Mountain is merged, the power climbs to the peak.

For a moment, all the spectators, even the ones who drove the immortal Dragon City, the Tai Palace, the Great Heavens, Shi Yu, Liang Pan and Zhu Hongwu, felt the spirits slightly.

In front of them, it seems that the whole world no longer exists, leaving only a huge white jade sword.

That is the appearance of Xiantianjian, just unprecedentedly huge, it seems that the entire world is turned into this fairy sword.

As if the whole world, it became a sword.

And the sword of this sword is pointing to Lin Feng and Yujingshan!

Lin Feng at the moment, looks as usual, the left hand is swaying, the other side of the Jinqiao out of the two annihilation, and the two annihilation and the Yujing Mountain, turned into a veritable mountain squad, banged out, will Yujingshan arch In the center.

Then, the body is huge, and Lin Feng, who is like a star, is also slap on the surface of the Jade Mountain.

The black and white color of the gods of the gods emerged on the Yujing Mountain. One after another, the light group rises in the sea of ​​black and white light, as if the sea surface rises with huge blisters.

Among these light groups, there are countless avenues singing, like one after another, the gods wake up and open their eyes.

The entire Yujing Mountain, as if it were a fairyland in the sky, shocked the hearts of the people, so that all the monks of the Yuanshen would yearn for their hearts and hate to join in.

The void around Yujing Mountain is constantly annihilated, turning into a black and white air mass, as if the universe is reopening, and the two instruments are set up first, then the water and fire storms rushing, and after the stability, the gossip is transformed into a sacred place.

This earth-shattering Wei Li, with the sword of the heavens and the earth as the sharp edge of the sword, does not allow the other party to step further.

All the spectators, all of them are swaying, this is not just a virtual view of the mountain, there is movement in the Baiyun Mountain, not just the entire Shenzhou Haotuguan

Note, even the demon world has a lot of waves, and it seems to be alarmed by this war.

Liang Pan stared at the direction of Lushan: "The other side of Jinqiao has not yet moved, Lin Feng's own Qitian sword is still there, we can't do it."

Zhu Hongwu also concentrated on himself: "At the moment, Lushan is still slightly superior, but it has not been able to win, and has fallen into a stalemate. Lushan is actually defeated."

"Swords and spirits saved by Lushan Jianfeng will eventually be exhausted. That is why the pros and cons will be reversed, but even if Qi Tianjian and Bianjin Jinqiao join the battle group, they will at most defeat the Lushan Mountain. One life, still able to keep the fairy sword!"

"Lin Feng, what exactly do he want..."

The voice did not fall, Liang Pan and Zhu Hongwu also changed slightly.

Other spectators are also in vain.

Seeing Lin Feng’s left hand supporting Yujingshan, his right hand suddenly loosened Qi Tianjian, and with the method of offering swords, let Qi Tianjian himself float in the air.

In his right hand, there was a scabbard with cracks.

It is the scabbard of the sect of the sect. At this moment, the scabbard of the sect of the sect is covered with dense blood and red cracks, which is full of the dead end.

Qi Tianjian made a scream and took the initiative to invest in the scabbard of the sect, but this time, it was the savage of the scabbard, as if feeling the fear.

Lin Feng's demeanor is easy. He will throw the scabbard sheath of the scorpion sword into the air and gently throw it away. When he catches it, he is already holding the stalk of Sui Tianjian.

His hand slammed into the red light in the cracks on the surface of the scabbard, and the scabbard that had reached its limit had suddenly turned into countless pieces!

The people in Lushan witnessed the splitting, but what made them more trembled was that Lin Feng once again sacrificed the sword of the heavenly sword. The Jianguang will be rolled up together with the fragments of the scabbard, and then turned into a Changhong, flying toward the mountain. Come here!

The goal of this **** Changhong is not the fairy sword, but the Daxiantian Vientiane sword array!

During the journey of Changhong, I saw thousands of shredded scabbard fragments constantly vibrating, trying to get rid of the **** Changhong.

But in the twinkling of an eye, the original black scabbard fragments, all gradually become blood red, from inside to outside, incomparably transparent blood red, sprinkling the ultimate fierce atmosphere.

In the eyes of Scorpio Swordsman, the eyes of the mans are flashing, and the always calm face has changed.

He drove the Xiantian sword to guide the world's Shenfeng to try to intercept the **** Changhong, but the upper Yujingshan immediately defended against the attack, so he did not dare to have any distraction.

The **** Changhong rushed to the Daxiantian Vientiane sword array, and the sword array was completely integrated at the moment. Although the Jianfeng was aimed at Yujingshan, the entire sword array was like a sword of a peerless sword. It was also very strong.

Nuo Da’s tactics are running out, blocking the **** rainbow.

But the blood-red scabbard fragments in Changhong flashed a flash, and the blood-colored Changhong smoothly penetrated into the Daxiantian Vientiane sword array.

Cang Ming Jian Zun also changed his face, driving the ancient sword to meet the **** Changhong.

However, the other side of Jinqiao was driven by Lin Feng. At the moment, following Changhong, under the cover of Changhong, he also entered the sword array and intercepted Cang Ming Jian Zun.

Everyone in the upper and lower sides of Lushan has raised a very unknown ominous sign in his heart, as if there is a big difficulty.

Lin Feng’s voice echoed from the heavens and the earth: “This seat has never been smothered, but it is not a weak person.”

"In addition to the ones who are looking for the dead, this time, the monks who did not participate in the siege of my Xuanmen Tianzong will not be investigated, but the participants must pay the price." Lin Feng said faintly: "I am guilty of my mysterious days." The sect, though far away."

"Resolving the stone and hurting my Xuanmen, this seat will slap him under the sword."

"You smashed the mountain and attacked my Xuanmen Mountain Gate, and this seat also came to visit you."

"You are going to break my sacred door and destroy my sacred door. This seat will break your Daxiantian Vientiane sword array."

"You Lushan wants to **** the scorpion sword of this seat, and this seat will break your fairy heaven!"

"I owe the justice of my mysterious Tianzong, must return, dare not return, this seat will hit you still!"

He squeezed a sword in his right hand and pointed it at the Daxiantian Vientiane sword array: "From the unfalling stone belt to the scabbard, I left the mountain, and I went to the mysterious Tianzong, and when the seat returned to the big thousand, everything was already Destined!"

"One drink, nothing." (To be continued)

Ps: third, ask for a monthly ticket!

