History’s Strongest Senior Brother

v1 ~: 120. Two-pronged approach (recommended t

Fu Enshu looked at Yan Zhaoge, Yan Zhaoge did not sell off, smiled slightly: "Two ways, two-pronged."

"One of them is the martial arts cheats that I used to benefit from the woman's practice of the Taiyin before the secret travels, "Taiyin Zhenjing."

Fu Enshu blinked and stared at Yan Zhaoge.

On the other side of the cloud, it is a slight mistake: "Taiyin Zhenjing?"

Yan Zhao song nodded: "Yes, it seems that you have heard of it."

Feng Yunxiao whispered: "I did listen to... the elders of the past mentioned it."

"Like a woman like us, who is now practicing other martial arts, has no special advantages. It is no different from ordinary people. It depends on its own martial arts talent."

"But before the rumors broke down, there was a martial arts name Taiyin Zhenjing, which is a secret recipe specially applied to the female practice of the Taiyin."

"The woman of the Taiyin practiced with this, and she did more with less. The martial arts training is fast and does not say that it can be used to feed back its own yin physique, which makes the power of the Taiyin stronger."

Feng Yunyi looked at Yan Zhao’s song: "But after the ruin, this martial art book was lost, and only the words were left, only legends were passed down."

Yan Zhaoge smiled and listened to her, then said: "It is so right."

"The way to help you recover the body of the Taiyin is my own thinking, but the inspiration is also derived from the Taiyin scripture."

Yan Zhaoge said, looking at Fu Enshu: "The matter is currently on the door. Only the master and the father know that you are the third high-level person who knows this."

"After I found the Taiyin Zhenjing, you have been retreating, so I have to tell you today."

Fu Enshu nodded and said in an understatement: "You have made a lot of contributions to this matter, but since the Taiyin has it, you give it to me, and I teach Yunxiao the same."

Feng Yunqi and Si Kongqing opened their mouths and did not speak.

Ahu looked down at the ground and could take such a statement for granted, that is, the elder of Fu.

Fu Enshu said faintly: "I don't have the heart to take your credit. It's your reward. Zongmen will never lose you."

"I usually teach Yunxiao martial arts to practice, and these can just match up. Why bother the two masters? Zhao Ge, your own practice, can not be delayed."

Fu Enshu glanced at Yan Zhaoge: "Unless, do you have any other ideas, so you want to be accompanied by the day and night?"

"Cough..." Ahu was almost stunned by his own saliva.

Si Kongqing, who has always been cold, is also curious to see Yan Zhao.

Feng Yun blinked his eyes, but did not reveal his daughter's state. In a pair of big eyes, it contained a few smiles, and he looked at Yan Zhaoge.

Yan Zhaoge is watched by everyone's eyes, looks as usual, and does not see the slightest embarrassment.

Fu Enshu said faintly: "You are responsible for the cultivation of the power of the cloud and the yin, and I often have to deal with me. Because of the problems of the previous generation, you are facing me, in fact, what are you doing? Why bother."

The wording is more straightforward, and Yan Zhaoge has the urge to smile.

This teacher, really only cares about his own happiness, and does not care much about the feelings of others.

However, Yan Zhaoge actually has no dissatisfaction, because Fu Enshu’s words are not very polite, but the idea is not unreasonable.

If you can, Yan Zhaoge is also willing to entrust everything to Fu Enshu, and he is a freehand.

As Fu Enshu said, anyway, credit is solid and no one can encroach.

But Yan Zhaoge decided to take things in his own hands.

He has his own reasons, but many things are not enough for outsiders.

However, whether for public or private, Yan Zhaoge will personally go into battle this time.

"I don't say anything, I really appreciate the sisters, but for the moment, we don't involve men and women." In the face of Fu Enshu's question, Yan Zhaoge calmly answered: "I propose that I am responsible for training the sisters. The improvement of the power of the Taiyin is because I have some ideas, I need to follow up the supervision in real time, and constantly observe the changes of the sisters."

Yan Zhaoge smiled: "Only by the Taiyin Zhenjing, can it be sure that the gap between the teacher and the other Taiyin women will be smoothed out? It is difficult to guarantee."

"After all, in the process of catching up with the sisters and sisters, the other person who won the crown of the Taiyin, has the help of the Taiyin crown and the speed of cultivation is faster."

Fu Enshu’s look became serious: “You said, two ways, two-pronged?”

Yan Zhao said: "Yes, the first is the Taiyin scriptures, and the second is my vision."

As he said, Yan Zhaoge extended his hands and gathered in front of him: "All said that yin and yang are avenues, but is it not another way to the yin?"

"The crown of the Taiyin, the ultimate strength of the world to the yin, is also its strong foundation."

"So everyone never tries to break this."

"Just, too extreme roads, maybe the future is equally big, the peak is also high enough, but the road itself is destined to go up and harder to go, even if the end is ahead, but the road is getting narrower."

“If you can still incorporate more changes under the premise of guaranteeing yin, then there will be more room for development and widening the road.”

Yan Zhao said: "As a result, the road will be faster and faster."

Fu Enshu did not rush to question whether Yan Zhao song took it for granted. Instead, he fell into meditation.

After a long while, she asked: "You need to find the treasure of the lonely yin and help the cloud to restore the original power of the Taiyin. This is the same idea, and both of them are after you try to figure out the power of the Taiyin. The results obtained, the two are equal to each other, this idea is indeed feasible?"

Yan Zhaoge nodded: "Yes, it is to study different materials. After making different considerations, I got the same inference. Although it is still to be verified, I think this method is feasible."

Fu Enshu followed up and said: "You also said that it is under the premise of guaranteeing the yin, otherwise it will only be mixed with yin and yang, which will damage the power of the yin, but it will not be worth the loss."

“This requires a truly viable approach, otherwise it can only stay on paper, like a castle in the air.”

Yan Zhaoge nodded: "Fu Shibo said it is reasonable, I totally agree."

“I always think that action is better than language.”

After all, Yan Zhaoge stretched out his fingers and quickly wrote in the air, seemingly deducing what, suffocating and leaving marks, for a long time.

In the eyes of Fu Enshu, the light flashed suddenly, and it only subsided after a long time.

"Although it is only a prototype, it is enough in the realm of the guru."

She glanced at Yan Zhaoge and said simply: "It’s no wonder that dare to make a big deal. Your research in this area is deeper than me. If I refuse to do so, I will delay the cloud and misunderstand the Zongmen. event."

Fu Enshu looked up at the sky and silently sighed: "Yan Di, one day, may you be overtaken by him?"