History’s Strongest Senior Brother

v2 ~: 1332. Then go to Biyoutian

"Other people may be fine, just wisteria lay..." Chen Emperor Xuanzong slightly frowned.

The wisteria layman is the oldest ancestor of Biyoutian, and he is the highest person in the world.

In the past, the seven-story tour of Biyoutian, which was opened in the past, was born after the great annihilation.

Only the vine emperor is the same as the emperor Jiang Shen, the sun and the sun on the sun, they are the same as the seniors who were born before the great destruction.

However, when she opened Biyoutian, she was injured and she did not participate.

Different from Jiang Xian’s pointing to Shao Junyi and others, it is considered to be a semi-teacher and a half-friend. In the seven-story of Biyou, there are actually more than half of them, but it is a disciple of the Tenghuang.

Although due to the injury, Tenghuang has not been closed for many years, but her influence on Biyoutian is still considerable.

In the upper bounds of the relevant circles, especially concerning the fact that Jin Yutai is a tribute to Yan Xing’s ancestors, there are many differences between Xuanhuang and the teacher.

Correspondingly, in other matters, most of the Emperor Xuan Huang still followed the advice of the Tenghuang.

However, the most sorrowful thing of Tenghuang, in addition to the revitalization of the Daomen and the grievances of the outsiders, is the Yujingyan of Kunlun Mountain, which has become a sacred enemy.

Sword Emperor Yue Zhenbei heard the words, looked solemn, turned to look at Yan Zhaoge.

“Yue Shibo, Chen’s predecessor, don’t worry.” Yan Zhao’s song smiled slightly: “No matter what the outcome, it’s hard for me to squat.”

"It’s fierce to fight in the outer roads nowadays. According to the experience of previous years, because they are restrained by each other, the more such time, the more seniors, the unfair maidens, the Antarctic long-lived sergeant and the squatting squatting, they will be more relaxed. ”

"As a result, although the Pure Land and the Yaozu may still pay attention to us, we are undoubtedly more convenient when we are active, and we are more likely to receive their carelessness."

When the two sides of the foreign roads calm down, the attention is more likely to take care of Yan Zhaoge.

It is not impossible to even send a large number of people to search continuously outside the domain.

So now is a good opportunity.

"You can't relax your vigilance. The more this time, the more opportunities we have for activities, the people who are looking for us, and we are often waiting for us to show up." Yan Di said at this moment.

Yan Zhao song dagger: "Yes, that's it."

He looked at Jin Yun Fu Yunchi: "Bi Youtian, including the surviving upper bounds, has a lot of eyeliners staring at them, that is, waiting for us to contact, and then trying to track, to find the whereabouts of Dan."

"If it is not for me to plan well, Bi Xing Tian Xuan Huang will better arrange the response, I am afraid that it has already been detected by the other side." Fu Yunchi agreed.

Always one person, equally conspicuous, in addition to Fu Yunchi, there are other people who travel alternately to contact the outside world.

The Yanzhao song refining and dandelion hall is getting deeper and deeper, and the control is more and more free. The more it is connected to the family, the more hidden it is.

However, the patience of the other party has not been lost, and more than one person is secretly concerned.

"This Dan Temple gave us a safe and comfortable environment for the time being, but things have two sides." Yan Zhaoge looked at the purple fairy pavilion at the moment: "The husband is guilty of sin, because Dan Dang, who remembers us There are more."

"It’s really time to return to the Taoist universe. When you try to take away the tour of the sky, the movement is destined to be small."

Yan Zhaoge said while touching his chin: "It’s still good to hit the West, and the darkness is better."

First make some movements, adjust the tiger away from the mountain, try to draw the attention of the other side, and then quickly and quickly decide to roll the Biyoutian, once again leave the Daomen universe, hidden into the endless void.

Even if you can't take the other person's attention away, as long as you open a part, the possibility of success is no doubt much greater.

Yue Zhenbei said slowly: "I will go."

Also avoiding the time when the Dan Temple absorbed the tour, the two sides met.

"Zhenbei your goal, obviously too much, there is a suspicion of wanting to cover up, but it is easy to make people suspicious." Chen Xuanzong shook his head and said: "I still go."

In the past few years, he has occasionally gone out alone, mainly to find the solution to Mingkong and Chu Lili.

"Chen old your situation, similar to Yunxiao, even more worrying." Yue Zhenbei said: "Nine quiet is also staring at you."

Chen Xuanzong shook his head: "No matter, I have a measure."

The more the earthquake is seen in the north, no more words.

"There are Lao Chen predecessors." Yan Zhaoge arched his hand to Chen Xuanzong, and then rushed to other people and said: "I am in the north to enter the world, if everything goes well, it will take some time to arrange."

"There may still be a battle at that time. I wait for the meditation, waiting for the opportunity, and being prepared."

Feng Yunqi, Yan Di, and Nie Jing are all calm and dagger, and their expressions are not shocked.

Yan Zhao’s song swayed a little, and there was a tall figure. It was the North Ming avatar.

Bei Ming had a tribute to the Emperor Fu Yunchi: "The Emperor Jindi, you have to bother with you to go to a trip to the sky."

"You don't have to be polite, if you are ready, I will wait for this to leave." Fu Yunchi said.

Therefore, Yan Zhaoge's Bei Ming was immediately separated from the Jin Emperor by the Zixian Pavilion, and then all the way out, leaving the universe of the Dan Dian.

The two did not return directly to the Taoist universe, but stayed in the endless void of the domain.

Through the previous agreement, someone will pick them up and take them back to the Dome.

Yan Zhaoge and the two will hide and wait patiently.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly there was a sword light coming from afar.

Yan Zhaoge and the two met Jianguang, did not move, gave a hidden hint.

Jianguang did not slow down and slowed down. Instead, he said that Yan and Zhao Songs were rolled together when passing by, and then continued to travel as fast as they could.

In the void outside the region, the time and space changes are complicated, and it is difficult to distinguish the direction. The Jianguang can't talk about turning around, and the path continues to hover in the void.

During the period, there were few stops, and some precious minerals that were only found in the void outside the domain were taken. Finally, they were satisfied with the appearance and returned to the Taoist universe.

Into the Taoist universe, the sword light kept going, and continued to move forward, eventually falling into Biyoutian.

Jianguang fluttered and fell in a mountain cave house.

Until now, Jianguang stopped, and the radiance dissipated, revealing an old Taoist who had no pizza hair.

It is a cloud levy that once had a side.

In the meantime, it is not the Yunling Cave House.

There are still other people in Dongfu.

In addition to being familiar with the high snow moor and the dragon snow brothers who can no longer be familiar, there is also a man who looks three or forty years old and looks handsome and relaxed.

Although I met for the first time, but the other party's portrait, Yan Zhaoge has seen too much.

Yuqing's pulse is rumored to be the same as the younger brother of Jinxuan Taibai Zunyan Xingxing, who has been living in Biquantian's Longquan Emperor and Longxingquan.