History’s Strongest Senior Brother

v2 ~: 1526. Sealing Buddha

Yan Xingyu, Di Qingyi.

In their time, Daomen was authentic in the new generation of military martial artists after the great destruction. It is recognized that the swordsmanship talent and the two most accomplished martial arts are called martial arts.

After Yan Xingyu, Di Qingyi also joined the martial arts strongman of the previous era, and opened up the Sword Buddha that was passed down by the Buddha's Kendo.

As a result, in the case of swordsmanship alone, Di Qingying did not let her husband specialize in the former, but also used the sword of the world to suppress the sword Buddha.

The husband and wife, the turn and the sword Buddha test, large and small battles hundreds of thousands of games, stretching for many years.

Each battle of the sword, the interval is not equal.

It may happen that after a few moments, the next battle will break out immediately, or it may take several days, dozens of days or even two years before re-competition.

The Sword Buddha closed the Yuquan world, and no one inside or outside could enter or leave, nor could it convey the message.

The couples of Yan Xing and Di Qing won the competition and the trial will continue.

If it is defeated, everyone will be taken to Bailian Pure Land together with the ancient sword.

As a result of this battle, how long did it take for Yan Xing and Di Qing to win?

The sword Buddha's reincarnation sword has undergone all the subtle changes, and all of them are cracked by Yan Xing's husband and wife. He needs to constantly ponder over his thoughts and innovate.

And many of the exquisite swordsmanships of Yan Xingyi and Di Qingyi are also cracked by the Jianfo. The husband and wife must also strive for excellence and go further.

But after thousands of battles, Yan and Di were invincible.

They are like the sword stone of the sword Buddha, but the sword Buddha also in turn honed them, and their progress is faster and higher than the sword Buddha, always like a desperate mountain, swaying in the heart of the sword Buddha.

"I just waited to watch the scales and claws, and I already felt that I benefited a lot." Yan Xinlin looked at the Qingzhang Taoist and sighed: "It's just more subtle, we don't even think about it, we can't even understand it."

She said leisurely: "Looking at Yan Daoyou and Di Daoyou, it is simply that people can't wait to fold the sword on the spot. From then on, they will not be mentioned."

Qing Zhang Dao closed his eyes and was speechless.

Yan Zhaoge and Yan Di listened quietly, thinking about Yan Xingyi and Di Qingyi in the past, and they were speechless for a time.

After a long while, Yan Zhaoge’s mind jumped out of the memory of the ancestors and asked: “The ancestors, one can continue to defeat the sword Buddha, forcing the other party to fight, and not holding you back to Bailian Pure Land.”

"The first grandmother is also a great sword repair, but if she can't let the sword Buddha shy away from the end, I don't want to fight for the ancestor's edge."

The Buddha of the Da Luo level, even if it is only a sword, lost to Xuan Xian, in general, it is also no face to continue to entangle.

However, the Sword Buddha who incarnates the Tao Lu, but there is no such consideration.

"A battle may only be seen in the hunter, but with the ancestors have been alternately shot, and the sword Buddha test, afraid that there are other plans?" Yan Zhao song said softly.

Yan Xinlin’s decapitation: “Yan Daoyou and Di Daoyou, alternately, one person attracts the attention of the sword Buddha and the sword, while the other person secretly arranges with me...”

She looked up at Tianzhu: "...prepare for seal."

Yan Zhaoge and Yan Di are silent.

"I want to sacrifice the remains of the ancestors and the ancient swords of the immortals, but it is not something that anyone can do. It is not only to see the realm of cultivation, but also to understand the avenue." Yan Xinlin said succinctly: "The end result is the Yandao Friends of the Blood Festival. Hey, Di Daoyou’s blood sacrifices to the ancient sword."

The tragic price was not in vain. With the help of Yuding’s real widow and the embe of the ancient sword, two quiet and mysterious people successfully sealed a Buddha of the Da Luo level.

"The two Taoist friends have been free and fearless in the past. They only worried about one thing during their lifetime, that is, they left a child still in the middle of the shackles, and they couldn’t worry." Yan Xinlin looked at Yan Di, and looked at Yan Zhaoge, sighing and saying. : "See you today, they can have no regrets."

"Unfortunately, the seal of the sword-stricken Buddha in this town was unexpected. The expansion enveloped the entire Yuquan world and completely sealed this square. I could not go out, and I couldn’t send a message and couldn’t contact you."

Yan Xinlin sighed: "As a result, you come to find a relative, but you are also trapped here."

"Respecting the car has a heart." Yan Zhao song shook his head, then turned to look at the three young people who were nailed to the ground by their own swords and held in their hands: "So, what are the three of you?"

"Is there a hatred with the ancestors and the first grandmother? Or do you want to join the Buddha?"

Yan Zhaoge looked up and down the Qingzhang Taoist people: "Hello, is it a big ruin before you?"

It’s been a long time since the big break to the present.

Before the great destruction, the lucky ones survived the great destruction and survived. The Yanzhao songs are familiar with them, such as the sun on the sun, the moon on the sun, and the Qing Dynasty on the moon.

If they fail to board the five-dimensional dynasty, or Xuanxian, then it will inevitably enter the next year of life.

Unless you live for a long time in a very slow time environment.

If you accidentally lost your life, you will have a shorter life and may even have come to an end.

Observed by Yan Zhaoge, the same as the predecessor, the age of Qingzhang Dao may be earlier than Jiang Shen and Gao Han, so now he is already dying, and the deadline is coming.

If you can't go further, the end of your life is not far off.

"The old road can't wait any longer." Qing Zhang Dao finally said at the moment: "The old school itself has learned, and now it has become a realm, it has reached the top, it is difficult to enter."

"Although I don't want to be a singer of the ancestors, if I can go further, I will abandon the Tao and I have no choice."

He looked at Yan Zhaoge and his father and son: "Like your future young people in this class, before you reach their limits, you can't understand my generation."

Yao Yuncheng looked at Yan Zhaoge and Yan Di's eyes, and the color of resentment was even stronger: "Your ancestors sealed the sword Buddha, but they also sealed this jade spring, and everyone must not go out."

"The family began to make breakthroughs in the past, only the same treasures, they need to go out, but they can't help but end up, so that they can only watch their life will be done." Yao Yuncheng hate: "The final teacher is forced to do so, The strong tyrannical tyrannical robbery, fallen under the robbery, all thanks to your ancestors!"

Yan Xinlin replied: "Stop!"

She stared at Yao Yuncheng: "You have not experienced the events of the past, but your master and Qingzhang should have told you that if the two friends of Yan and Di sacrificed themselves, this Yuquan world had already been more than 2,000 years ago. It’s a dead place, everyone is screaming!”

Guangtongzi sighed: "The sword buddha has repeatedly lost under the swords of the two predecessors, and has always refused to retreat. Although it is a bet of all the lives of Yuquan, it has never been a real blow, but it has not... ”

"But as time goes by, his situation is getting worse." Yan Xinlin has a heavy expression.