History’s Strongest Senior Brother

v2 ~: 1600. Stone breaks every stroke!

In the abyss of chaos and darkness, there is a body shape of Fengyun.

With the help of the demon clock, she was assassinated without warning, and directly killed a demon!

The magical powers are powerful, and the three sacred winds are unfolding in the Great Demon of the Yaozu.

The drop of the sloppy head, from the round eyes, smashed, and died.

Under the blade of Luo Yuan, the knife and the two are broken, and it also indicates that the gods are gone, and the soul is scattered.

After Feng Yunyi passed the knife, he did not look at the results of attacking the yellow wind monster. The blade immediately crossed a graceful arc in the void, and changed from a lower jaw to a diagonal one.

"铮" sounded, but in the twinkling of an eye, Yuncheng Wanlipeng had already reached the side.

Fengyun was in danger, and the blade successfully sealed the opponent's attack.

After this block, Feng Yun became a chaotic abyss, and once again disappeared into the dark void in front of him.

After a blow, you can see it instantly.

If you don't move, it's like a deep abyss. Once you move, you will be shocked.

Feng Yunyi selects the target and is also carefully selected.

The people who burned the lamp and the land pressure are powerful, and there are many unknown means. The speed of Yuncheng Wanlipeng is fast.

Sneak attacking and assassinating them may make meritorious deeds, but it may also fail. Even if it succeeds, it is very likely that it will only hurt and not die.

So Feng Yunyi directed his most threatening first knife to the yellow wind.

This demon sacred is not only strong in personal strength, but also in the spirit of the three sacred screams, it is possible to restrain three big sacred golden bodies and one sacred body.

For Yan Zhaoge and others, the threat brought by this big demon is far better than that of the nine-headed worm and the dagger, even more than Yuan Hong, the general trend to the bodhisattva, the battle against the Buddha and so on.

Feng Yun's deliberate, the most threatening first knife, specifically selected the yellow wind monster.

Then, sure enough!

Since the beginning of the war, the first Da Luo strong man has fallen from the door, not from the Buddha, but from the demon who intends to fish.

Yun Cheng Wan Li Peng screamed, the two wings vibrate, time and space chaos, still chasing the cloud.

Already ate a big loss, the Yaozu can not seal the existence of Yunxiao, and there is a second chance to shoot.

The only thing that was done was that Yuncheng Wanlipeng could not detect it in time.

If he is guilty of murder, he may be alert a little earlier.

However, other people, at the moment of danger, can only rely on the sneak attackers themselves.

However, Feng Yunyu boarded the Da Luo, and the strength of the three flowers was strong.

She went on the assassination and tried her best. If she was unprepared, she suddenly attacked. The three roads in the field were all counted, and the people who had the confidence to survive were limited.

Whether the Yaozu has such a treasure of protection, such as the Qinglian Baoqi flag, naturally can not withstand the assassination that is now hidden.

To take a step back, even if Feng Yunyi does not shoot again from now on, the invisible threat is enough to make others feel scrupulous and unable to open their hands.

Even the ancient Buddhas on the burning lamps were divided into six sets of sea pearls at the moment. They were surrounded by the upper and lower sides, and they went to Fengyun, and helped Yuncheng Wanlipeng.

Suoming screamed and screamed, reaching out to the palm of his hand and volleying.

During the annihilation of the stars, the lonely and cold darkness became the master, as if the ever-expanding dead graves buried the void.

Under the darkness, the six sea pearls that slammed into the clouds were suddenly shot.

After the sea ball was blocked, Feng Yunyu and Yun Cheng Wan Lipeng had a fight, and immediately received the knife, the chaotic abyss of the transformation, the overall contraction to a point, this moment seems to lose the concept of spatial position, ethereal unpredictable.

The last point is a glimpse, and it will disappear when you see it.

Yun Cheng Wan Lipeng saw a cold, a cold scream, and his body suddenly flashed.

When reappearing, there seems to be more than one golden-winged Dapeng bird in the world, appearing in time and space.

Since he could not leave Feng Yunyu for the first time, he could no longer continue to passively let Feng Yunqi take his nose, but turned passive into initiative, exerted his own strengths, and attacked Xian Xian and other people.

In addition to Yang Lan and Su Mingming, there are more than one other person in the cloud.

There are attacks on Yan Di, there are attacks on the Antarctic longevity emperor, three big holy gold body, but also one does not fail.

There is also a golden-winged Dapeng bird that bypasses the gates and goes straight to the fairy tales.

But in front of the golden-winged Dapeng bird, a figure of Yang Lan suddenly flashed, blocking him from going.

In other places, Yang Hao’s figure flashed and he intercepted Yuncheng Wanlipeng.

Yun Cheng Wan Li Peng was furious, his wings were shaking, his speed was raised to the extreme, he moved time and space, and he fought with Yang.

Yang Wei's figure is under the cover of the golden-winged Dapeng bird, and he does not let Yuncheng Wanlipeng specialize in the former.

On the other hand, fighting against the Buddha, the general trend to the Bodhisattva and other Buddhist monks, propping up the Qinglian Baoqi flag, and hitting the palm of the Buddha in the Yang Buddha's large Buddha, must jump out of it.

Yuan Hong, Daggers and other big demon, less scruples, also flew to the celestial array.

Yang Shuo wants to block the change of body shape, but Yun Cheng Wan Lipeng in turn intercepts him.

The chaotic abyss reappears and the knives are re-emerged.

Feng Yunyi’s second shot, still no trace, can be found without warning.

The soul-sounding bell rang, and it was a perfect match with the assassination.

The dagger is just a little bit of a soul, and the knife has already reached the top of the head.

Finally, I have already had the lesson of the Yellow Wind blame, so that the dagger who is always vigilant is not at all prepared.

But he only had time to sneak away from the body, a sharp pain in his shoulders, the devastating blade completely ignored the defense of the strong body of the top big demon, and cut the toughness and flesh of the dagger.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of red gold flame in the void, as if it could burn through chaos.

Congenitally away from the fire!

It is the land pressure road Jun finally shot.

Others stood still in the same place, but in the distance, the head of the dagger was around the body, and suddenly the fire broke away from the fire, attacking Feng Yunyu, helping the first fairy to solve the problem.

The sound of Fengyun’s knife slammed into the black gold’s innate fire.

At this time, Yun Cheng Wan Lipeng suddenly reproduced, is appearing beside Feng Yun.

"Catch you!" Yun Cheng Wan Li Peng screamed, the two claws caught together, the two wings vibrate between the wind, still beware of Yang Lan blocking.

"I caught you!" Feng Yunhao did not retreat this time, and the knife was light, but it went up further!

The dark and dark abyss in turn overshadows Yuncheng Wanlipeng!

Photo by the knife, Yun Cheng Wan Lipeng seems to be immersed in a layer of faint mist.

In the Tianhe River, many golden-winged Dapeng birds have shadows, and they are faint and faint.

Yuncheng Wanlipeng sneered, and his two claws forced him to tear the chaos abyss apart.

However, Feng Yunqi did not retreat, and took the knife to fight for the life, leaving Yuncheng Wanlipeng in the chaotic abyss.

One person and one demon are screaming and drinking, and fighting is a group.

Without the golden-winged Dapeng bird blocking the road, Yang Lan’s figure flashed and suddenly stopped the others.

However, he did not relax, but focused on the other side of the land pressure.

In addition to the previous help to the first singer, the top talent has always stood still, but it seems that there is something in the mouth.

At this time, Lu Junjun suddenly smiled and raised his hand to throw something.

Yan Zhaoge, Yang Lan and others look at it, but it is a grass man!

Yang Lan’s heart immediately jumped, and his body flashed to intercept.

However, the land pressure road Jun and the grass people are all around with a raging fire, burning through time and space, blocking Yang Lan to go.

And the land pressure road Jun next, bend the bow and arrow, the arrow points to the grass man, is an arrow shot!