History’s Strongest Senior Brother

v1 ~: 547. Containing evil spirits (4 more)

(ps: add 27/69, fourth!)

Almost everyone is subconsciously looking at Beiming.

Bei Ming split his palms and spread his hands.

There is only one person.

Shi Yan.

Everyone looked at this scene, and there were many kinds of thoughts flashing alternately in the heart.

"Quiet and quiet." Yan Zhao song said calmly, Shi Jie an uncharacteristic silence, nodded silently.

When Yan Zhao Ge saw it, he and Xu Fei looked at each other and knew that Shi Yan was against Shen Ying. In these days, there was a feeling of input.

Stones are like evil hatred, when they are not flat, they are guilty, and they have compassion for the weak. These are not fake.

However, his temperament is fierce. Some people have deceived and designed to frame him. After he knows the truth, he will only cause a strong rebound.

Like Yan Zhaoge and Xu Fei, Shi Jie is also a no-brainer, and he does not recognize the other person as a man or a woman.

Therefore, to deal with a person who deceives himself, Shi Jie is not entangled at all. Whether the other party is a woman or not is not a complaint, and will not make him soft.

Now this is a somewhat silent appearance, but because Shen Ying is currently in his mind, his status is unusual, not just an object of his own injustice and help.

In this case, it is even more injurious to get the truth in the end, and it is even more resentful.

No one knows what kind of performance Shen Ying is in front of Shi Jie.

A faction is calm, and then willing to suffer the appearance of death, as if he finally no longer has to suffer from the heart, but also with a bit of redemption?

Repenting from the beginning, I used to have a mental calculation of stone sarcophagus, but as the two of them lived together these days, they also moved their true feelings, and gradually became unbearable?

Suddenly crying, dying, not saying a word, closing your eyes to death?

There are other various methods...

Yan Zhaoge has emerged in a few moments in his mind. As for the way of crying and crying, crying and arguing for his gambling swearing, Yan Zhaoge does not consider it at all, nor does she feel that Shen Ying’s mind will So dry.

However, whether it was Yan Zhaoge or Xu Fei, they did not ask Shih's specific process. Xu Fei just patted the shoulders of his disciples.

The warriors around the other major sects have not yet dispersed, and they are watching the Yan Zhao song with a bit of hope, but they are not very hopeful.

The Crystal Palace and the Warriors of the Lingzong are quietly rumored to the warriors of Changli Mountain, apparently hoping to help.

The leader of the long-distance mountain elders, looking at the Yan Zhao song, see Yan Zhao song eyes warm, calm and confront him.

This is a long-term move from the elders of the mountain, and some understand: "He is sending a sentimental sentiment, let the Crystal Palace and other sects owe me the long-term feelings of the mountains."

"Although this person is acting arrogantly and arrogantly, it is not a savage, unreasonable person..."

Thinking in the heart, this long distance from the mountain elders to the Yanzhao songs: "Magic Road, now the Tao is long, and please Mr. Yan can help, help the people."

Yan Zhao Ge Xu Xuan: "Cangsheng is heavy, Yanmou will take the shot."

Finally, I got the voice of Yan Zhao, and a group of people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Zhaoge smiled and said: "But you can rest assured that the magic road can't turn the sky."

He still said this at the moment, a group of people gradually ponder over the taste, feeling that Yan Zhao songs are in the chest.

Yan Zhao said: "Let's go."

Say, take everyone on the road together.

In fact, for Yan Zhaoge, although he seems to have a lot of good things in the big world of Bohai, he really prefers the right way.

This has nothing to do with the nominal righteous demon. There is no direct connection between the practice of certain martial arts and the moral quality of people.

The right way also has a mean villain, and the magic road also has a hero.

But in turn, not everyone in the right way is a hypocrite who is a stalwart. The people in the magical path are also extremely wicked and violent.

The reason why Yan Zhaoge is more inclined to the right path in the overall direction is because it is realistic, at least in terms of training methods, the magical martial arts is more **** and more fierce.

Many martial arts martial arts must sacrifice blood for a large number of ordinary people.

Take the Bohai World as an example. The martial arts of the Crypt Island must be accomplished. It is necessary to slaughter a large number of living people on the spot to turn the soul into its own qi.

The phantom konjac of the evil sage, plundering others' life and practicing.

Green Snake Island breeds a snake and feeds on human flesh.

The Luolu Zonglian Xuanwu knife gas will stop, the **** sea knife gas, as the name suggests, is to kill people to take blood and practice the knife, the secluded white bone knife also has to temper the human bones.

Relatively speaking, the Xiaolong Road and the Leihuang School, which are relatively bright and bright, are also killed by the blood of the corpse.

As for the magical martial arts that Yan Zhaoge knows, few are fuel-efficient lamps.

Liuling Magic Boxing, named Magic Boxing, is actually quite gentle and gentle, but the real best practice method is to take the blood of the six kinds of spirit beasts.

Yan Zhaoge asks compassion that this thing is quite limited, and the exercise is limited, but it still rejects the practice of most magical schools.

Other people were taken by Yan Zhaoge, and for a time they didn't know where to go, so they had to wait patiently.

Xu Fei sat side by side with his own disciple. He turned his head and looked at Shijie. He saw that Shi's face had gradually returned to normal.

It’s just that Ishigaki’s gaze has a little bit of sorrow.

Feeling the teacher's gaze, Shi Yan turned to look at Xu Fei and whispered: "Master, am I doing something wrong this time? Being used by people, almost provoked a big disaster."

Xu Fei shook his head and said first: "The road is not fair, and the righteousness is always right."

"Sometimes the situation is urgent, we should not allow us to think too much, we need to act decisively."

He looked at his own voice and said: "But the more you like this, the more you need to pay attention, your opponent, you may set a trap, it is possible to reverse black and white, and sometimes we will encounter black and white Not so clear."

"The other party's goal this time is actually directed at Zhao Ge. If you are unintentional, you don't need to blame yourself."

"Your approach is not wrong, but in the process of doing things, you still need to be more careful."

Ishigaki nodded and said: "The disciple wrote down."

He turned his head and looked at Yan Zhaoge, whispered: "This time, fortunately, there is Xiaoyan Shishu, I know, because I don't want me to be stigma, I am afraid that I can't go through this in my heart. Xiaoyan Shishu used such trouble. Ways to wash my grievances."

Shi Yan smiled and said: "Otherwise, I changed my uncle, he is afraid to kill directly and defend a bird."

Xu Fei can't help but smile.

At this time, Yan Zhaoge and his party suddenly received a message.

Wan Jianchi, the head of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sword, supported the Crystal Palace, and the evil sacred sacred city suddenly retreated, and the direction of the unclear, the crystal palace, the main body of Lin Shi and Wan Jianchi, the head of the squadron, and the same sect of the dragon lord Zhao Zhonghe Liu Shuo, the master of the island of the shock, started a big fight.

The danger of the Crystal Palace can basically be solved.

Everyone was stunned by the words, and then they brushed and looked at Yan Zhao.

“蔺千城 chose the most favorable way for himself.” Yan Zhaoge said.

The long-distance elders of the mountain asked hesitantly: "But where is the city going?"

Yan Zhaoge smiled slightly: "We are now blocking him." (To be continued.) 8