History’s Strongest Senior Brother

v1 ~: 61. Dasheng Shengzong came to the door (

The elder Qin spoke, Yan Xu silent, nodded, got up and walked out.

Feng Yunyi gave a ceremony to Qin Elder: "Thank you for your predecessors."

The elders of Qin put their hands on the hand: "Xiao Nizi, you have a lot of things, you can't be completely ruthless, you have to wait for the final decision on the side of the mountain gate."

"Yes, the younger generation understands." Feng Yunyi turned to look at Yan Zhaoge, whispered: "Thank you."

The name of the lock Tianxia is the original disciple of her great day, and she has heard it.

That is the place where Guangcheng Mountain used to punish the heavy criminals. Only those who are incompetent and incompetent, or those who have made great mistakes will be detained in the lock Tianxia.

In the rumors, there is no place in the sky, and it is even worse than the Zhenlongyuan environment.

Since the Guangshan Mountain Construction School, no one has been locked into the lock Tianxia and can escape.

Yan Zhaoge looked at her as if nothing had happened: "I have confidence in myself."

Feng Yunqi did not have a good attitude: "Yes, I am not confident about you, my fault, I must pay attention next time."

"Next time I will say ‘good, I know you can’t stand it!’”

Yan Zhao song stunned: "low-key, low-key."

Outside the mansion at the moment, a round of golden light seems to be coming on the big day, hanging over the street, stimulating the surrounding world has become very hot and difficult, and pedestrians have retreated.

Anyone with knowledge knows that it is the chief elder of the Great Day Shengzong who sits in the East Tang Dynasty.

And now he is a squadron under the city's posture, the goal is directed at the land of Guangsong Shandong Tang chief elders office, apparently between the two holy sites, there is a dispute.

In Dongtang, this kind of thing is not uncommon, but most of them are secret contests.

Now there is a party elder who is embarrassed and personally goes to the door.

"The contest between the two sides has been upgraded. Wouldn't it be necessary to fight directly in this Jingyang City? The two big masters are fighting, and the rest of the wave can be razed to the ground!"

Many people are worried.

In the golden day of the round, there was a violent voice: "Yan Xu, I know that the boy named Yan is back!"

"He has sheltered my sects and fled disciples, and even wounded my disciples who are responsible for the memorial!"

"You will not teach the door to Guangshan Mountain, then let me help you teach!"

"I will hand over the Yan Zhao song and the donkey, or I will tear you down!"

The calm voice of Yan Xu sounded in the big house: "Where is this disciple, the old man does not need to be accounted for by you, you have lost the doorman in your own day, and you have to find it yourself. What is the relationship with this door?"

"There are no people you want here. If you want to add sin, why don't you have a word? If you want to find you, the old man will accompany you."

In the golden day, a figure gradually became prominent, but it was an old man in a golden robe and a big ear.

He stared at the mansion below, and smiled and said: "I am hurting my holy sect, and sheltering my sects. You are really brave in the mountains."

"It seems that you have forgotten that if you were not under the mercy of my saints, you have already gone out of the mountain!"

The Yanzhao song in the hall heard the words and snorted: "The wind is not afraid of flashing his tongue."

The first invasion of the World of Fire Demon was repulsed, and the Tiange Zun Exhibition was degraded. The Guangfu Mountain was the most devastated of all the holy places, so it gave the opportunity to chase other holy places such as the Holy Day.

Some people respected the contributions made by Zhandong Pavilion and Guangcheng Mountain, but some people moved their minds and wanted to take the opportunity to push the wall down.

Fortunately, the Guangfu Mountain was able to come out in large numbers, and a person who had been willing to assist the exhibition hall in the past, was exposed by the East Pavilion to cover up his own glory.

This person is the Zhanxi Building of Zun Motian, the compatriot of the compatriots of the East Pavilion of the Emperor Tianzun, and the Guangshang Mountain Gate after the exhibition of the East Pavilion.

Behind the pavilion of the East Pavilion, the booth of the West Gate, which took over the position of the head, stood out on the side and showed amazing brilliance.

It is precisely because of the sudden emergence of the exhibition west building that Guangchong Mountain was able to stand still and survive the most difficult years after the first murder invasion.

The exhibition hall and the exhibition west building have also become the most famous and legendary brothers of the Eight Great Worlds after the great destruction.

Under the leadership of the ancestors who were hailed as the great saints by the folks, the Great Day saints rose strongly after the invasion of the sect, and collided with the exhibition west building and Guangcheng Mountain.

Guangshang Mountain took advantage of the leadership of the West Building to take advantage of the conservative situation and regain its power. However, it has never been so much that it has never been allowed to make a big deal.

Later, the big day saint retired to pass the position of the lord to the latecomer, and he had no news.

Zhanxi Building was once again in the battle with the evil spirits, and like the brothers, the last drop of blood was exhausted for the Eight Great World.

However, after experiencing the efforts of the exhibition west building, Guangcheng Mountain gradually regained its foothold, no longer before the storm.

Only during the period, the Great Day Shengzong, after continuous expansion and development, finally surpassed Guangfu Mountain and became the new first holy place.

Yan Zhaoge shrugged his shoulders: "If the saint of his big day is still there, please show up. Now the savage offensive is getting worse and stronger. The Eight Great World is in need of such a strong."

Yan Xu’s figure appeared above the mansion, and the elder elder of the golden robes of the sacred priest looked flat: “If you can do it, you can do it.”

The old man of Jinpao sneered and said: "If the Holy Family is not allowed, I will have cleaned you up. Today I will destroy you!"

He was swelled in the air and re-covered for the golden light.

It is not the seemingly illusory sunshine of Xiao Sheng and Qi Yuanlong, but the true incarnation of the sun.

The water in the surrounding world was completely evaporated, the ground on the street began to crack, and the vegetation was blackened and withered.

At high temperatures, the space scene becomes distorted.

Yan Xu looks indifferent, his eyes are solemn, and his hands are pushed forward together.

The masters of the masters are fully demonstrated. At this moment, the pockets are displayed in Yan Xu and they are different.

The purple flame instantly appeared, turned into a real fire, and played against the golden day.

The purple fire and golden sunlight are intertwined in the sky, and the air temperature rises again.

Some dry and flammable things in the surrounding environment are directly ignited, and the heavens and the earth seem to be turned into a flame world.

As the capital of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the city of Jingyang City was shaken, and a spiritual pattern appeared on the ground.

The air has become slightly cooler, and Yan Xu and Jin Pao old people can feel a sense of oppression to attack themselves.

Neither of them stopped, but let the big battle of Jingyang City suppress the reach of their opponents.

In the sky, I saw the purple fire and the golden sun, and I kept tumbling and rolling.

The sun that the old man of the Golden Gown is incarnate is like a sun.

The sun suddenly shrinks and the figure of the old man of the golden robe reappears. The sun appears in his palm, and he has never been condensed.

The old man in the golden robe raised his hand as if to lift the sun, and then took a shot!

Yan Xu has a palm in his hand, and as he changes his hand, the purple fire in the surrounding space is also condensed.

The beating flame at this moment compresses and condenses the tangible and qualitative solids, which turns into a huge purple dan furnace.

In the Dan furnace, the purple flame kept beating, and the heavens and the earth spread out for the power of the furnace, and greeted the sun of the old man in the golden robe!