History’s Strongest Senior Brother

v2 ~: 712. Behind the gate

(ps: This is the second of the 24th. ΔΔ)

Zhou Haosheng's face is blue and green, urging the ghost koi, and making a full blow to Luo Zhitao!

The boundless darkness obscures the void, and the chaotic time and space turbulence seems to fall into the darkness.

The brilliance and heat disappeared, and only a piece of cold and cold was left in the void.

As if the universe had come to an end, everything was chilled and dead, and as if the heavens and the earth were first opened, the universe was in the original darkness.

The next moment, the original darkness is shattered, and the first light blooms!

The dark sect is extinct, the original dark is shattered!

Zhou Haosheng's full blow, to attack Luo Zhitao's will, for the dark and the clear light.

However, Luo Zhitao's golden light illuminates, and the Chinese sacred sergeant does not destroy the light and smashes the hard-resisting Zhou Haosheng to push the ghost koi's full blow.

And he himself, his hands are not stopped, the sun and the moon gold round to settle the dark sage and the secluded lights, and then the third move continues to shoot.

Luo Zhitao's **** in the food stand like a sword, and the lightning-fast one is a bright sword, pointing to the eyebrows of the already dark.

If the sword is stabbed, the Dark Lord will die immediately.

The Dark Lord reluctantly raised his hand to block Luo Zhitao’s momentary light sword, and the palm of his hand was directly pierced by Luo Zhitao’s fingers.

And Zhou Haosheng used the ghost koi as a gun, and the guns rolled a little and did not destroy the brilliance, and the bombardment was on the eternal light.

The glory of the moment is gone!

The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priests, who are not destroyed by the glory, are directly destroyed by Zhou Haosheng and Ghost koi!

A Chinese product sage is completely dead!

But the eternal light glory for Luo Zhitao to win enough time, the light sword, turned into a big bright knife, stunned the dark sage to hold the arm of the secluded lamp!

All the dark sects of the martial arts roared unwillingly, watching the secluded lights that were to be refining by Zhou Haosheng, and lost their masters again.

The dark plaid on the surface of the secluded lamp, the seawater ebbs in general, and the flight dissipates.

Yan Zhaoge's body is really running, and it is connected with the group dragon temple and the stone door behind him. It is difficult to be distracted.

The Guanglong of the Dragon Palace has been almost completely integrated with Shimen.

Yan Zhao Ge looked calm and calm, looking at the battle.

At the expense of a Chinese sacred soldier, the half-step of the gloom of the original ancestors was tied by Guangmingzong, and more importantly!

After Zhou Haosheng destroyed the eternal light, he immediately attacked Luo Zhitao.

However, the sun and moon gold wheels that have been idle have re-emphasized the invaluable brilliance and blocked Zhou Haosheng.

This time, Zhou Haosheng is not so easy to break through the enemy's defense.

Luo Zhitao was once again forced to retreat the already sorrowful and sorrowful, and then grabbed the secluded lamp in one hand.

In an instant, the dark symbols are scattered, and the shining runes fly on the surface of the secluded lights!

"The emperor's old pilgrims in the past... finally got it!" Luo Zhitao screamed in the sky, and the golden moon and the moon re-formed into the golden day and the silver moon, and it was as if it was eternal.

Zhou Haosheng and other dark martial artists are desperate and unwilling.

Hard work, but made a wedding dress for Guangmingzong!

The two top-ranked sages in the hands of the Ming dynasty, let them fight?

The wind and water turns, the offensive and defensive momentum of both sides is reversed, and the initiative is also completely changed. Now it is the leader of Guangmingzong.

Today, Zhou Haosheng and others are required to interfere with the prevention of Luo Zhitao's refining and illuminating lights.

However, there are sun and moon gold round guards. This difficulty is comparable to that of Luo Zhitao's winning lights, which is much higher.

Luo Zhitao is now in no hurry to be vivid with Zhou Hao. He is now in an invincible position. In just a short period of time, he can refine the secluded lights.

The Guangmingzong, which is superior in strength, will directly crush the dark martial arts people here. There is no suspense to kill Zhou Haosheng and others!

Zhou Haosheng was stunned, but had to consider a very real problem.

At the moment, they have almost no hope, before Luo Zhitao refines the secluded lights, breaking the defense of the Sun Moon and the Golden Wheel.

In this way, they can only see Luo Zhitao refining the secluded lights, and after that, all the dark martial arts, including his Zhou Haosheng, will die without a place of burial.

Then, do you want to let Luo Zhitao still refine the quiet lamp for a moment, quickly retreat, leaving the void of the Ming Dynasty Emperor Mausoleum?

For the lord of the Dark Emperor, this is undoubtedly a shameful choice.

Luo Zhitao refining the secluded lights while watching Zhou Haosheng and others sneer: "The only choice for you is that you are now fleeing, and you may still have a way to live."

"But the total altar of your dark sect has been destroyed, there is no place to hide, this sect can find you at any time, but you have to see which day you can hide?"

"The thief of the dark sect, the day of your destruction, is here!"

He looked up and looked around, and sighed in the sky: "The relics of the emperor belong to the sect, the mausoleum of the emperor, and will be enshrined by the sect of the emperor in the future. This ancestor is the Orthodox Orthodox of the emperor. Nowadays it is the heavenly sect, and the emperor is aware of it and will please me. Waiting to pass on people, clean up the portal for him, kill you these rebellious!"

Zhou Haosheng and other dark martial artists face the face, and the Guangzong martial arts are excited.

Years of fighting, now finally have to win the game!

Yan Zhao song looked at the secluded lamp in Luo Zhitao's hand, and also frowned slightly.

"Little thief, you are here, but it is the best." Luo Zhitao's gaze, then turned to look at Yan Zhaoge, cold and extremely: "I have never been concerned about dealing with you before, but let you jump up and down, continuous bad The patriarchal event has killed more people in this martial art."

"I have to admit that I have never seen a military martial artist who has never seen a realm of Wu Sheng. It can make such a big move for you, but it is still too early to be right with this sect. You can come to the present, not because of yourself. The ability is simply because this sect has never put the real energy on you."

Luo Zhitao said coldly: "From now on, your good fortune is over."

He slightly tilted his head: "Guo Shidi, things are because you value a young man, your disciple who has not yet entered the wall has already died in this kid's hand, and now you will solve it."

A bright elder of the Ming dynasty, the whole body shines brightly, forcibly shuttles through the turbulent time and space, step by step to Yan Zhao song.

One of the Mingzong giant figures, Guo Song, the main hall of Hengguang Temple, Wu Shengwu, see the realm of the realm of the Middle Ages.

In the past, if Huang Jie came to the upper bounds, he was scheduled to worship under his door.

Yan Zhao songs look at the other side of the eagle's general vision, slightly raised his eyebrows: "We have dealt with the third time."

Previously, because of the retreat of the Daxuan dynasty, when Yan Zhaoge informed the anti-Xuanlian army, he met with Guangming Zongwu, and he had seen Guo Song.

However, it is only today that he is the master of Huang Jie in the Ming Dynasty.

Guo Song said faintly: "It is also the last time."

His eagle-eyed eyes stare at Yan Zhaoge: "The younger than Huang Jie is a good young man. Huang Jie is dead in your hands, but like you, you don't know how to live and die, you die in the hands of the old man, not even injustice."

After all, it is a palm to the Yan and Zhao songs, the infinite radiance shines in the void!

Yan Zhao song is not afraid, he smiles calmly: "You think more."

The mind was moving, and his figure retreated.

The stone door behind it is open! (To be continued.) 8