Hitting Up The Big Leagues with a Green Tea Personality

Chapter 1001: Dad-to-be can't eat

  Chapter 1001 Father-to-be can't eat

   "Mr. Luo is too nervous, I love you too much, Mrs. Luo."

  Doctor Chen explained to Xia Mint with a playful look.

  Xia Mint opened her mouth.

  She has been in a relaxed mood recently and feels good, with no reaction at all.

  Luo Tianlin began to have a little bird's stomach.

  He still kept it from her, especially in the last few days, he has not come back to eat three meals with her, every time he came back, he said that he had eaten.

  If it hadn’t been for him to throw up a bowl of tuna salad this morning, she wouldn’t know.

   asked Assistant Chen for the last time, only to realize that he has rarely eaten out these days.

  But Assistant Chen has not dared to tell her.

  Xia Mint couldn't laugh or cry, and then became worried, "What should I do, he wants to vomit even if he doesn't eat, is there any way to relieve it?"

   "Psychological problems, slowly take him to do something happy and divert his attention."

  Xia Mint wanted to laugh a little, but also a little moved.

  "He still has to work. Would you like the doctor to prescribe some vitamins?"

   Looking back, she asked Lin Qi to prepare a lighter, no, sour lunch.

  Spicy cabbage, sauerkraut fish, sauerkraut stewed vermicelli, let's have a wave.

  She turned out the secret Huamei given by Zhou’s mother again from her bag, and then quietly walked back to the hotel bedroom.

   "I'm fine."

  Luo Tianlin sat on the bed with a stiff face.

  He is really nervous.

  Wife is on the crew, there are many people on the crew and mixed, even if there are medical teams and bodyguards on the scene, he is not at ease.

  He found himself uncomfortable a week ago.

   Touching Xiaojiao’s wife’s belly that night, she suddenly noticed that her belly was a little bulging.

  Here is his child!

  He suddenly felt deeper than before!

  He is really going to be a father!

  Now his child is small and fragile, in the belly of his little wife, and she is only 22 years old.

  She was pregnant with a child, and she was still filming in the crew. The more he thought about it, the more worried she got.

  In addition, he checked the information recently when he was free, and found that pregnant women were really fragile, not only morning sickness, but also often getting up and cramping at night.

  There are also some mothers who are in danger during childbirth and may suffer from depression after childbirth.

   Luo Tianlin was nervous.

  Worry about anxiety, this kind of emotion entangled him for the first time, and it is difficult to resolve.

  He wanted to be by her side 24 hours a day, but the next day, he found that he couldn't eat three meals a day, and he was sick with it.

  He didn't dare to eat with her anymore.

  I was afraid that she would affect her appetite, and that she was worried, and that she would have the face of male chauvinism.

  He can only escape through work, hoping that his loss of appetite can be relieved as soon as possible.

   "It's okay," Xia Mint sat down, lay in his arms, put his big hand on his slightly round abdomen, "I listen to the doctor, and I am in good health now."

   "Mom gave birth to four children, I must have inherited..."

  She wants to say that she is definitely in good health, no problem.

  In the end, Luo Tianlin stretched out his hand to cover his little lips.

   He tightened his eyebrows, "We just give birth to one, you don't have to suffer this kind of suffering anymore."

  Xia Mint stayed for a while.

  In fact, she wants to have both children, so she has two children as soon as she is young.

  She was a group performer in her last life. She was an orphan and had no relatives or friends. She was very lonely.

  Now that she has a family and financial conditions, she wants to have two children.

  But since Luo Tianlin's investigation and research, she feels that having a child is too hard for a woman.

  As a man, he cannot share the burden for her.

   "Let’s give birth to one, be good."

  He touched her belly, very careful.

  Xia Mint smiled bitterly.

  Go ahead, let him go.

   Anyway, the FLAG I set up will be pulled down one day!

  Xia Mint does not argue with prospective fathers who have morning sickness.

   Touched Luo Tianlin's arm, and she was a little worried, "Husband, you will not provoke your muscles if you continue this way. When I am about to give birth, you will not be able to hold me."

   Luo Tianlin was shocked.

  The next day, he can eat!

  (End of this chapter)