Hitting Up The Big Leagues with a Green Tea Personality

Chapter 608: "Actor please answer" new competition sy

  Chapter 608 "Actors Please Answer" New Competition System

  The next day, Xia Mint went to the 26-in-20 competition of "Actors Please Answer".

  26 into 20, the game has entered a white-hot stage.

  Except for a few capital **** players, the rest are all real materials, all acting skills are very good, and they are favored by the director.

   "But in the last issue, many fans were strongly dissatisfied with the amateur incident." Ke Youbin got into the nanny car and sent Xia Mint to the scene all the way.

  Take a tablet to explain to her.

  "The main two groups of fans are making trouble. Zhou Weize has a lot of fans here. They are very uncomfortable with Zhao Zhenzhen, a dragging amateur, and they are arguing for the show team to eliminate her.

  The other is the No. 2 male amateur. Last time he dragged down the veteran actor and actor Hao Lei in the same group, and they both eliminated. The veteran cadre Hao Lei has few fans, but has a loyal drama fan. This time he united and slaughtered the program group's Weibo for a week, leaving comments every day. "

  Ke Youbin touched his nose, "The program group is a bit unable to withstand it. This time I adjusted the rules."

  Xia Mint doesn't understand this matter, and she hasn't posted it back on Weibo.

  I interacted with fans several times, all of which were done with Lin Qi’s mobile phone.

  She was a little surprised when she heard Ke Youbin say this.

   "It sounds so angry."

  It's a mistake to find an amateur to participate.

  Ke Youbin took his eyes calmly and glanced at the three-piece suit man in the back seat who was indifferently looking at the documents.

  I dare not say that this very angry idea was approved by a certain man.

   "Because of the addition of amateurs, the rating of Douban's "Actor Please Answer" dropped from 8.7 to 7.9, a full point drop."

   Ke You gritted his teeth and continued to report.

  "The word-of-mouth of the program group has declined. Many people suspect that the amateur Zhao Zhen is really the darling of the program group and doubt their fairness."

  Luo Tianlin adjusted his sitting posture calmly, leaning on the leather chair with his back, and gave him a light glance.

   Ke Youbin's head flashed.


  The boss is looking for someone to attract firepower?

  Hide the real program group "Beloved"?

  Ke Youbin couldn’t help but look at Xia Mint, the ‘true darling’, and his heart opened up!

  No wonder, everything the boss does is intentional!

  Speaking of, my sister-in-law killed Liu Yitong and Zhong Qiu, who had killed 20 million fans, and they were not scolded. There were not many black fans, and they all relied on the boss's hand.

"Ah," Ke Youbin looked at Luo Tianlin, only to feel the two big words "petted wife" on his face. "Anyway, this time the program team also wants to clarify themselves, so the rules of the game are updated again, not in the studio, but Go to the Hengdian scene, there is a director and a real set."

   "Can this be clarified?" Xia Mint expressed doubt.

  Luo Tianlin tapped his finger, “Restore the real shooting scene to the audience, let them know that drag is not only present, but also frequent.”

  Ke Youbin nodded, “This time there are 26 people, divided into six groups, each of which consists of four people, of which two groups have five people.”

   "Each group will be divided into more than one group performance to complete the play together."

  Xia Mint opened her mouth, "This is indeed very real."

  Which crew does not need to perform in groups?

   "An actor who will be affected by the level of performance by amateurs and group performances is a failure." Luo Tianlin closed his eyes, "not eligible for promotion."

  He was talking about Hao Lei, who was unlucky in the previous period and urged to cooperate with the amateur.

  He dragged one by one, and didn't lead the amateurs. The whole work was embarrassing.

  His fans are very distressed and fight for him.

   But if it is not a game, but on the set, I am afraid Hao Lei will be scolded by the director.

  Being in the same frame as the group, your level is not good!

  Isn’t this a showy!

  It’s so difficult to pull an entire performance department student to play the passerby?


  Xia Mint nodded.

   "This time, the six groups were filmed by three directors. Each director submitted two works." Ke Youbin explained.

  Each group has five to six people or more.

  Xia Mint, forget it.

  She can assign any of the three directors.

  If it is assigned to director Zhou Fan, it will be better. After all, you can familiarize yourself with it in advance, and the lower shooting drama will be safe.

  But Xia Mint arrived in Hengdian, caged in the bread suit, and the whole person was not very good after the lottery.

  Zhou Weize looked down and said lightly, "A."

  Xia Mint lowered her head and glanced at the note on the note-A!


  (End of this chapter)